
Tale of Twin God

You can`t broke something ruined. This is story about two people that tried to change their fate, quench their thirst and satiate their anger. Follow the adventure of John and Jane, twins that tried to embark on journey of cultivation to fulfil their wish. The road was thorny, filled with dread and blood. Two polar opposite that tried their best to help and understand each other. What can they found at the end of the road? is that what they always looking for? ======================================= Well, this is my very first novel, I tried to polish my english writing skill by creating this story. i hope everyone can enjoy this story, i`m not a professional writer and english not my main language, so any insight to the writing technique and stories telling always welcome. thank you very much.

timbangan · Fantasy
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4 Chs

On The Side of The Dao

When jane ate the thing that her brother give, all the thing she saw was different now. Her consciousness was flying from her body. She saw blood, head, and skull everywhere. For the first in her life she saw something that made her scared mad. This kind of view was something she can`t even digest. All the severed head, dismembered bodies. Her soul was trembling, what the hell is this? Is this the future she will see? Is this her destiny she had to fulfil? The dismembered bodies count was up to billion, will she become the one that kill everyone?

"Oh! How come there is a girl here?" Said someone, it startled Jane.

"Hahahahahah, so you already eat your destiny? Why so hasty? So that`s what happened huh? So that`s the reason why I never found you" Said the man laughing once more.

Jane was trembled to the core. What is this. She felt some irrational fear that can`t be described.

"You are mine, you will be mine. And you are a girl? it was thousand times better, hahahah."

"I will look for you, now you already embark yourself on the dao, you can`t hide yourself anymore. Once you look for the dao, you can`t turn your back on it."

Jane soul almost crumbled from the scare, she was a mortal, and the man that spoke was something beyond even anyone can comprehend. Her body start to disintegrate, she doesn`t know if she can hold it anymore. Her mind started to shake, the very first time she tried to embark on the journey, she already met her peril. It was so laughable. Now she knew why her brother don`t let her embark on the journey, you can`t broke something that already ruined, but now her body start to broke. But right before she was disintegrated completely, something happened.

The dao that was silent suddenly start resonating. Out of nowhere, a big hand appeared from the sky. The man startled when he saw this.

"How dare you old hag come here. This is hell execution zone. You aren`t allowed to be here!" The man start cursing.

"A sinner tried to change his destiny?" The voice from heaven can be heard throughout the hell.

"You!!" The man startled and prepare himself to attack the hand. He didn`t care if the girl soul disintegrated, all he need was her body. If the soul died it thousands time better. But now, something tried to prevent it from happening. He already waiting for so long to be able to detect the thing he own, but now when it come by herself, he was interrupted by someone.

"Don`t waste it. This kid is mine" Said the voice from heaven.

And Jane lost herself completely.

Once upon a time, there was a legend that told everything that happen in this world already recorded on a book. The book only had ten pages, but the content was different based the eye of the beholder. This heavenly book was called the book of measuring heaven and earth. No one know how much information this book had, because of that, everyone tried to steal at least one page of the book. Over hundred of thousands year, the book change ownership so much that, now no one know who own the page of the book itself. In this era, rather than book of measuring heaven and earth, every page was called paper of destiny.

In this vast world, there were thousands of organizations, clans, sects and religions, yet no one never dared to declare themselves as the owner of paper of destiny. No one really dare to say that they own a piece of information that can change their organizations fate to other hungry wolves. But, in this world the one that own the paper already preparing themselves because on the paper some word suddenly appeared. The words were different from each other, it all depend on the eye of the beholder.

"The blade already surfacing"

"The holy child is coming"

"The devil emerging from the earth"

"The destruction is near"

"The pestilence should be stopped"

"The place you want was the place of your peril"

"Run when night is neigh"


One clan, two organizations and two religions, and two individuals were shaken to the core when the paper shows this word. Every time the paper show something this clear, things will not be good. Every owner of the paper prepared themselves for the situation that they saw on the paper. Not everyone was panicking though, some was overwhelmed with joys. Just like the man that Jane saw before, he owned one of the papers of destiny, and his face was brimming with happiness because now he knows the blade was really appeared. Another faction that brimming with happiness was the biggest religion on the planet, the Church of Twilight god.

The biggest religion on this planet wasn`t only a church that serves twilight god, it was also the strongest force for human expansion. Resource for cultivation was scarce and the need for it was a never ending demands. One of reason why White River City appear was to accommodate the military power of many religions, sects and organizations. Wilderness was the best place for people to look for resource and search for treasure, and beside that, wilderness was the place where many monsters and magical beast resides.

The chaotic power structure of the White River City was created so all the forces in this places can`t be too domineering, after all it was safe haven for everyone. Even though no group really dominating this place, the city can`t working without a ruler, and this is where Church of Twilight God play their card. Every governor of White River City was someone appointed by Church of Twilight from other organization, religions or clans and sects, Church of Twilight God know they can`t eat all the cake by themselves, to keep their power and satisfy the masses, they will choose the governor from others. So, even though they don`t really include themselves in governing the town, they still can lead where the development went.

The current ruler right now was middle aged man from Black Grotto Organization, this governor rarely appeared in the public space, most of his time spend on his office to did the work and cultivation. His calm and relaxing life right now was disturbed from his secretary that look like someone who just faced a heart attack.

"My lord, the church just sends us a command!" Said the secretary.

The lord was confused. It was the first since he become a governor the church contacted him directly like this. They usually send their will and told their interest when there was a meeting or bouquet, and it was never a direct command.

"What happen?" The lord asked.

"The holy child was found, and she might be here!"

The lord was really startled now, it was a trouble brewing. One of the reasons why this place can be so peaceful even with chaotic power structure, the one with real power never come here directly. Most of organization and religions had an understanding that this place should never face high level conflict between each other. Now the holy child is here, there must be some organizations that won`t let Church of Twilight to grow even stronger.

"Who knows about this information beside us?"

"There should be no one know about it yet. They only told us so we can help them clean this mess."

The lord started to rub his chin. No one want to kill geese before they start to lay the golden egg. He still didn`t get enough benefit from becoming a governor of this city.

"Where is my child?" Ask the lord.

"He was last seen at Morning Dew Brothel, lord" The secretary answered.

"That Kid!" The lord start to look angry.

"Bring that child to me now!"

John looked at Jane with worried expression. He didn`t know what happened to her. Her pale face and weak pulses was very different from someone that started to embarking the journey. What happen? The destiny he gave her was his destiny. It will lead Jane to her dao, and repair the way by itself. Once you look at the dao, you can`t turn back and vice versa. So long she saw her dao, her destiny will once again connected to her body. Qi will start to enter her body and she can her cultivation journey. But how it turned out like this?

John don`t have any cultivation and he never cultivate. His one and only destiny now is in his sister hand, so he doesn`t have any idea how cultivation work at all. You cultivate to fulfil your destiny and change your fate, he understood about destiny and fate, but he doesn`t know about cultivation. Did he do something wrong? My foolishness now put my sister life on danger of peril? This question haunted him so much that it hurt. Only if he was wise enough to know the right thing!

John closed his eyes and calm his mind. He once cut her sister dao, and now he tried to sense it again. 'I sense my sister dao and cut it once. Though I can`t cut it now, at least I should be able to sense it'. his sense wander, her sister was a special existence to him, more than anyone even his sister realized. Jhon felt like standing on a thin thread. This thread was his special connection, destiny between that only he knew existed. From there, his sense started to look for his sister dao. Just like in the past, this special thread will always lead to her destiny and dao. He walk slowly before he see the dao. When people ask how the dao look like, no one know, but when you see it, you will knowit was the dao.

On the side of the dao, he saw her sister soul wrapped in cocoon. He approached it slowly and start to touch it. 'so this is her dao thread'. John then sat and close his eyes. His sister soul was inside, and he didn`t know if anything happened to her. He started to think, if he knew how to cultivate, maybe he can see what happen with his sister soul, yet he can`t so he chose to guard it. he didn`t knew if anything bad happened to her, but he won`t back down from his promise to be always by her side.

He didn`t know how long he sit beside his sister cocoon. It felt a very long time already passed, yet his real body didn`t feel like long time already passed. He knew that dao don`t have any concept of time because everything was a dao, even the time. The time he sat beside her feels like eternity, he didn`t know how long he already on seated position. He tried to synchronize his heart to her. He can feel her heartbeat inside, so even though he didn`t her condition, at least he can know if her heartbeat on trouble.

When the heartbeat started to synchronized, there was this special feeling that going through from his body. He didn`t know what it was, it was the first time he ever felt this way. Whenever the heartbeat start beating. It feels like there is something grow below his navel, his dantian. 'This is..', now he know, so it`s how it feels to cultivate and reach the dao. Even though it`s not his dao but his sister, this feeling was really new to him. Every time he feels his dantian grow, he can feel his sister heartbeat become stronger and stronger.


Now he knows. Because he gives her sister his destiny, now their dao is interlinked. Whenever he cultivate, the result will be connected to his sister cultivation. It was pretty weird feeling when you absorb the qi but it goes to another place. For other, maybe it was a really bad thing, your work hard will be enjoyed by other, yet he was full of smile now. So with this, his sister cultivation speed will be doubled. The stronger his sister was, the less worried he will.

Jhon put all his focus to absorb the qi of heaven and earth from his real body. He didn't need any technique to absorb it, it was as easy as breathing. His talent for cultivating should be heaven defying if any other cultivator knew that Jhon could cultivating just by breathing, they will start to pull their hair off.

Inside Jane dantian, drip by drip, Qi started to condense and create white mist all around. Her pale face start to become roused, and her breathing start to stabilized. The cocoon beside Jhon start shake softly, the thread loosened up and braid itself with other thread around the dao and Jane destiny. Seeing this, Jhon was startled. So this is it, now his sister will embark her journey he thought. It didn`t take a long time before all the thread start moving around and create a bridge between her and the dao. Such magnificent view was something he will never see again. He once saw how the thread was severed, and now once again he saw it reconnected.

So this is dao, destiny and cultivation.

Jane open her eyes, her soul was transformed after all the thing that happened. His brother once cut her dao, she felt the bitterness of life that ruined her soul and body, and when she want to start her cultivation journey, someone bring her to hell execution ground and her soul almost disintegrate there, and when she almost lost herself, someone help her soul and bring her to her destiny. Jane soul was looking at Jhon that sit cross legged beside her. Her brother never broke his promise, he always stay by her side.

"Jhon" She called him softly.

Jhon open his eyes, when she looked at Jane soul, she can feel the flowing power from it. He smiled at her.

"Welcome back, Jane"

Jane nodding her head, yeah, I am back.

When Jane opened her eyes, she felt everything around her was different. She can see everything much clearer than before. Her other senses were much more heightened too. She felt there are overflowing power from her body, it felt like everything was much more fragile before her. This kind of sensation felt very weird, she used to be very weak, a normal sixteen years old girl, but now he felt like an unstoppable horse, the energy was really overflowing.

"John! I did it!" She said excitedly, forgetting all the bad things that had just happened.

John nodded her head, but deep inside he was worried. This girl destiny wasn`t good for her. But seeing her smile, he can`t help but to be happy, after all she was just sixteen years old girl, let her excitement now wash away her hatred and sadness for now.