
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs


Blood in color between golden and red spewed fromright side of his face. Due the damage he took he fell backwards. When his colossus body hit the ground, entire cave shook.

"You liar! You even use the same techniques as him!"

What? My spear technique was same as Lucy's?

"What do you mean by that? I never saw her fight. I also never was taught by her."


Thousands of lightning bolts covered the entire cave. All of them flew straight towards me.

"Can't absorb all of them!"

I never tried to absorb this much of lightning at the same time. If I failed I would be wounded greatly.

"Black Abyss: Boundary."

Spinning my spear, I covered the area around me with my aura. With it I was able to block all of them.

(Aura Manipulation became level 3.)

When did I first started to use techniques? I first used them knowingly in here. I was trying to use my spear more efficiently. So, combining my aura with my spear mastery I created some techniques. They were different that just coating my spear with aura. Just by moving my spear and aura in a specific and sharp manner, I could move beyond what my body and aura allowed me to.


I didn't realized at that time. But I used similar movements against him. At that time I was just trying to get better by copying him.

"Is it in my blood?"

Did Lucy's abilities were passed down to me due blood? Back when I was human, she told me that me getting supernatural abilities was impossible due how much blood thinned.

"But I am a demon now."

Did they awakened? I don't know. But there is one thing I know. I pulled my spear back. Compressing all the energies I have, I focused them at tip of my spear. My entire body shaked trying the control intense energy I created. Roaring with full force, I released it. My shoulder was dislocated the moment I let it.

"Black Abyss: One Man War."

He tried to block it by gathering all the water. My attack broke through all his shield. Reaching to his body, it opened a huge hole.

"Arghhh! He didn't had that! What are you!"

"Of course she didn't."

I created this one. Give me at least that much.

"Why it is not healing! What did you do, demon?"

So he did have regenerative capabilities. Too bad. Due my Destruction Incarnate skill he couldn't heal properly.

"Cry me a river, bitch."

Releasing it also hurt me. Its power was immense but recoil also was immense.

"Too bad for you, I can heal without problem."

High-speed regeneration. My shoulder was in perfect condition before he even screamed. I leaped forward. He was wounded greatly. Even if he had strong life force due his size, I could finish it now. I burned the water drops pounding my body.


Even the flowing water coming outside was frozen over. It also included the water around me. My body was covered with a thick blanket of ice. I laughed.


Energy from Wrath and black flames destroyed the ice I was stuck in without any problems.

"This is… Flames of Fafnir!"

So he knew Fafnir. Ignoring that newly founded piece of knowledge, I was about to slash his face. Until a cloud was formed, that's it.

"You have a lot of tricks."

I said as I flew back while dodging lightning spewing from clouds he formed.

"You are the one with tricks, demon!"

"I said my name in Nox."

Spinning my spear, I scattered the clouds. To my suprise more formed. Is he trying to stall?


Feeling magic power surge out of him, I got ready to dodge. He was trying to fire his breath again!


That breath was more similar to lightning turned into a death laser. I wasn't sure if I could block it fully and I was sure that I didn't wanted to try and find out. I, once again transformed to my agile form. Reading the magic power, I was ready to dodge.

"This magic power… It is different!"

Something was wrong! When he released his breath, it was absorbed and transferred to clouds he created. Since they were everywhere around me…


I coughed blood, as I was shocked repeatedly. Son of a bitch! He transformed his one shot breath to a damage over time attack!

(Abnormal Status Resistance became level 3.)

I pulled myself back from convulsing like a worm. Gritting my teeth, I absorbed some of the lightning. Creating some breathing room to myself, I moved my spear.

"Black Abyss: Boundary."

Using my defensive technique, I blocked the rest. Even with me absorbing and blocking some of it, I still took some serious damage. I growled. Wrath tried to take control of me.

"Fuck off."

My voice was calm. I told this before. If I was going to move with feelings, they would be my own.

"How much time?"

(Remaining time for Wrath: 4 minutes 44 seconds.)

More than half is gone. I have to finish it quickly. He couldn't fire an attack this big consecutively, just like I couldn't fire One Man War. While my body was still healing, I had to attack.

"You bug! You are still alive!"

"Your attacks are weak! Let me fucking show you a real one!"

Clouds changed shape. It started to rain.

"It is not normal rain!"

Droplets hit my scales like bullets. I had no space to dodge. I held my breath. Slashing all the droplets in my way, I flew up.

"You bug! Feel the wrath of a God!"

Lightning formed. Nearly all roof was covered with clouds and all of them released lightning. What I needed to do? I couldn't absorb all of it. I also couldn't block all.

"Do both then!"

I released a loud roar.

"Black Abyss Reconstruction: Lightning Catcher!"

I fused Boundary with how I absorbed lightning.

"You think you can digest my lightning, you bug!"

"I don't think! I will!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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