
Tales from Nea Vasheria

Step into a world of grand adventures, where unexpected alliances and comedic twists abound. In the realm of Nea Vasheria, secrets lurk in every shadow, and the truest treasures are the friends you can trust.

Brother_Madless · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Mare's respite

One day had passed since the events that unfolded on Market Street. Pyron and Velan found themselves seated in the bustling and vibrant Mare's Respite, a bar that stood tall and proud in the heart of Arathan Capital's Market Street. Its grand presence overshadowed the surrounding buildings, making it clear that the Mare's Respite was no ordinary establishment. It was a colossal eight-floor bar, each floor boasting its own unique space.

Choosing a spot on the fourth floor, known for its cozy ambiance and the soothing melodies of a live band, Pyron and Velan settled in. The inviting aroma of freshly cooked food blended harmoniously with the scent of various drinks, creating an atmosphere that catered to patrons seeking more than just alcohol. Laughter, music, and camaraderie thrived within these walls.

Seated comfortably at a wooden table, Pyron and Velan exchanged stories and shared their plans for the future, their voices blending seamlessly with the lively chatter filling the bar. Dim lighting cast an inviting glow, and the warm colors of the furnishings added to the welcoming charm of the establishment.

"I'm telling you, Pyron, I need something new. This city just doesn't do it for me anymore," Velan said, his posture relaxed but restless as he tapped his feet to the melody emanating from the band in the background.

"You're only saying that because your adrenaline is still spiked from what happened yesterday," Pyron responded, sitting up straight. A hint of concern tinged his voice, considering the potential mischief his friend might drag him into if he doesn't convince him to stay in the city. "Give it another day, and I'm sure you'll find your thrills among the city's hoodlums once again."

Before their conversation could continue, their attention was drawn by the arrival of a waiter. The man was tall, with shoulder-length dark brown hair and a neatly trimmed beard that attested to his attention to grooming. His eyes held a dark, piercing gaze, yet his demeanor exuded a calm and composed aura that was almost comforting.

As Velan and Pyron looked up at the towering waiter who had just arrived, Velan's curiosity was evident. "uhh, Tracker? Is that you? I thought you worked as a bartender, not a waiter. You were still a bartender when we were here yesterday, at least," Velan remarked with an inquisitive tone, accompanied by an engaging chuckle.

Tracker had stern expression as he regarded Pyron and Velan. "You two again? While we don't solely serve alcohol here, I can't say this is the best place for you to hang around. How old are you now, 15? 16?" The towering waiter, Tracker Woodsburrow, inquired with a raised eyebrow and a stern look on his face.

"We're 15 this year, turning 16, Sir Woodsburrow," Pyron responded respectfully. Though Tracker now worked at the bar, he had served in the Arathan Army in the same unit as pyron's father. Pyron had known Tracker for a long time, often meeting him in the barracks while visiting his father.

Tracker's stern expression softened even further, turning into a nostalgic grin. "Fifteen, huh? It feels like just yesterday you two were causing all sorts of trouble around the barracks. How time flies." His voice carried a blend of amusement and fond nostalgia. "But Velan, I'm genuinely curious, how did you manage to get in to the barracks? You don't have any relatives in the military, do you?"

Velan's grin stretched ear to ear as he responded, "I have my ways, Tracker. you'd be surprised how far a warm smile and friendly tone can get ya. And you're right, I don't have any relatives in the military. My father is a carpenter, and my mother owns a bakery." Leaning back into his seat, Velan's gaze wandered up to the intricately carved beams in the ceiling, a dark maple color accentuated by the golden gleam of the fireplace flames.

Pyron, after hearing the story, couldn't help but laugh, memories of their youthful escapades flooding back. "Heheh, Velan, I still don't understand from whom you got that adventurous spirit of yours." Pyron chuckled, his laughter blending with the ambience of the bar.

"Well, anyways what can I get you both today, though I would love to stay and chat, there is work to be done" Tracker said to move on the conversation.

"Of course, Tracker," Pyron replied. "We'll take a couple of the house specials for now. Surprise us."

Tracker nodded, his grin fading into a more professional demeanour. "House specials it is. I'll be back in a moment." Tracker turned away from the table but before the walked away he turned back to look at them. "Right you asked about me being a waiter today, Apparently Edelsrie university is having some kind of showcase at the young lion plaza today that's where all the waiters are, attending the makeshift bar stand we opened up there" Tracker shook his face displaying his disbelief in how carefree they had been in just leaving him to attend that floor of the bar house for himself.

"Edelsrie university?" Velan muttered to himself

"Indeed, they're apparently opening up applications for students in a few days. You'll find a flyer about it on the wall near the fireplace." Tracker gestured towards the flyer as he walked away.

Turning their focus to the fireplace, Pyron and Velan observed a wall adorned with an array of posters and flyers. Sharing a quick glance, they rose from their seats and navigated their way over.

Within the mix of advertisements, a vivid flyer caught their attention. It displayed an intricate emblem bearing the words "Edelsrie University Showcase" boldly above it. The event's particulars were listed below, including a timetable of activities and attractions.

Pyron leaned in to examine the poster more closely. He reached into his breast pocket, retrieved his glasses, and put them on. As he adjusted his glasses, he began to read aloud, "Let's see... water magic show at 13:00, followed by a Q&A session at 13:45, and then at 14:30, they're hosting a Sparring Contest."

"Ah, a sparring contest," Velan chimed in, his face lighting up with interest. Evidently, the sparring contest was the only item on the timetable that caught his attention.

Pyron glanced at him and let out a small sigh. "I suppose that's where we're headed after lunch." He put his glasses back into his breast pocket and then retrieved his pocket watch. Glancing at the time, he informed Velan, "It's 13:25 now. The Plaza is about 20 minutes away from here, so we should have ample time. to catch the sparring contest at least."

Having returned to their seats Velan leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table in rhythm with his thoughts. "Sounds like a plan then." he let out a short laugh "Should be fun to see what these students of the Edelsrie university is made of" his previosuly friendly and lively smile truning to a more cold bloodthirsty one.

As if on cue, Tracker reappeared with their food. He skillfully balanced two trays laden with steaming plates and glasses, setting them down before Pyron and Velan with a practiced ease. "House specials for the gentlemen," he announced with a congenial smile.

The aroma of the freshly prepared food filled the air, adding to the ambiance of the bar. Velan's stomach growled audibly, eliciting a chuckle from Tracker. "Seems like you're more than ready for this meal," Tracker remarked as he stepped back slightly.

"Thanks, Tracker," Pyron said with a grateful nod. He exchanged a quick glance with Velan, the unspoken agreement to enjoy the meal before continuing their day evident in their eyes.

The friends dug into their food, savoring the flavors and exchanging satisfied nods. The bustling atmosphere of the Mare's Respite continued around them, a symphony of conversations, laughter, and music.

As the last bite was savoured and the last drop of drink was drained, Pyron wiped his mouth with a napkin. "Ready to head to the showcase?" he asked Velan, a glint of excitement in his eyes.

Velan nodded, a contented smile on his face. "Absolutely. Let's see what Edelsrie University has in store for us."

With their hunger satisfied and their spirits lifted, Pyron and Velan left the Mare's Respite behind, and entered the mustling market street and started heading towards the young lion plaza that lied further down deeper in towards the Royal palace of the Arathan Capital.

As they continued their walk down the crowded Market Street that was almost filled to the brink with people that were there to pick up their lunch for the day, and salesmen vying for attention.

Turning a corner off Market Street, the Young Lion Plaza came into view, bathed in a bustling energy that seemed to infuse the very air. A large crowd had gathered around the center of the plaza, forming a lively and eager audience. The excited chatter and laughter of the onlookers created a harmonious cacophony, blending with the distant hum of city life. Above the heads of the people in the crowd, a grand stage had been meticulously set up, adorned with colorful banners that fluttered in the breeze.

On the stage, teachers and students from Edelsrie University were giving bows and receiving applause, their faces illuminated by genuine smiles of satisfaction. The crowd's enthusiastic clapping and cheers filled the plaza, resonating with the pride and anticipation that permeated the event. The atmosphere was electric, as if every person present was sharing in the thrill of the moment.

"It seems they have just finished their Q&A session," Pyron added, his voice blending with the excited buzz of the crowd.

"Yeah, seems that way," Velan responded while walking casually with his hands in his pockets, kicking a rock as they made their way closer.

They continued walking towards the plaza. As they approached, the distant murmur of voices gradually transformed into distinct words, carried by a young woman who appeared to be one of the teachers at the school. By her side were two people who looked to be students, distinguished by the matching uniforms they wore, emblazoned with the emblem of Edelsrie University. One of them was a tall male student with a slightly dark skin tone. His curly dark hair formed an impressive afro that seemed to have a personality of its own. The confident way he carried himself exuded an air of charisma and self-assuredness.

The other student standing beside him was a short female with strikingly bright green hair that had delicate purple highlights at the ends. Her skin was a beautiful white jade hue, giving her an almost ethereal appearance. Despite her shorter stature, there was an undeniable aura of determination in her stance, as if she was ready to take on any challenge that came her way.

Pyron and Velan exchanged intrigued glances, both silently appreciating the diverse and intriguing individuals who were central to the university showcase. The tall male's afro and the vibrant hair of the female student were striking features that hinted at their personalities. Without a doubt, they were unique individuals who had already captured the attention of the crowd.

The teacher that had been speaking to that point took a pause and waited for the crowd to finish their applause before she took a step forward her features coming into view now for Pyron and Velan to see as they were nearing the end of the alley and had almost entered the Plaza.

She had long dark hair that reached down to her waist, and wore a pair of gold rimmed glasses shone in the midday sun. "I see there are a lot of new people that are joining us for the sparring contest that will conclude our show here today, So I'll go ahead and introduce myself and the people that are on the stage with me again"

"Hello everyone my name is Meranda, and I'm one of the new teachers at this prestigious Edelsrie University, these two colourful characters beside me are two of our most prominent second year students, Miss Ivy who was the stop student in every theoretical class in the first year, and Sir Brandon who's already earned his Knight title at the age of 17 Years old!"

The two students beside Meranda both took a quick bow as they were met with applause, "The Sparring duels will be carried out by some of the Seeded first year students for this year, If Miss Liza and Mr Daniel, would please take their positions"

At this time Velan and Pyron had finally made their way inside the Young Lion Plaza and had found themselves a good place inside the crowd so that they could see the duel.

"Do you know what they mean by Seeded First years? Pyron" Velan Asked

"Well from what I know seeded students are people that the university has scouted themselves" Pyron responded

"So if you don't get a seeded spot, what do you need to do to get it?" Velan asked as a follow up question

Pyron shrugged, his hand reaching up to scratch his head. "I'm not sure exactly," he admitted, his fingers tapping lightly on his thigh as he pondered. "Each year can be different in terms of requirements."

Before they could continue their talk, they were interrupted by the roaring of the crowd as Miss Liza and Mr. Daniel stepped forward from the audience and ascended the grand stage, their faces a mix of determination and excitement. Liza was a tall and athletic young woman with an air of focused intensity. Her bright blue hair was cut short and combed back behind her ears, showcasing her strong facial features. She brandished a large rapier that almost bordered on being a sword due to its size and intricate design. The hilt was adorned with ornate engravings that glinted in the sunlight.

Daniel, on the other hand, was a man of shorter stature but lean and agile. His light brown hair was tousled and fell across his forehead in an intentionally messy yet stylish manner. He held two beautiful silver daggers that seemed to catch and reflect the light, giving off an almost ethereal gleam.

Meranda, the Edelsrie University teacher, stepped forward and raised her hand, calling for the crowd's attention. The roar of the crowd slowly subsided as all eyes turned to the stage.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Meranda's voice carried over the plaza, "it's time for the first duel of our showcase. Allow me to introduce you to Miss Liza and Mr. Daniel, two of our seeded students for this year!"

Velan's gaze slid toward the stage, a wry smile touching his lips. "So, those two are students that the University scouted themselves, huh? They don't look like all that much." He arched an eyebrow, his scrutiny sharp. "Though, I gotta say, that girl's eyes... they're pretty sharp," he remarked, his tone candid.

Pyron inclined his head, his response measured with military precision. "Indeed, it appears that way," he acknowledged, his refined etiquette reflecting in his agreement.

A smirk played across Velan's face as he retorted, "Yeah, but looking sharp isn't the same as being sharp." His competitive spirit was evident in his words, his directness unfettered by subtlety.

"True," Pyron conceded, his voice carrying a polished tone. "Appearances can be deceiving."

Their banter was about to continue when an unexpected voice interjected, bursting with upbeat spirit. "Yupp! They really don't seem like anything special if you ask me."

..... [At another place at the same time]-------------------------------------------------------------------

Inside a quaint little store nestled within the enchanting tapestry of Blue Lantern Alley, Mack the Mighty, a rather short man with an air of confidence, and Sigmund the Skittish found themselves surrounded by an eclectic assortment of magical odds and ends. The shop was filled to the brim with jars, vials, and containers of various shapes and sizes, each holding a curious concoction that promised to defy logic and reason. Dusty shelves crammed with enchanted trinkets, sparkling crystals, and perplexing devices added to the store's aura of enchantment.

Mack, his confident stride unchanged by the mystical aura of the store, scanned the cluttered shelves with a determined glint in his eye. However, being on the shorter side, he had some trouble seeing the items on the higher shelves. He leaned forward, squinting at a particularly colorful jar placed just out of his reach. "Keep your eyes peeled, Siggy. We need something that can handle that fire-breathing Salan-chick. Something to douse those flames, but not harm the creature."

Sigmund, slightly on edge amidst the overwhelming assortment of magical products, nodded nervously. "Right, right. Douse the flames, not harm the creature. Got it, Mack."

The store's ambiance was filled with a faint glow as the magical items seemed to pulsate with their own energy, whispering secrets to those who were willing to listen. A row of glowing potions beckoned from one corner, while a shelf of enchanted nets rustled enticingly from another.

Behind the counter, an old hag with wiry gray hair perched atop a tall stool, her sharp eyes hidden behind half-moon spectacles as she sipped her pungent coffee. The aroma wafting from her cup was a heady mix of arcane ingredients, promising an awakening of the senses that went beyond the ordinary. She peered at Mack from behind the counter, her beady eyes calculating every detail about him.

Mack, having spotted an item he thought might be useful, approached the counter with an air of confidence, though he struggled to reach over its edge. "Excuse me, ma'am. We're in need of something that can handle a fire-breathing creature. You wouldn't happen to have anything that fits the bill, would you?"

The old hag lowered her newspaper, revealing a mischievous grin that hinted at a lifetime of magical exploits. "Fire-breathing, you say? Ah, yes. A troublesome issue, that. Let me see what we have." She rose from her stool with a surprising agility for her age, walking around the counter to join Mack and Sigmund. Her crooked back gave her a slight hunch as she hobbled over, and her presence seemed to loom larger than life. "This, my dear, is Dragonbane Elixir. Tame even the fieriest of flames, it will."

Mack raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the vial's contents. "Dragonbane Elixir, huh? Sounds promising. How does it work?"

The old hag leaned down, her voice a hoarse whisper as if sharing a well-guarded secret. "Ah, you see, when you release this elixir into the air, it creates a sort of anti-fire zone. Flames will dance around it but won't be able to harm anything within its boundaries. Perfect for capturing a feisty creature like the Salan-chick."

Sigmund, who had been eying a particularly animated jar of levitating pebbles, returned his attention to the conversation. "That sounds like just what we need! But, um, how do we release it? Do we just uncork the vial and toss it?"

The old hag's cackled laughter echoed through the store like a delightful enchantment. "Oh, my dear, it's not that simple! You must recite the incantation inscribed on the vial while sprinkling a pinch of phoenix feather dust. It activates the elixir's magic, creating a temporary sanctuary from the flames."

Mack took the vial from the old hag's outstretched hand, his fingers tracing the delicate etchings that adorned its surface. "Phoenix feather dust, huh? Where can we find that?"

The old hag's eyes twinkled with mirth. "Why, young man, you're in luck. I happen to have a vial of that as well. It's right there, next to the singing salt shakers."

Sigmund exchanged a bewildered look with Mack, the mention of singing salt shakers only adding to the surreal nature of their surroundings. With a cautious nod, Sigmund retrieved the vial and examined it closely, his skepticism momentarily forgotten as he marveled at the enchanting glitter of the dust within.

Mack turned back to the old hag with a satisfied smile. "You've been a tremendous help, ma'am. How much for both the Drago

nbane Elixir and the phoenix feather dust?"

The old hag's grin widened, revealing a hint of mischief "Let's see here" she muttered to herself while seemingly counting some numbers "That will come to a grand total of 20 Gold Lions"

"20 Gold lions! are the bottle caps made with enchanted dwarven steel?" Mack could not believe the price he just heard, in a good year Him and Sigmund could bring in maybe 330 gold coins 20 gold coins was about 2.5 months worth of living expenses.

Mack's incredulous expression mirrored Sigmund's astonishment. The old hag's asking price seemed to defy all logic, as if the mere act of mentioning "Dragonbane Elixir" and "phoenix feather dust" had summoned an outrageous sum from thin air.

Sigmund cleared his throat, his nervousness overcoming his initial shock. "Uh, ma'am, that's quite a hefty price. We're seasoned smugglers, but our pockets aren't exactly lined with gold."

The old hag's cackle resounded once more, filling the air with a mix of amusement and something bordering on mania. "Ah, my dears, these items are of the highest quality, crafted with the utmost care and using rare ingredients. A fair price for such precious commodities, I assure you."

Mack exchanged a glance with Sigmund, a silent conversation passing between them. They both knew that these items were exactly what they needed to capture the elusive Salan-chick, but the cost was far beyond what they were prepared to pay. However, they also knew that negotiating with the old hag could be as unpredictable as the magical items she sold.

Mack leaned in, his voice low and confident, his charismatic charm oozing as he spoke, "Now, ma'am, we're in a bit of a bind here. We've got a tight deadline to catch that Salan-chick, and your Dragonbane Elixir and phoenix feather dust are just what we need. But 20 Gold Lions is... well, it's more than we can afford right now. What do you say we meet in the middle?"

The old hag's calculating gaze bore into Mack, her half-moon spectacles glinting as if they held a secret power of their own. After a tense moment of silence, she finally leaned back, her gnarled fingers tapping a rhythm on the counter. "Hmm, meeting in the middle, you say? Well, my dear, you have a way with words, I'll give you that. I can see you're determined, and determination is a quality I appreciate. Tell you what – how about 15 Gold Lions for both items?"

Mack's grin widened, his charm working its magic as he extended his hand for a shake. "You've got yourself a deal, ma'am. 15 Gold Lions it is."

The old hag's bony hand gripped Mack's with surprising strength, sealing the agreement. She retrieved the vials from the counter and handed them over with a twinkle in her eye. "A wise choice, my dears. Now go, and may the magical winds of fortune be ever in your favor."

Mack and Sigmund left the curious emporium with their hard-won treasures in hand, a mixture of satisfaction and relief washing over them. The dimming daylight of Blue Lantern Alley embraced them as they stepped out, a sense of accomplishment threading through the air.

As they made their way back through the enchanting alleys, a whisper of laughter tickled the edges of their senses. The sound seemed to float on a breeze, as if carried by the very magic that saturated the atmosphere. Sigmund exchanged a puzzled look with Mack. "Did you hear that?"

Mack shrugged, his grin unwavering. "Probably just the echoes of the market. You know how these alleys can play tricks on your ears."

Unbeknownst to them, the old hag stood in the depths of her emporium, her gnarled fingers wrapped around the vial of phoenix feather dust she had just retrieved from the back room. A wicked smile curved her lips as she gazed at the papper filled with names, dates, and cryptic markings.

"Rookies," she muttered, her voice a blend of amusement and something darker. Her eyes flickered over the list, a subtle gleam of anticipation in their depths. With a flourish, she crossed out a name, a triumphant chuckle escaping her lips. "I'll give them a month at best."