
Tales of Asura (FF Version)

So I keep making stories that I keep dropping, rewriting, or putting on hiatus forever. And that is partially my fault. So now I am making this my own Skeleton Crew or One Thousand and One Arabian Nights or Black Mirror. Oh yeah, it is called an anthology. A collection of short stories and one-shots. This is the fanfiction one and there is also an original story one. If you enjoy the stories and want longer versions, comment. I just might make it happen. But don't expect anything longer than 20 chapters unless I get really inspired.

BoredAsura · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Chapter 4: Hunting a Flora Colossi

After collecting over 500K in credits, Virgil could be said to be moderately wealthy. This was more than most citizens in any of the empires owned privately but was worth nearly nothing compared to the true overlords of the universe.

With a bag full of credits in his pockets, Virgil decided to take a stroll around the city. Even though he had 'seen' the place when he was in the library, nothing could compare to the real thing.

The Riumoral Republic had buildings that looked as if they were steampunk. They resembled medieval European architecture but were made of higher quality materials with a few parts that had light emitting from them.

All the creatures that lived here were pale-skinned humanoids. Besides their lack of hair and their tall heights, one would most likely not be able to tell them apart from a human in bodypaint.

Virgil flew up to the tallest point of the buildings near him. As he saw the twin suns going beneath the horizon, Virgil could not help but think back to his fiancee.

'You were always enamored with the views of Earth. I only wish we decided to travel earlier so that you could see these views with me.'

Virgil thought of Cleo for a few more minutes before he snapped out of it. He took a few moments to recompose his emotions and calm down.

'Oh, yeah. I haven't talked to Lila in a while. She might be worried about me.'

Virgil brought one of his watches to his face before telepathically opening the interface and calling her. The rang for a few moments before the other side picked up.

"This is?" Lila asked carefully.

"Hey, Lila. It's me," Virgil replied.

"Where the hell are you!?!" Lila yelled from the other end.

She had come to check on Virgil in the room that she had rented for him 3 days prior but he was not there. She then decided to wait for another 3 days thinking that Virgil was still in the library and would return soon.

But when she went to the library on the 3rd day, the librarian said that Virgil had left a few hours earlier. And when she went back to the hotel to find him, he was still not there. With no way to find or communicate with Virgil, Lila could not help but panic.

'What if he pissed off the Imperial Guard or Collector took an interest in him? Why the fuck did I not him a communicator before I left?'

Just when she was about to start calling around her friends to see if anyone saw the Imperial Guard take someone away, she got the call from Virgil. After she confirmed it was him and relief washed over, the anger soon replaced it.

"I know. My bad. I joined the Hunters Guild and went to go get a few bounties. I'll be back in a few hours. I wanna explore for a bit."

Hearing that nothing had happened, Lila relaxed again.

"No need. You're a big boy. Just make sure you let me know when you are heading somewhere dangerous next time."

"Dangerous for you or dangerous for..." before Virgil could finish, he saw the call had been cut off. Virgil enjoyed the view he had for a few more hours, even after the sun had set.


For the next few months, Virgil had traveled all over the universe, going from system to system. Some stops were for vacations and explorations while few were for hunting bounties. He also made sure to catch as many of Lila's concerts as he could. And he could do it often.

Virgil's average bounty had an average of a 3 star, planet, and moon ranking across their profiles. Every now and then, Virgil would take on 4-star planet bounties in case he had ever gotten bored.

For someone of Virgil's ability as a beyond omega level mutant, he was able to take down most common bounties with ease. But with all his accomplishments came trouble.

Virgil walked into the Hunters Guild on Tatooine to pick up a few more bounties and turn in the ones he had just gotten back. Virgil threw the sack of heads over his shoulder as he walked into the guild.

Unlike the usual sparse environment when he was inside, the guild was packed with nearly three hundred members on the first floor and about another two hundred on the second.

'This would be normal on Coruscant but Tatooine? Something big must have happened.'

Virgil forced his way through the crowd, knocking everyone in his way either out of it or towards the ground. A few people wanted to fight or curse at him but when they saw who it was, none of them dared to stand against him.

Virgil had become somewhat of a legend during his short time on Tatooine. One ignorant creature wanted to get up and challenge him but a friend held him back.

{Why are you stopping me!} he asked indignantly.

{Quiet, down. That man is THE Sage.} his friend.

The other Flzina was puzzled at first before he became shocked. Fear instantly took over his body and made the young Flzina star quivering like a small child.

'So even not on Earth, that title follows me around,' Virgil thought as he heard the name given to him.

The reason why everyone was fearful and respectful of Virgil on Tatooine was due to not only the bounties he had claimed on the planet but also the lustrous, red stone on the necklace around his neck.

This stone was a krayt dragon stone. It was not an ordinary one but one that had belonged to a greater krayt dragon. This feat was something that less than 10 individuals had done throughout time.

A normal krayt dragon was already something to fear. The creatures were 40 meters long, resistant to most powers and weapons, and as strong as Thor. These beings had the nicknames of god killers.

A greater krayt dragon was even more dangerous. Not only did they have all the biological strengths of a normal krayt dragon to a higher degree but they were also even larger. A single greater krayt dragon could destroy worlds if it rampaged.

Slaying either one and extracting their core was considered a legendary feat. These cores were also so unique and rare that a normal krayt dragon pearl could be auctioned off in the billions. one from a greater krayt dragon like the one in Virgil's possession was literally priceless. No one had ever managed to purchase one.

Virgil ignored the looks of reverence and fear as he walked up to the counter and threw the bag onto the counter. The Tetramand behind the counter calmly opened up the bag and took out each head, one by one.

Once he confirmed all of them were for the correct targets, the receptionist gave up the earnings without a fuss or being shocked. After the credits were exchanged and Virgil was about to leave, the Tetramand stopped him.

"Hunter Winters, a moment of your time."

Virgil turned around and looked at the red alien, silently beckoning for him to continue.

"There is a bounty that has been put out by the Ravagers, Nova Corps, and the Kree. Each one has put their own bounty on the same target so we have combined it in one.

5 individuals have broken out of The Kyln and stolen something that each of the 3 claims belongs to them. The Nova Corps want them back alive. The Ravagers want them back alive and the item. The Kree don't care about their fate at all and just want the item.

This is a 5 star, 5 planets, 5 moon mission. Since the guild does not limit who can go after bounties, many will go after this group, especially due to the unique makeup of their members.

The guild would prefer a team of, or at least one of our, more 'experienced' and reliable members to take care of this. You are on the list of 5 individuals we hope to find them. Not only will you be paid the amount on their bounty, but the guild will also pay an extra 10 percent of that price."

Virgil was not interested in the matter at first but when he heard of how high the reward was, even he felt tempted.

"Pass me the information on the group."

The red alien produced a small chip which Virgil scanned with one of his watches. He then opened up the bounty and read over it.


Peter 'Star-King' Quill: Human that has been trained by the Ravagers since young. Warning to female hunters. He is notorious for his playboy ways.

Drax the Destroyer: Augmented human. Biological alterations have made him very durable and he is trained in a variety of skills that can be used to kill hundreds with a single knife. Not very intelligent.

Gamora: The most dangerous member of the group. Daughter of Thanos, an assassin of thousands. Her combat skills have been trained for over 20 years through constant bloodshed. Has personally slain over 70 members of the Nova Corps.

Rocket: Tactical genius, brilliant inventor, excellent sniper. If not for his weak and small body, he would have taken over at least 5 worlds.

Groot: Flora Colossi from Planet X. He is Groot.


The more Virgil read, the worse he felt about the mission. These 5 were too weak to deserve this ranking.

'There will be thousands of hunters going after them, even if it is a 5 planet ranking. There is something going on behind the scenes here. But...'

Virgil looked at the alien before accepting the contract. Once he did, the alien immediately tried to get him to join the other 4 that they wanted to go after the 5 individuals.

"The other 4 we hoped to form a team has gathered on Xander where they will be led by a member of the Nova Corps to find the 5. If you are to join them on their..."

"I will not be joining them. I can handle these 5 on my own. My goal is just the item that I will take to the Kree. If the other team finds them, they can have the 5 and bring them back to the Nova Corps. As for the Ravagers, fuck em."

Virgil did not wait for the alien to agree before he walked out the door before flying through the atmosphere and into space.