
Tales of Nadsa

This is the story of a family and of friends bound to the stars and to a destiny. A destiny that was decided upon many eons ago. The mages have said that when Nadsa will be at its weakest, the Sun will shine upon them, guarded by the Four Guardians of Ancient Times and guided by the Seer. A new era of peace and prosperity will shine upon the nadsanian civilisation.

AnneliWoodling2331 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

CHAOS - How to get spooked

I never was usually spooked out. By anything. The proof is that I can't even remember a single time where I was surprised by Mercury - she wasn't very scary or surprising seeing how much noise she was able to make with such a small body - or the masters. Some people complained about me being too stoic but others, like my parents, were thankful for it. You don't really know what to talk about with a child destined to destroy everything. I couldn't blame then.

But hearing the girl speak was very surprising. She understood us. When we were talking in alien languages. The worst part was that I had never ever expected such a thing. At least not from her. I never trusted anyone but I had felt like she couldn't harm me at all. She was just too fragile. I had felt her shudder when my grip had gotten tighter on her arm. And I clearly remembered her eyes full of tears and how small she had felt when I had stopped her from crashing in the lava. And her expression of relief when we had landed. She had also seemed so puzzled while we were talking. I was thinking that she just couldn't understand. Actually she had and she might only have been trying to make sense out of all the information.

Correction. The worst part WAS that I didn't even react quickly. She had looked at me with her brown eyes full of questions and had said "What ? Did I say something weird ?"

I wasn't even been able to answer. My eyes went from her's to her mouth then back to her eyes. Which were huge. And very bright. With long and thick eyelashes. I went back to the mouth. Her lips were full, of a mate beige color. Very sensual. I gulped and decided to concentrate on her hair. Wrong choice. Is that girl made to attract me in every possible way or what ? I gulped again. The ground was really calming.

"Can you understand us ?" Saturn carefully said in English. He had been there to save the day. Like always. You can always count on him to react when you're too stunned to move or talk. But even he had taken some time to register the truth. That this girl just wasn't a normal human. Maybe she's the one we're looking for ? I hoped for her that she wouldn't be. I actually hoped for no human to be the one we were looking for. To be the Sun. Nadsa was a mess, anyway you looked at it. Flinging someone in there and telling him to rule a place he or she had never seen was just wrong. Even if that was that person's destiny since birth. But I was hoping really, really hard that she wouldn't be it for some reason.

"Sure." The girl replied, easing a little. "I pretty much got everything from the point where I got to the part that this wasn't heaven and thank god it wasn't." Her voice was soft, a little high-pitched and with a strong sense of humor and self-derision mixed in it. I somehow enjoyed it. Before I knew it, a smile was forming at the corners at my mouth. It would be hell funny to have her argue with Saturn. I could already see her turning him upside down in the span of a minute.

"Oh. Okay." Now, my friend was smiling right back at her. Oooh, Mercury's gonna be jealous. "Can you, you know, sum up ?" That's when I registered he was passing from one language to another every two word. Testing are we, Saturn ? I mentally whispered to him. This could only mean one thing. He was also thinking she could be the Sun. He shot a warning look. I knew better than to interrupt him when he was "researching".

"Hum, yeah. 'Course I can." A voice had gotten a bit tense, as if she had understood the unspoken challenge that had just been flanged at her. "Mr. Growling Bear Chaos here saved me from falling to my death in the volcano cause he though I had teleported here." I heard a chuckle coming from Mercury. Those two we're gonna get along just fine bullying me. "Mercury than explained that I had been teleported which also means I'm just normal, which is just fine please and thank you. He got annoyed, gripped my arm very strongly and then excused himself. Which Mercury interpreted as an excuse that was meant for her. So she called you guys and you teleported here. Blue hair boy there is called Neptune and your Saturn. Now, I don't mean to be crude but the teleportation thingy and the "common human" gave away that you lot aren't fully normal. So what are you ? The products of sordid genetical experimentations like Maximum Ride? By the way, do you know Stitch ? Cause if you do, could you get me an autograph ? I mean that would be really cool."

At that point, Mer and Nep were giggling harder than I had ever seen them. You don't really have the time to laugh when you're constellation-bound. And I was having a hard time controlling myself too. Saturn's smile had gotten three foot longer. Okay. She was definitely not normal.

"First answer: we don't know Stitch. Second answer: we are kind of both" answered Saturn. Deep down, I knew he was wondering who Stitch and Whatever Ride were.

"Both ?" She looked perplexed. I guess she didn't really know what was going on up there. No humans did. Their culture, technology and just about everything else was mere child's play in comparison to ours. Well, except cinema. And music.

"Yeah. Genetically modified aliens if you prefer. Only it's natural."

Now it was my time to ask the questions. "Hey, since you already know all our names, it would be kinda rude no to tell us yours."

"Sure. It's Kim" she replied. Immediately. I guess she was used to people asking this question. She was hard to miss. She had this magnetism that drags everyone to her. Not just her looks but also the smile and the energy.

"Kim ? What kinda name is that ?"

"Short for Kimberley Aries. But if you ever call me like that, I'll punch you in the gut." Somehow, I just knew she would do it.

I smiled. She was getting more interesting by the minute. And then something got to me. Aries. As in the constellation. "Aries ? Where did you get that ?"

"Dunno. Usually it's Kimberley Ann but I guess my mom wanted to try originality. My sister's name is Amanda Venus." Now, that couldn't be a coincidence. Daughters with names of planets and stars. Fluent in every possible language. Everything about her was just screaming "That's her ! She's the Sun !"

I was about to jump on her to ask her if anything weird had ever happened to her but Sat had already grabbed her by the hand. The bruise on her arm was quickly changing to a greenish yellow. He yelled "Meet us at the hotel!" before disappearing in a flash with her.

"Sure" mumbled Mercury. "Go on and have fun with some unknown girl who could very well be your ruler."

In sync, Neptune and I asked "You jealous Mermer ?", huge grins glued on both our faces.

"Oh shut up both of you" she replied, before grabbing our hands and teleporting the three of us.

So I indicate in the title who is the narrator so you guys can better understand the flow of the story. In some chapters in the future (if you guys want me to publish new content, of course) there might be multiple narrators so I might publish those chapters in Part 1 and Part 2 types (separate the chapters in fonction of the narrators).

Do you guys feel like this is a good idea ? Please comment on this before I make a decision <3

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