
Tales of Nadsa

This is the story of a family and of friends bound to the stars and to a destiny. A destiny that was decided upon many eons ago. The mages have said that when Nadsa will be at its weakest, the Sun will shine upon them, guarded by the Four Guardians of Ancient Times and guided by the Seer. A new era of peace and prosperity will shine upon the nadsanian civilisation.

AnneliWoodling2331 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

KIM - How to discover humans aren't alone in this world

I actually freaked out when he growled. How ridiculous is that ?

"What in the heck are you doing stupid ! Teleport yourself like earlier if you don't want to die !"

Alright... Paradise was turning out to be really strange. Before I could open my eyes and yell at the stupid angel that I was already dead please and thank you, I felt the weird sensation from earlier. The one I got moments before appearing over the volcano. I decided to keep my eyes shut. Perhaps weird transportation was normal up here. I'd have to get used to it. But I decided it would be wiser not to vomit on my friend Mr. Annoyed. You don't want to start a relationship that badly.

The feeling stopped as quickly as it had started. So it lasts only so little time ! I realized. Guess I was too stunned the first time to get that part. I felt a little bump and realized we had landed. My toes were touching whatever we were on. I opened my eyes and looked down. Ground. Safe, beautiful ground. No lava pits.

Okay, this was the best news of the day.

I must have looked way to relaxed because the face of someone blocked the vision of the ground. A girl. With bluish purple curly hair and blue eyes. Staring right at me. First time I was seeing that. She looked perplexed for a few minutes than shook her head and glared at Idiot Angel (who was still holding me).

"Told you it was a false alert" she said, looking very pleased with herself.

"Don't say stupid stuff Mercury !" growled the angel - oh my god, does he never growl? "She's definitely something. She teleported."

Wait... Time out. I did what ?

She immediately replied. "No dead-brain ! Someone teleported her above the volcano."

"Hell ? Why didn't you tell me ?"

Okay, now he wasn't only growling but he was also getting mad. His grip that was already hard got bone crushing. I swallowed hard to let the pain pass.

"Chaos, if you had stayed a little bit longer you would have been told! But no! Mr. Savior had to teleport immediately!"

Oh no. She was yelling. That's when the "savior" part of her speech got to me. I'm not dead. Wow, that was a relief. I didn't want this to be paradise at all. It might have been hell but I don't think I was bad enough to end up there.

Chaos' grip got even tighter. I gulped and my eyes started to tear up. My whole body shuddered. I felt a movement coming from growling guy and the pain eased.

"Sorry" he mumbled. I looked up and my heart began dancing the Macarena. Black hair and black eyes. Who said wishes didn't come true ?

"Haha!" chanted Mercury. "So you finally admit you were wrong!"

She looked like both Christmas and her birthday had been advanced to today. "Neptune! Saturn! Come hear this!"

Just after she yelled, two men appeared out of nowhere. It didn't even scare the hell out of me. Guess I was already accepting teleportation as a time-saving way of going around. The first thing I saw was that they had odd hair. Not bad odd, more good, but still definitely strange. The first one was blond, but his hair was glistening in the dying sunlight, turning gold, copper, reddish, brown, caramel in a fraction of seconds. I looked back at Chaos and noticed that what I had first believed to be black hair was actually a dark shimmering blue, with some parts dark sky blue and others almost silvery black. Exactly the color of a black hole. Every facet of his hairstyle seemed to be polished and cut just for the variations to immediately attract the eye. Wow. I had to get their hair stylist address. I couldn't even get started on Mercury and the guy who I believed was Neptune : when you have purple and turquoise hair, there's no way you pass without being noticed...

My reflections were cut off when Chaos replied violently to Mercury. "I wasn't talking to you but to her. I must have hurt her."

"Certainly." declared the blond-haired guy (Saturn I guessed), who had materialized next to me and was studying a part of my left arm just above the elbow. There, a blue purple bruise of the size and shape of a man's hand had appeared. "Seeing how much force and pressure you made her endure, I'm surprised her arm isn't broken. Perhaps her physical constitution is stronger than that of common humans."

Humans. Common humans. Okay. Either, they were the products of genetical experiments like in Maximum Ride or they were aliens. Do they know Stitch ?

"Don't press on it!" reacted Turquoise Hair.

That's when I decided that being an anonymous and silent character was getting annoying. I mean, it felt hypocritical to judge and reflect on them in my head when they were so opened right in front of me.

"It's okay." I said quickly. "It doesn't hurt much and it'll be gone in two days. I heal real fast."


Complete silent.

I could hear every single noise. The lava crepitment, the noise made by frogs, the swithling of the wind.

But my four odd friends right here weren't saying a thing. They just looked completely stunned. Open mouth and fixing eyes and all. Even Chaos, who had done nothing but growling since the beginning, was in shock.

"What ? Did I say something weird ?"