
Tales of Emboria : Wolf System

Fenrir is the son of Edwin the hunter. One day Edwin while hunting find the wolf pub and decide to take him to respect their family long lost custom. Edwin give responsibility of the pub to his son. Fenrir and wolf able to form mysteriously strong bond which has something to do with his long lost family custom. Fenrir is also have strong interest in sword which he learn from his uncle who is knight of the kingdom. The story will follow Fenrir as he go through the journey to become strong knight and help weak and powerless along the way. This is the my first novel so please tell if you find any inconsistency in the story. THANKS

RUNE08 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Storm Vs Snow Bear

Fenrir, upon seeing the bear charging towards him, panicked and tried to run away, his heart pounding in his chest. But the cursed bear was astonishingly fast, closing the gap between them with each thunderous step. Though Fenrir was agile and fleet-footed, the bear's speed outmatched his own.


For nearly two minutes, Fenrir sprinted desperately. The relentless bear pursued him with unwavering determination. However, Fenrir's exhaustion eventually caught up with him. His foot slipped on the icy ground, and he tumbled to the snow-covered earth.


With the bear now only ten meters away, Fenrir's heart raced even faster. Fear surged through him as he struggled to regain his footing. The bear closed in on him, preparing to strike.


But in that fateful moment, Storm, his faithful companion, leaped into action. With unparalleled speed and courage, the massive wolf lunged between Fenrir and the charging bear.


"NO, Storm!" Fenrir shouted in desperation.


The bear was momentarily taken aback by the sudden wolf attack, but it swiftly regained its composure. With a powerful swipe, it flung Storm aside like a mere play doll. Storm collided with a nearby tree, releasing a pained cry as he crumpled to the ground.


Storm, however, was not one to give up easily. Despite his injuries, he summoned the last reserves of his strength and leaped back into the fray, determined to protect his beloved master.


Fenrir watched in pain as Storm relentlessly attacked the bear. It was a battle of sheer strength and ferocity between the two creatures of the wild. But the bear's cursed power proved to be overwhelming, and a single, devastating strike from the bear landed squarely on Storm.


"STORM!" Fenrir cried out in heartbreak.


The wolf lay motionless on the snowy ground, his once-vibrant spirit now extinguished. Fenrir rushed to Storm's side, his tears falling like the winter's snow. He cradled his fallen friend, his heart heavy with sorrow.


Meanwhile, as the cursed bear turned its attention back to Fenrir, preparing to deliver the final blow, an unexpected savior emerged from the nearby bushes. It was none other than Fenrir's uncle, Alvin, wielding his sword with determination.


Alvin charged at the bear, engaging it in a fierce battle. His skill and experience as a knight were evident as he clashed with the formidable adversary, deflecting its deadly strikes with precision.


As Alvin and the bear fought, Fenrir remained by Storm's side, his world shattered by the loss of his loyal companion. He could do nothing but watch as Alvin bravely battled the cursed snow bear.


Finally, Alvin's skill and determination prevailed, and the bear fell defeated at his feet. With a sense of grim accomplishment, he turned his attention to Fenrir, who was still holding Storm's lifeless body. But now unconscious from fatigue and shock.


In the midst of this heart-wrenching moment, the other guards arrived, reporting the successful elimination of the two remaining cursed snow bears. The threat to the village was now over.


Alvin, his gaze filled with sorrow, gently picked up the unconscious Fenrir and hoisted him onto his shoulder.

Alvin ordered his men to burry storm.

Alvin prepared to carry the unconscious Fenrir back to the village. Just as he was about to begin the journey home, Edward emerged from the shadows of the forest. His eyes widened in concern when he saw Fenrir on Alvin's shoulder, and he opened his mouth to voice his worries.

However, Alvin's words reassured him before he could utter a single syllable. "Don't worry, Edward," Alvin spoke gently. "He is just unconscious. He is not injured. But Storm was not able to make it. He died protecting Fenrir."

Edward's emotions were a mixture of relief and disappointment. Relief, because Fenrir was safe and sound, and disappointment at the loss of their loyal wolf companion. He nodded in acknowledgment of Alvin's words, unable to find the right words to express his feelings fully.

Alvin continued, his voice carrying gratitude and admiration. "From 200 meters east of here, we were trapped by a cursed snow bear. We were on the brink of death, but Fenrir drew the bear's attention to himself and lured it away from us. Marvin is injured and unable to move. Can you ask your men to help him?"

"Of course," Edward replied, his voice filled with gratitude for Fenrir's bravery. "Fenrir is surely the bravest boy I have ever seen. He saved both mine and Marvin's lives."

Alvin nodded in agreement. "I am sure he will pass the martial intent test and become a knight."

"Yes, definitely," Edward agreed. "But with Storm gone, my dream of reestablishing the old link between our family and the wolves is now over."

Alvin placed a reassuring hand on Edward's shoulder. "I never believed in that link in the first place. If there ever was one, it is long gone now."

When Alvin and Edward arrived home, Victoria's eyes widened in alarm at the sight of Fenrir unconscious in Alvin's arms. Both men shared the harrowing tale of the day's events, recounting Fenrir's heroism and Storm's sacrifice. Victoria's heart swelled with pride for her son's courage, knowing that he had saved both the village guards and his father.

Fenrir was gently laid down in his bed, his parents anxiously awaiting his return to consciousness. Alvin, however, had to leave to fulfill his duties as the village's security officer, leaving Fenrir to rest under the watchful eyes of his mother.

In the pitch-dark realm of unconsciousness, Fenrir slowly awakened. He found himself surrounded by pitch darkness..

"Fenrir," a voice called his name, But there was no one to be seen.