

Monsters are rampant in the era of universal beast control. Fortunately, humans can awaken their talents and contract beast control when they reach adulthood to compete with monsters. Some people have awakened F-level talents, and there is no hope for the evolution of beast control, so they can only become ordinary people. Someone awakens the C-level talent, and the beast control can exert power beyond the body, which is extremely powerful. Someone awakens the S Level talent, becomes an Apex Level powerhouse with beast control, and becomes a human being. Once Ye Feng transmigrates, he will awaken the top ten SSS Level talents at the beginning, and you can choose from them at will. [Eye of the Soul: Insight into the advantages and disadvantages of beast control, and discover its ultimate evolutionary direction]. [Cultivation Feedback: Infuse the beast with cultivation, and the host will receive the same Cultivation Feedback, with a probability of triggering a critical hit]. [Terrifying Devour: Beast masters can devour creatures and have a probability of permanently acquiring the creature's body skills. Creatures below the realm of beast masters can be killed directly through engulfing]. [Talent Plunder: Every time you kill a life, you will randomly get a talent from the opponent]. … When everyone was not optimistic about it, Ye Feng gave up the choice of Gao Xing Yu Beast, contracted with Great Earth Ape King and trained him into Qitian Great Saint. The Great Saint in Mythical, the World Tree with one leaf and one world, the Golden Crow that burns the sky and destroys the earth, and Kunpeng who controls the way of space and power. This is an era that only belongs to Ye Feng. In this era, all the people The gods retreated, and the Myriad Worlds surrendered. Novel keywords: Talent Awakening: Initiation Monkey Evolves Qitian Great Saint no pop-up window, Talent Awakening: Initiation Monkey Evolves Qitian Great Saint txt full set download, Talent Awakening: Initiation Monkey Evolves Qitian Great Saint latest chapter reading

Abinash_Bhai · Fantasy
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30 Chs

The Skyrocketing Points, The Notorious Name!

"Fuck, did I hear that right, no rules?"

"This is kind of scary, what does no rules mean? Can anyone tell me?" "Does that mean Beast Tamers can kill each other?"

"Damn, I'm shaking. What's up with this pinnacle competition!"

"This is going to stir up some trouble-

The noise from the crowd made the place lively, even the participating students were taken aback.

Upon hearing the old man's words, Wang Hu was momentarily stunned, then a smirk appeared on his face.

Ye Feng's eyebrows knitted together. Just a few seconds ago, he felt many eyes focusing on him.

It seems like he was being underestimated.

"Quiet! "

At that moment, the old man abruptly shouted, a wave of authority swept over, and everyone immediately shut up.

"The six levels of Imperial Beasts in the Level Six Secret Realm, each level representing a certain amount of points. Black Iron Realm gives 1 point,

Bronze Realm 2 points, Silver Realm 5 points, Gold Realm 10 points, Platinum

Realm 100 points, and Diamond Realm 10 ,ooo points."

"For every Imperial Beast you kill, the points will automatically be added to the scoreboard, showing your ranking."

"The final competition will last five days. After five days, the individual first on the scoreboard will be the champion of the pinnacle competition, the Rookie King of this season!"

"In addition, defeating a Beast Tamer will grant you half of their points unless it drops to zero. If you defeat a Beast Tamer who just entered the Secret Realm and has zero points, you can directly eliminate them and gain 1 point."

"Those who shatter the teleportation jade charm will be considered as voluntarily quitting the competition. They will be eliminated!"

This bastard was fostering a snake in one's bosom!

Ye Feng saw right through the old man's hidden agenda behind these rules.

He had to admit, the top brass of the Federation was quite ruthless towards this batch of students. He remembered that in the finals of previous Secret

Realms, even though the rules were still loose, there was one rule that Beast Tamers could not kill each other.

Wasn't he afraid that a competition with no rules like this one would lead to widespread annihilation of talents?

"Alright, everyone enter the Secret Realm now!"

The old man gestured, and the Secret Realm's light gate opened instantly!

At the same time, Wang Hu was the first to move, teleporting directly into the light gate!


"Fuck, what are we waiting for? The later we go in, the more likely we'll get ambushed!"

At that moment, all the students showed their speed and frantically rushed into the Secret Realm.

Meanwhile, this grand event was being live-streamed on various radio stations and on the internet in major cities of the Human Federation.

Some have even started placing bets online on who would be the final champion!

Among them, the odds for Wang Hu were 1:1.1

Qian He 1:1.3

Yun Ziyi 1:1.3

Zhou Qing 1:1.2

Lei Yunting 1:1.2

Ye Feng 1:3

Clearly, many people weren't optimistic about Ye Feng's chances, which is why his odds were the highest. However, people that were actually betting on him winning were the fewest, less than 5%.

As for Wang Hu, who was the hot favourite, over 80% of people were betting on him.

On the other side, the old man returned to his seat in the stand.

"So, shall we guess who will be the champion of this season?" A middle-aged muscular man with spiky hair wearing a tight tank top spoke to the others.

"I think we should!"

The one who spoke was a woman, dressed in black stockings, her legs rested on the stand, oblivious to the secret glances from around her. "Cough, cough, five days are too boring, having some fun isn't a bad idea!" A young man with a goatee spoke after clearing his throat.

The muscular man looked energised when his suggestion was accepted.

"Heh, I bet on that Ye Feng, an Imperial Beast with a low-grade Transcendence talent!"

The muscular man raised a finger!

"Damn, you're such a big spender!" The young man's calm was shattered and he swore out loud.

"I'm also betting on Ye Feng. I'm in!" The young man gritted his teeth!

"Ye Feng!" The woman spoke lazily!

"Ye Feng!" The old man was also tight-lipped!

"Damn it, none of you are playing fair!"

It was now the muscular man's turn to be pissed. Everyone had bet on Ye Feng winning. If Ye Feng did win, he would lose even his underpants!

He had bitten off more than he could chew. His liver was literally quivering!

"Come on, none of you even knows what type of Talent Ye Feng has, and you're all betting like there's no tomorrow. Aren't you scared of losing?"

"Not afraid!"

The woman's words threw the muscular man off!

"Following your bet is always a safe bet!" said the young man!

"Xiao Mu is right!" The old man was still as frugal with his words.

They all knew the old man's character. He had already exerted much effort by explaining so much about the rules of the competition earlier.

The muscular man was grinding his teeth in rage. If he could beat the three of them working together, he'd punch them all right now.

"However, there is a never before seen Transcendent Demonic Beast in the Level Six Secret Realm, which was unexpected!" said the muscular man in a suggestive tone.

"Right, that Transcendent Beast is probably of high-grade quality. If any of these kids can make it their own, it might be an early lock for the champion of the pinnacle competition." The young man slowly spoke.

"That Transcendent Demonic Beast isn't simple, it might have the capability to fight beyond its level. Whether they can make it theirs is not for sure." The old man shook his head, indicating his disagreement.

On the other side, Ye Feng leapt into the light gate along with the others and entered the Secret Realm..