
Tales of Broken Reincarnations(Dropped)

A very long time ago an evil Goddess made a contract with other Gods. As long as even one of her descendants are good she wouldn't create chaos in multiverse. In a time when that contract is broken a demon opens his eyes. Seeing dreams from a time he wasn't who he is now he looks for answers.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Overcome the Chaos

I had good news and bad news at the same time. Good news is both Orc Chief and his man backed away from me. Now I had some breathing room. Bad news is my own left arm were trying to absorb me. Mud, which came out of my arm became tendrils and grabbed other parts of my body. They tried to pull me. Orc Chief, who nearly was about to kill me looked at me with eyes full unknowingness. Even he looked as if he had no idea what he should do. I was also as clueless as him.


I grunted in pain. Tendrils started to pierce my flesh.

(A shard of primordial being "Chaos" is trying to assimilate you. If you can't resist it your soul will be destroyed.)

What? This thing is called Chaos? I don't care about it. How I can fight it? Voice didn't answered. It seems like what I was hearing actually was system and not the Voice.

"It left me when I needed it most!"

I had to face against this by myself. I closed my eyes and focused. It was like the time I created a mental barrier for Minerva. I could do same thing for myself. I went deep inside my mind.

"It is already inside?"

Even I was shocked with the despair in my voice. This Chaos thing was already inside me. So creating a barrier wouldn't help me. What can I do? How can I throw it out me? Wait, do I needed to throw it out? According to massage trying to assimilate me.

"Heh, let's see if you can do that."

If it was already inside that meant that I had the potentiel to control it just like how I controlled my magic power. But it was too much! But what if I created barrage using Mental Barrier and controlled it a piece at time? Yes. I created places for it to invade. When they got inside I created barriers. I did until I spilt them to small pieces.

(Skill Magic Circulation became level 5.)

(Skill Mental Barrier became level 3.)

(You managed to control energy of a primordial being. Title One who overcomes Chaos(Legend) is given.)

I opened my eyes. I changed. My left arm became thicker and rougher looking. My scales looked like cooled off magma. From its crack a red energy shined. I had 4 fingers now. My wounds were also gone.

"You, won?"

I looked at where voice came from. Orc Chief. He could talk? No, he talked before. Now I could understand him. Maybe because I managed to control Chaos?


"I see. You are indeed a strong warrior. My name is Bolgag Skullcrusher. I am boss of Skullcrusher tribe. I will fight against you. One on one. What is your name?"

One on one? He surrounded with me his man just now and he talks about fighting one on one? Whatever.

"Nox. I am a demon."

I still replied. Maybe because of pride maybe because of my sense of honor.

(Cooldown of skill Wrath ended.)

I was trying to control Chaos for 30 minutes? It didn't even felt 5 minutes! Despite the good new I didn't used it right away.

"Let's see if you can answer this!"

I created a javelin and threw it. Altough I didn't do anything different its color and power was different. Pitch black javelin flew to Bolgag and he blocked it with his greatsword. But this time he were straining himself to block it. However, I couldn't get to him with one at time. I created several magic circles.

(Skill Arcane Magic became level 5.)

The javelins came out of magic circle were weaker. But my goal wasn't to hurt him wiith those. They were meant to create an opening for me! I rushed towards him while still creating magic circles and firing from them. I also created a stronger javelin in my hand. I slashed to him. Despite me trying to create openings he still managed to block and counter attack me. We started our duels. He were strong. Not just his physical abilities but also his technique. He probably kicked a lot of asses and trained for many hours just to get here. He were better than me in weapon fighting so I was slowly getting pushed back. I fought two ways until now. I either overpowered my prey wth superior strength or aimed for their weakness. He slashed at my chest.

"I never fought before."

I spoke as I looked at him.

"How did you killed my people then?" He roared as he kept attacking me. I also answered back while fighting.

"It was never a fight. I only killed. I either killed or ran away."

I created a magic circle while blocking him. Magic hit him, making his cheek run red.

"This is a fight! Against an equal opponent!"

My body felt light. Yes, this is the feeling. Not just killing. Not just running away. Fighting. That's how it should be.

"I should thank you!"

(Wrath is activated.)

At first time in our battle I pushed him back. I used but magic and weapon fighting at the same time. As he bled he laughed.

"Hah! You are a real warrior. I see now!"

He were feeling the same thing as me.

(You learned passive skill Battle Sense.)

(Get 3 more skills. Difficulty A. 1\3)

I managed to parry his attack and stabbed him in forearm. That deep wound caused him to drop his weapon. I thrushed my weapon with all my remaining force. He fell to ground with a loud thud. I breathed rapidly. From many wounds in my body I bled. My magic power nearly runned out. I felt my body slowly falling to ground. Before hitting to ground I blacked out.

"How did you even got tricked into this?"

I asked to her. She looked at me with her usual mischievous smile.

"I thought you wanted me to shut up so you could study."

"It is boring." I closed my book. "Plus I am a genius. So even with one look I could memorize everything."

"Pufft!" She laughed.

"Hey, you were with me to see it. My exam results before."

"Stupid humans stupid schools doesn't mean anything." I see, so that's where we are going.

"Then why are you stuck here because of those stupid humans?"

"Fair enough. I tell you." Today she were in a cooperative mood.

"I didn't thought you guys would actually last this long. Its been millennials for fuck's sake. How are you guys still trying to be good? When fucking Loki came to make a bet I thought he would at least make it fun."

"Wait, Loki? Like Tom Hiddleston one?"

"He can shapeshift into whatever he wants so maybe?"

"Are you telling me that Asgardian Gods are real?"

"I mean, duh?"

"What about others? Olympians? Egyptian?"

"Zeus tried to bang me once."

I stood there with my mouth full open.

"You are not fucking with me, aren't you?"

"About Zeus trying to bang me? Yeah, he is only brave enough to try that shit on mortals and his pantheon. If he tried that shit on me I would throw him to Chaos."


"Yeah, Chaos. Primordial nothingness everything came from and everything will be return to."

"You know, you spend days and days talking about stupid shit then one day you drop a bombshell like this without any warning!"

"Hah, isn't it part of my charm?"

I wondered why a demon like me would even see a dream about gods. But leaving it aside I observed orcs around me. I stood in the middle of orc village. I didn't knew if I could call it village. Rather than homes orcs lived in huge yet sturdy looking tents. My body also was covered with bandages.

(You defeated one of the bosses of first floor. You can now acces to recording left behind my her.)

Not now. I looked at elderly orc coming towards me. He held a staff. His face were covered with wrinkles and paint.

"I greet you our new boss, Nox the demon."

He bowed to me after saying this. I looked in confusion as every orc in the village bowed down to me.

"What is happening?"

"My name is Ragnag, Boss. I am shaman of this tribe. I swore my life to you."

Warrior orcs who I seen before also came forward and said the same things.

"I killed your boss. Why are you calling me boss?"

"You beat Bolgag Skullcrusher in a one on one battle. You are our boss now."

"I killed your people."

"It doesn't matter."

"What if I order you to kill yourself."

"I would do it."

Ah, I can't believe I managed to get myself into this kind of situation.

"Okay, I need to think alone for some time."

"I will accompany you to your tent."

"My tent?"

"All of previous bosses belongings are yours now."

Ragnag led me to a big tent. I got inside and sat down.

"What the fuck?"

That was the only reaction I could came up with.

Power up!

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