
Tales of a Fallen God

Austin woke up confused about how he got to his room, he last remembered being in the woods, he brushed it off and went to school, at least he can have a normal day at school or so he thought, without even asking, he got a friend wait! who's the hot new student?, he soon gets to know who and he can't turn back because with this new student comes tales of the past and forgotten memories. How will Austin deal with God's, demons, friendship, school life and over all love? Find out in this thrilling romantic novel. Warning: This is a gay novel and can sometimes get explicit, readers beware. I'll try to update daily if possible and if not I'll dump 2 or 3 chapters at once.

Bishop_Emmanuel_6785 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 6

Austin's POV

He closed in on me until I hit my back to the wall, "what are you doing? " I asked him feeling nervous. "Your eyes" he replied making me confused "what? ", "your eyes, they are the perfect shade of turquoise, what? are you scared of me?, or do you want something? " he said the last sentence while running his hands through my hair, I drew in a sharp breath to steady my breath. "No, Mr. Raphael, on the contrary I would like to know if there's anything you would want from me". I said while tracing my finger down his chest towards his stomach. He tensed with NY touch and I could tell he was actually suprised. I pushed him forward and stepped towards him trying to gain some control then I said, "enough fooling around, why did you want to talk to me", "privately", I added, he seemed to be shocked at my change of mood and then he said "I had a request to ask of you but I was embarrassed to do so in public". His answer seemed genuine and so I asked what the request was, his answer was quite unexpected, "I would like it if you" he went closer me, so close I could hear and feel his breath on my skin, "you we could have some ice cream together", "And why were you embarrassed to say that in public?" I asked him while thinking of what his answer would be, "its weird seeing a guy ask another guy out isn't it?" I was shocked by his reply, specifically the part about 'asking me out'. "Do you mean asking another guy out as... A... Date?" I asked him, and he just smiled and said teasingly "No, I'm asking as a friend and to day thank you for taking out time to give me a tour of the school..... But if you want", This time his lips were literally so so close to my ear that a single movement and they would make contact, then he said, "we could make it a date" and my eyes widened in shock. "Wh... Wha... What do you mean by that, please stop teasing me ok", I said feeling flushed. "Yikes I was just joking ok, although I have a question, why are you blushing?". He asked and I blushed harder and thought of an excuse, I calmed myself down and then I said, "I blushed because what you said made me nervous, after all if you are really gay, you could tape me since we are all alone here". I meant to say it jokingly but the look on his face seemed to me like he was offended. "Yeah, Cuz I'm some rapists who goes about raping people in the school storage right?" He said and I was about to apologize when he suddenly laughed and said, "I'm joking, you should have seen your face, come on let's go have ice cream" he said and dragged me out by the hand, I don't know why but that little contact of our hands touching made me feel all giddy inside and I wished I could hug him, from the corner of my eye I could see him suddenly smile and I wondered why.

We went to a popular shack where ice cream and dairy products were being sold. The interior was nice, there was a table at the back and we both took a seat, and once the waiter asked what we would have, I said strawberry and vanilla and when he was asked what he wanted, for some reason I suddenly blurted 'chocolate and banana flavors with sprinkles on the side'. He looked at me with a questioning look and I smiled and said "its nice just try it out" but deep down I was wondering what came over me and if he would accept my proposal, he looked at me and smiled nodding his head to the waiter.