
Tales from Nea Vasheria

Step into a world of grand adventures, where unexpected alliances and comedic twists abound. In the realm of Nea Vasheria, secrets lurk in every shadow, and the truest treasures are the friends you can trust.

Brother_Madless · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The great plan

The gaze that Tiera threw at Pyron and Velan sent shivers down their spines. The intensity of her gaze held their attention, the weight of her distress palpable in the air. But the sharpness in her eyes wasn't the only thing that caught their interest. The words she had just spoken, laden with concern and urgency, had ignited a spark of curiosity within them.

"What kind of rumors exactly?" Pyron and Velan asked in unison, leaning forward in their seats. Their interest had been stirred, their focus now fixated on Tiera. However, before Tiera could respond, another voice echoed down the corridor.

"I believe I know the rumors she's referring to," Captain Talen's voice chimed in, cutting through the tension in the room. He entered, having concluded his interrogation of the masked men they had captured. As he turned the corner and entered his office, his presence commanded attention. With an air of casual authority, he walked over to his desk, sinking into his leathered chair. His relaxed posture belied the weight of the matters he was about to address.

"They go something like this," Captain Talen began, his voice carrying a mixture of humor and assurance. He threw his legs up on his desk and leaned back comfortably. "Supposedly while the other three families work in the light of the public, the Darksow family supports the king by protecting his rule from the shadows. Making sure that anyone that would question his rule is taken care of appropriately, as well as executing assassinations for him if needed," he added, his words laced with a touch of amusement. "All of which I can assure is not true," he finished, a hearty laughter escaping him.

As Talen settled into his chair, his gaze shifted to Vice-captain Rhea, who had remained engaged in her tidying efforts. Her organizational activities seemed to have attracted the captain's attention, and he addressed her with a touch of annoyance. "Just what have I told you about cleaning my room, Rhea? I don't know where to find anything after you've been in here doing whatever it is you're doing."

With an unimpressed expression, Rhea retorted, her voice carrying a hint of playful sarcasm, "It's called organizing, captain, and I suggest you learn how to do it." Her response, delivered with a steady gaze, highlighted the banter between them.

Ignoring Rhea's remark, Captain Talen turned his attention back to the occupants of the room. Tiera, now standing up from her seat, moved closer to the desk, her urgency and anxiety palpable. She began to plead with the captain, her voice a mix of desperation and determination. "Captain, you cannot let my father know of this! If he finds out, he will ground me for life, and I'll die of boredom, I swear! And you don't want that, right?"

Gilbert's disapproval of Tiera's lack of decorum was evident in his expression, though he maintained his composure. Pyron and Velan, on the other hand, exchanged surprised glances. They had anticipated a more graceful demeanor from a member of one of the Four Great Families. Despite the unexpected turn, they remained attentive to the unfolding drama.

In response to Tiera's plea, Gilbert rose from his seat, offering a respectful bow toward Captain Talen. "I sincerely apologize for Miss Tiera's behavior. She is still young and has much to learn about how the world works."

Captain Talen, ever the nonchalant figure, offered a dismissive response, waving off the situation. "Eeeeh, not sure what's going on here, but whatever it is, it's fine. I really don't care." His casual indifference seemed to soothe the atmosphere, even as he shifted his attention to a document on his table.

Talen's focus returned to Tiera, addressing her directly. "Right, Tiera, you don't have to worry about me telling your father or anything. You're all free to go. The masked man told me enough; I don't need your witness testimonies or anything." He continued to flip through documents on his desk, his demeanor one of pragmatic efficiency.

With a sense of relief, Velan's voice broke the tension, his excitement evident. "Sweeet! Let's get out of here, Pyron. It's almost lunchtime!" His exclamation was followed by an almost-jump from the bench.

Pyron responded with a nod, slowly rising from his seat. "Yeah, alright." His response held a touch of formality, a contrast to Velan's exuberance.

However, Tiera's astonishment at the captain's casual approach to the situation left her momentarily speechless. The weight of the potential consequences she had feared seemed to dissipate before her eyes.

"Really? Won't there be like a whole official report and everything?" Her incredulous question cut through the room's atmosphere, her disbelief evident.

Captain Talen's voice, now tinged with exhaustion, offered a candid response. "There might be if I ever get around to it. From the looks of it, I have about three months of unfinished paperwork here on my desk." His tone carried a sense of resignation, even as he seemed to question his own decision-making. "Man, I really am not cut out for this. Why did I take this job again?" His self-deprecating remark held a note of genuine introspection.

Tiera's amazement deepened, her reaction bordering on speechlessness. Meanwhile, Pyron and Velan, who were making their way past Gilbert and Tiera, offered words of comfort. Their familiarity with Captain Talen's character allowed them to extend a reassuring hand.

"Hey, don't worry about that. That's just how he is," Pyron reassured, his hand resting on Tiera's shoulder. The touch was both comforting and grounding, an acknowledgment of the unusual situation.

Velan followed up, his voice carrying a hint of lightheartedness. "Yeah, even if he gets around to writing the report about today, I'm sure he'll have forgotten that you were even involved." Their words, delivered in tandem, seemed to form a barrier against the unexpected circumstances.

Pyron and Velan, having offered their support, exited the office, their footsteps echoing as they made their way down the stairs toward the exit of the guardhouse.

Back inside the office, a semblance of calm returned. Gilbert, Tiera, and Captain Talen remained, their interactions taking center stage once more.

"Like I said, you don't have to worry about it. Really, just leave. Please, I have a lot of things to get done," Captain Talen's voice was a mixture of exasperation and an underlying weariness. His face was hidden behind his palms, a gesture that only partially concealed his annoyance.

However, Tiera wasn't easily swayed. Her determination held firm, and she continued to confront the captain. Her voice, a blend of persistence and sincerity, cut through the air. "No, no, no. I really don't think you understand how important this is to me!"

Captain Talen's patience seemed to waver, his irritation becoming more evident. He relented, his words laced with an irritable acceptance. "Alright, FINE. I'll do this. I'll lie for you, okay? There won't be even a mention of anything closely related to the Gilwynn name in my report. All you have to do in return is never come back to this district of the city, please?" His ultimatum hung in the air, his frustration barely masked.

Tiera's response was swift, her smile returning as she seized the offered compromise. "Really? Really? That's easy. You should have just made that deal from the start! Let's shake on it." Her voice carried a sense of triumph, her extended hand sealing the deal.

As Tiera headed toward the exit of the guardhouse, Gilbert rose from his chair, following her with a respectful bow. He offered another apology for Tiera's behavior before exiting the office of Captain Talen.

With the departure of Tiera and Gilbert, a renewed sense of tranquility settled over the room. Captain Talen's gaze shifted to the half-open window, the distant sounds of the bustling Market Street once again filtering into the room. He let out a sigh of relief, a momentary respite from the chaos.

At the other side of the room, Rhea had completed her tasks and now sat in one of the chairs, sipping tea she had prepared for herself. The sound of her cup clinking against the saucer added a gentle rhythm to the room's ambiance.

Having taken a sip of tea, Rhea's curiosity got the better of her, prompting her to break the silence. She turned her gaze toward Captain Talen, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "Captain, what did you find out from the Masked Man?"

Captain Talen's response was measured, his expression contemplative. He shook his head, a wry smile touching his lips. "Let's just say this incident is way outside of our paygrade. Headquarters will have to deal with this." His words, delivered with a touch of resignation, hinted at a larger mystery beyond their control.

As Captain Talen's words about the incident being outside their paygrade lingered in the air, Rhea's curiosity grew. She leaned forward slightly, her gaze fixed on him. "What could possibly be so significant that even our headquarters would need to get involved?" Her question was laden with intrigue, and her eagerness for more information was palpable.

Captain Talen's eyes met Rhea's, a glint of contemplation in his gaze. He leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled as he pondered the question. "Well, For now the only thing I can say for certain is that this stretches way beyond this small market street that we are charged to handle."

The captain's response deepened the mystery, casting a shadow over the events that had just unfolded. Rhea's expression mirrored her growing sense of unease. "Do you think this incident is connected to something bigger?"

Talen's sigh was heavy, his gaze still distant. "It's too early to say for certain." He shifted in his chair, his fingers tapping a rhythm against the armrest. "We'll need to tread carefully, Rhea. Whatever this is, it could shake the very foundations of our city."

Rhea nodded, her determination unwavering despite the uncertainty. "What's our next move then?"

Captain Talen's eyes refocused on Rhea, his expression serious. "For now, we gather what information we can discreetly. We'll need to stay one step ahead of whatever's brewing." He rose from his chair, his posture resolute. "And Rhea, make sure to have our formerly masked guest sent over to headquarters early tomorrow I'm sure they'll want to hear what he has to say."

Rhea nodded again, understanding the gravity of the situation. As Captain Talen walked to the window and gazed out at the cityscape, Rhea left the room to carry out her instructions.


In the midst of the bustling Arathan Capital's market street, a vibrant testament to the city's status as a trade hub, food stalls offered delicacies from distant lands. Whether it was the mystical plant-based cuisine from Avendel or the tropical delights from the Sungarde Empire, this bustling market street served as a melting pot of cultures, uniting races and people from across the Kelzarr continent. Amidst this vibrant scene were Pyron and Velan, making their way to a favored lunch spot known for its affordability and delicious food.

"You know, I've always said it, but this time it almost came true, Velan!" Pyron chuckled as they strolled down the market street, immersed in a colorful tapestry of haggling, children's excitement, and the occasional reveler nursing their drinks.

Velan expertly maneuvered through the crowd, showcasing his familiarity with the chaotic market environment he had grown up in. "You're exaggerating again, Pyron. Look at you, without a scratch!" Velan's sly laughter resonated, his amusement evident at Pyron's serious demeanor. Despite their differences, their friendship thrived—Pyron's practicality counterbalanced by Velan's impulsive creativity. Together, they navigated the world, Pyron acting as Velan's levelheaded anchor, always ready to back him up.

Pyron countered with a wry grin, his retort laced with a hint of mischief. "The lack of evidence is not the proof of absence. Just because I'm unscathed doesn't mean I didn't narrowly escape death." He glanced at Velan, awaiting his response. But Velan was nowhere to be found.

Surveying the scene, Pyron's gaze finally settled on Velan, who stood engrossed in an alleyway. Curiosity piqued, Pyron approached. Velan pointed down the dimly lit alley, where a group of cloaked figures surrounded a woman seated on a set of stairs leading into a house. Velan's mischievous grin—a precursor to his often outlandish ideas—was absent this time. Pyron, however, had had his fill of excitement for the day.

"Absolutely not. No way," Pyron declared, clutching Velan's collar as he attempted to pull him away from the scene. Bystanders gathered, their attention captured by the unfolding drama. Laughter and astonishment echoed through the crowd.

"We're sticking to the lunch plan, just as you suggested!" Pyron declared over the amused murmurs, tugging Velan away from the alley.

Velan protested, his voice tinged with urgency. "Hey, Pyron, come on! let go. It was just a joke—honest! Let go!" Velan's plea held a mixture of exasperation and amusement.

The two friends continued their lively banter, fading into the background of the bustling market street. As the crowd's attention shifted elsewhere, the vibrant scene of the Arathan Capital market persisted, a microcosm of cultural diversity and lively interactions.

On the same bustling street, just a short distance from where Velan and Pyron's antics had drawn attention, Gilbert and Tiera found themselves seated at a quaint coffee shop. Known for its delectable cupcakes imported from the Elevar Kingdom, a realm predominantly inhabited by elves, the café provided a serene reprieve amidst the vibrant market.

Amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet allure of cupcakes, Tiera's fervent voice cut through the air, her tone laced with a mix of exasperation and urgency. "I made a deal with him, Gilbert, but seriously, did you see how he acted? Can I really trust someone like him to honor his word?" Between heated sips of coffee and eager bites into her third cupcake, Tiera gestured for the waitress to bring yet another indulgence.

Gilbert, his demeanor as composed as ever, lifted his gaze from his cup, his majestic mustache serving as a distinctive feature. With a calm that seemed almost unflappable, he replied, "Tiera, my years as your personal butler have granted me insight into your trust judgments. Not a hint of skepticism about Captain Talen's integrity slipped past you." His response carried the weight of observation and understanding.

He continued, a hint of playful reproach in his voice. "True, his approach might be unconventional, but I dare say he seemed dependable. I suspect this might be another excuse of yours to draw me into yet more adventurous escapades."

Tiera's eyes lifted from the cupcake's crumb-strewn aftermath, a challenge in her gaze as she wiped her mouth. "Oh, come on, Gilbert. This isn't about you. Decision's made—we leave at first light tomorrow. If Father's going to summon me home after hearing about this, I might as well savor the remaining freedom before the confinement," she declared with pride, her tone resolute.

With a raised eyebrow and a subtle sigh, Gilbert responded in a manner that indicated his surrender to the whims of his spirited charge. "Very well, miss Tiera, I shall be prepared to embark on this journey with you." His voice carried a hint of resignation.

As the atmosphere settled into a more subdued rhythm, Tiera cast a mischievous smile in Gilbert's direction. "By the way, did you remember to bring your wallet?" Her query dripped with a slick sense of urgency, a realization that her own had been left behind.

Gilbert, his fate seemingly sealed, met her gaze with an air of reluctant defeat. His gaze dropped to the table, his tone tinged with a sense of resignation. "Yes, Miss Tiera, I did, indeed, remember to bring my wallet." His response hinted at a long history of such requests and a weariness borne of countless similar predicaments.

..... [At another place at the same time]-------------------------------------------------------------------

Inside the Red Lobster Bar, Mack and Sigmund were fully engaged, negotiating their deal with the representatives from the Four Finger Heaven. The bar's atmosphere buzzed with the hum of hushed conversations and the gentle clinking of glasses, creating an intimate backdrop for their high-stakes conversation.

Mack's composed determination remained palpable as he addressed the enigmatic representatives. The dimly lit bar cast a soft, amber glow on his face, revealing the anticipation that gleamed in his eyes. This was their big break – their ticket into the big leagues, the legendary Four Finger Heaven. After years in the business, they stood at the precipice of success.

Reynard, who had been quiet for a while, took charge of the conversation. His gaze pierced through the dim lighting, his intent evident as he locked eyes with Mack and Sigmund. "Not just smuggling, you'll need to capture it," he said, his voice carrying an air of authority. "That might pose a challenge."

Sigmund, his voice wavering like a leaf in the wind, mustered the courage to ask, "What do you mean, 'might pose a challenge'?" His fingers traced the rim of his glass, betraying his nervous energy. He shifted in his seat, his collar suddenly feeling too tight against his skin.

Selene leaned forward, her regal demeanor unshaken amidst the lively ambiance. The candlelight danced in her eyes as they bore into Mack and Sigmund. "Our client is after a creature called a Salan-chick. It's a magical creature found only in the depths of the Nevandra forest." Her words carved a path through the surrounding sounds, drawing the duo's attention solely to her.

Reynard pointed to the illustration on the scroll, prompting Mack and Sigmund to lean in. Mack was the first to react. "Is this some sort of joke? It looks like a chicken!"

Sigmund chimed in, "Actually, Mack, this seems like a rather nice job. We should consider it." His gaze flickered between the scroll and Selene, his apprehension temporarily overtaken by intrigue.

Selene's expression remained serious. Despite the lively ambiance of the bar, her demeanor exuded an unwavering seriousness. "It's no joke. Despite its appearance, the Salan-chick is classified as a magical creature for a reason."

Mack snatched the scroll from the table and read aloud, his disbelief palpable. "Breathes fire?"

Sigmund, wide-eyed, glanced at Mack, his voice a mixture of amazement and incredulity, "Did it really say that?"

Reynard's scowl deepened, while Selene's grin only grew more amused. The tension in the air seemed to shift as their reactions unfolded.

As the realization sank in, Mack's tone shifted to disbelief, his words trailing off in astonishment, "This creature breathes fire?!" His hands gestured wildly in the air as if mimicking the fiery exhales.

Sigmund's nervousness was evident, his fingers nervously drumming against the table. "That's... that's quite something."

Selene's tone turned businesslike again, her regal facade once more masking any hint of amusement. She leaned back slightly, her fingers steepling in front of her as she studied their reactions. "so are you taking the job or not?"

Mack took a moment to process, his brow furrowing in deep thought. "Give us a second," he replied, his voice measured and contemplative. "Ignoring the fire-breathing part of all this, it's in the Nevandra forest on the other side of the continent."

Selene's smile was almost hypnotic, a subtle play of confidence and persuasion. "True, but if you want to be big league players, you need to tackle the big jobs."

This was it the moment where Selene shone the brightest, right as a deal was about to close. She had quickly climbed that ladder of the underworld after having joined the four finger heaven. It had only taken her a year to earn to position of representative form them. Since taken up that position she had closed some of the most important deals for them. always making sure to stack it in their favour, she was an important player in the underworld.

Mack and Sigmund take a quick look at each other they had been partners for a long time, they didn't need to exchange words to tell each other what they both were thinking in that moment. for far too long had they been scraping the bottom of the barrel. They knew they had what it took to make it in the big leagues they had just never gotten the chance until not and they were not about to miss it.

Both of them responded simultaneously "We're in!" and with that before they even knew what happened Selene had given them a date, time and location where to deliver the beast after they had captured it after she had done that she had paid her tab and left the bar quickly and efficiently clearly the deal that she had struck with them was not the last deal she was closing today.

Emerging from the Red Lobster Bar, Mack and Sigmund stepped out into the embrace of a sunlit afternoon. The warmth of the noon sun kissed their skin, casting a golden glow on the cobblestone path that stretched before them. The Blue Lantern Valley seemed to come alive under the sun's rays, its secrets and mysteries illuminated by the light of day.

As Mack and Sigmund begun their walk through the sunlit alleyway, a sense of anticipation hung in the air, mingling with the scent of flowers and the distant sounds of the bustling city.

Mack's gaze remained fixed ahead, his thoughts seemingly aligning with the path they were treading. He broke the silence, his voice a mixture of determination and excitement. "Siggy, can you believe it? This might just be our big break – the chance we've been waiting for all these years."

Sigmund's fingers absentmindedly brushed against the scroll in his pocket as he looked at Mack with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "I know, Mack. It's almost surreal, isn't it? I mean, we've been through so much, faced all sorts of challenges and close calls, and now... it's like the universe is finally throwing us a bone."

Mack's signature grin flashed across his face, a reflection of his confidence and enthusiasm. "You're right, Siggy. We've proven ourselves time and again, and now we're stepping onto a bigger stage. The big leagues of the underworld, where the rewards are higher, the risks are greater, and the adventures are legendary."

Sigmund's nervous energy seemed to fade, replaced by a spark of determination. "I won't lie, Mack, I'm excited, but there's also a part of me that's... well, scared. This is a whole new level, and we'll be dealing with creatures we've only heard stories about."

Mack's hand clapped Sigmund on the shoulder reassuringly. "Hey, it's okay to be nervous, Siggy. It's natural. But think about it this way – every time we faced something new, something challenging, we came out on top. We're not rookies anymore. We're seasoned smugglers, skilled in getting the job done."

Sigmund nodded, his anxiety easing as he absorbed Mack's words. "You're right, Mack. We've faced worse odds before and managed to come out on the winning side.

Mack's grin grew even wider "that's right Siggy, if there is one thing I've learnt after our many years in this business it's that we always win one way or another"