
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs


(If you are hearing this message this means that you defeated one of the bosses in this floor. I am here to give you info about others.)

What the hell! I thought I only needed to defeat one boss per floor!

(I know what you are thinking. But you don't need to worry. You only need to kill one boss in other floors. Think this floor as a tutorial level.)


(To clear this floor you need to kill chief of three major races living here. Orcs, goblins and lizardman. When you defeated all of them you can go to other floor.)

That was the message left to me by Voice. I left my tent and found Ragnag. He seem to be knowledge about here.

"Do you have any orders for me Boss?"

Getting called boss felt weird.

"Goblins and lizardman. Do you have any information about them?"

"Yes, I do. We been at war with them for generations."

A suprising development. But it is something I could use.

"Do they also have bosses?"

Ragnag shook his head. My heart skipped a beat with worry.

"Goblins have their Chief and lizardman have their Elder."

I sighed with relief. They just had different names for their leaders.

"I need to kill them. Will you help me?"

It felt pathetic getting help. But when I passed out after my fight with Bolgag day ended and I only had 3 days left to finish this floor.

"A war?"

He said. Excitement in his voice suprised me.

"Yes. I don't have anything against them but I need to kill their leaders."

He turned to other orcs.

"Prepare war drums! We are going to war."

Other orcs ran out and I heard cheering. Orcs seemed to like battle. Good for me, I guess.

"Do you have any information about them?"

"Yes. Bolgag fought against them several times. Goblin Chief is Viyucak Mudlove. He is a coward. Only cames out when his enemies are weak. Elder's name is Draco Shinesclae. He has a golden halberd. He is strong. Stronger than Bolgag."

Shit, that was bad.

"Can we drew out Viyucak?"

"How Boss?"

I scratched my chin.

"Bring me weakest of orcs." I will use a strategy inspired by Bolgag. I sent one of the orcs to find me 5 weak looking orcs. While they were searching I asked several questions to Ragnag.

"Are you one that treated me while I was wounded?"

"Yes, Boss."

"Do you know magic."

He puffed his chest.


"Do you know about contracts?"


He didn't seemed to know what I was taking about. Maybe they didn't had any demons in where they originated?

"A magical contract. It binds both parties."

He put his hand to his chin. He were in deep thought for a solid minute after he answered me.

"I heard stories about it from previous shaman."

"Do you know a way to treat someone who broke their contract forcefully? If they are damaged their soul and mind?"

"It is hard Boss. Someone who damaged their soul. It is not impossible but…."

He shook his head.

"I understood. What about other races? Do they also have doctors or magicians?"

"Goblins have witchdoctor. Lizards have totemwizards."

"Do they know how to treat someone?"

"Yes, I think so. But I don't know much about their medicine."

It was worth to try out. I looked at the relatively skinny orcs.

"I have a plan."

Goblin Chief Viyucak were bored. When he woke up in this morning he were bored. He ate what his underlings brought to him. All other goblins looked in jealousy as he ate the best parts and threw others. Even his leftover had several good parts but it was forbidden for his underlings to touch them. Even though they still could be eaten they were going to rot. It was how Viyucak lived. Everything in this tribe were his. No other goblins could touch his belongings. Just as he were going to kick one of his underlings for kick of it, a goblin came running.

"Chief! There are 5 orcs in our area!"

"5! Are they warriors?"

5 orcs were too much.

"No, they are weak! Kikigak and his man nearly defeated them!"


Viyucak stood up. He couldn't let others get the kill. He grabbed his spear and rushed to where his underling showed him.

"Ahahah! You dumb pigs! You think you can defeat this great Viyucak!"

He laughed as he saw orcs. They were weak looking. They didn't even had weapons or armor. They were already wounded.

"Open the way you worms! I will be one to kill those s…"

Just as he were about to finish his sentence a black spear flew and tore through his head. Brain matter and skull fragment were scattered to his underlings bodies. A red-black thing fell from trees to ground. Every goblin looked at him with fear.

"So, which one of you is second in command?"

Every goblin pointed their finger towards Kikigak. He were the taller goblin who held a shortsword.

"I am your chief now. If you have any trouble with that I'll kill you."

Poor Kikigak only could nod his head in agreement.

Goblins village looked even worse than orcs. They had houses made out of mud but only one looked slightly good. When I asked goblins why it was like this they told me that it was because of previous chef. I told them to relax.

"So you also no idea on how to treat her?"

Witchdoctor shook his head. Unlike orcs eyes which were filled by respect goblins eyes were filled fully with fear. Is it better to be respected or to be feared?

"Whatever allows me to get closer to my mission."

Trying to set up a trap for goblin chief took one and half days. My time was running out. I looked at the first quest reward I gained since I entered this dungeon.

(Kill one boss monster in one hit. Difficulty B.)

(You gained 3 skill points and 5 stat points.)

I put 3 on vitality and 2 on strength. For skill points I didn't put used them yet. I looked at Ragnag and Kikigak.

"So if I go and propose an one on one duel he would accept it?"

Both of them shook their head.

"It sounds way too easy."

"He is strong Boss."

"Yes, Chief! Kikigak once saw him split 3 goblins in one swing!"

While I didn't really cared too much about Kikigak, I couldn't disregard Ragnag's opinion.

"I have no other choice. I am going."

"If that's your decision I will follow you."

Ragnag didn't missed a beat.

"I.. I also will follow you!"

Kikigak also joined him after a brief hesitation.

"Very well. Let's go."

And that's how I got here. Just in my back were several tens of goblins and orcs. In front of me stood several tens of lizardman. Biggest of them held a golden halberd bigger than himself. He were adorned with trinkets I didn't knew meaning of. His body were covered with scars. He looked more experienced than other bosses combined.

"Are you one that managed to unite orcs and goblins together?"

His voice told me how old he were. But rather than thinking him as weak I was even more sure that he were strong. No warrior could get old without being super strong.

"Yes. Now I will also unite the lizardman with them."

He laughed.

"How will you do that?"

"By defeating you."

"You sound confident. Many I faced in battle also sounded similar to you."

He looked around.

"But as you can see only I remain."

What a showman.

"My name is Nox. I am a demon. I am here to duel you for leadership for lizardman. If I win I'll become the elder of lizardman."


He said. I walked straight to it. He started to get annoying. He were doing it on purpose. To anger me.

"My name is Draco Shinesclae. I am descented from dragons! As Elder of lizardman I accept your challenge."

He came forward. I also stepped forward. Orcs started to beat their drums. Goblins pulled their flute like instruments. Lizarman started to chant.

"Do you have any last words?"

He smugly asked me.

"Maybe I do. Maybe I don't. Does it matter?"

We started to circle around. Both looking for an opening to strike. I still haven't created a javelin. I also didn't hold a weapon. I wanted to suprise him with magic.

"Did you summoned me here to look at me?"

He wanted to agitate me.

"I am thinking letting old people go first."

Two could play that game.

"Maybe if I wait enough you would fall and die due old age?"

While I couldn't really read his lizard like face he didn't seemed to be angry.

"You have more changes of that happening than winning in an actual battle."

Damn, he is good. But… I created three magic circles.

"Let's see if you are as good with your weapon as you are good with your mouth!"