
Volume 1.15 Spies?

Two years later...

A somber yet melodious melody resonated in the day's stillness. It produced a surreal atmosphere while combined with the rustling noises of the leaves and the chilly breeze of the wind.

In the middle of the forest, a boar was running away from the unknown predator chasing it. Above one of the tree branches, red ruby eyes glistened. Those predatorial eyes belong to no other than Myrene.

*Squak!* The boar fell to the trap that she set. Myrene stopped playing the small harp she had and put it back in her bag with great care. Then she reached the bow from her back and plucked one arrow and aimed it at the struggling boar.

She took a deep breath as she relaxed her arms and released the arrow. Her silver hair was tied back in a single ponytail fluttered along with the wind.


The boar was hit directly to its stomach. Myrene picked up another arrow, then fired it once again to the boar. With that shot, the boar finally lumped down on the ground.

Myrene jumped down from the tree branches and walked towards the dead wild boar.

Before Myrene would do anything to it, she brought out a notebook along with a pen.

{Day 14 of Training in the forest. I have killed another wild boar for my lunch.}

Myrene then put back her notebook to her brown satchel. Then she brought out the dagger she had and started dismantling the boar. All the necessary parts aside from the meat, she put it in her space ring.

"This is the last day of my practical training in the forest."

As she looked at the sky, it was already starting to get dark. She found a place where she could rest and started creating a bonfire.

Then she started to roast the meat of the boar she caught. While waiting, she brought out a book from her bag and started reading about it.

'It has been two years now since I started training with Ares. And I admit, that in the past two years, I feel more different than ever before and become more than the weak child from before.' Myrene closed the book she was reading. Her gaze went on the sizzling fire in front of her.


"It is just some twigs and rock. If you do it, you can surely easily learn to do it. After all, you're a smart big brother. If we get a chance, I'll teach you to do it." Myrene said.

"Really?!" His big brother smiled wide, enhancing the two dimples that were at each side of his chubby face. "Then that's a promise."

"Yes, it's a promise." Myrene extended her pinky then her brother also did the same and interlocked it together. He then started singing in an off-tune sound.


'It's a promise, brother. Just a little bit more and I will be able to see you again.' Myrene reached for the roasted pork and started eating it. 'My naming ceremony will be just three days from now on.'

"Get away!"

Myrene was alarmed when she suddenly heard screams. 'Screams? At this forest?

There should be no people here other than me and wild creatures.'

Myrene poured water on the fire and started dashing out through the woods. When she reached the source of the scream, she saw a hooded person trying to sway the three wolves that were trying to harm them with a single torch in his hands. Behind the cloaked person was another cloaked person who looked severely injured.

'How did these two get into this territory?'

'Should I help them or not?'

"Don't come near us!" The one who was swaying the torches towards the wolves seemed desperate enough.

"My lord, please just leave me here." The injured man said as he tried to pick up his staff.

'My lord?' Myrene looked more cautiously at the strangers. 'I don't know who they are, but if they manage to get into this forest that is surrounded by magma. And I have scouted the entire place these two years. But if they were able to enter here, then they must know a place to escape here that I can use for my plans? Should I make them indebted to me?'

Myrene donned her hood and a black mask over her face. She drew her bow and relaxed her arms, calming herself. That was when she fired the first arrow, striking the first wolf that tried to leap on the stranger first. Then, with even swift motions, she launched another arrow at the remaining wolves.

The two strangers were surprised to see someone shoot the wolves to their deaths. And that was when Myrene started coming out from the bushes she was hiding.

"Why are you in this place?" The two strangers looked at the person who was approaching them.

'A child?' The one holding the torch focused it towards Myrene. Since her face was covered with a mask and cloak they couldn't completely see her face except her red eyes glistening as it gazed upon them.

"A demon!" The man who was injured behind stood up. He picked his sword as he stepped ahead to protect the one who was holding the torch.

'Ah these red eyes.' Myrene didn't move to her place as she stayed in her place. 'But why are they reacting this much? It's natural to have demons in this continent since this is where they live? Unless could they be spies from the outside world? Did I get mixed into something troublesome?'

'Hah. Forget it. If they are indeed spies, I better leave them here.'

"What do you want from us, demon?!" The injured man who was pointing a sword at Myrene threatened her. But Myrene remained unfazed seeing how injured he was, there was no way that he would be able to defeat her.

'What do I want from them? If I'm your typical demon, these two are already dead. How stupid and lame spies. I should get out of here.' Myrene didn't utter a word and started walking away. However, before she could completely leave them...


But she didn't stop walking. "Please help us!"

That was when Myrene stopped walking.

"What are you doing, My lord?!"

"We don't have any other choice right now, Raymond! You are severely wounded."

"But it's a demon!"

"And he saved our lives!"

There was a heavy silence that filled the air. 'They are so loud. And he? Did he think I'm a man?'

"Please help us." The man holding the torch begged.

"No, Milord, cough cough." His subordinate dropped on the ground coughing some blood.

"Follow me," Myrene said and walked ahead without waiting or looking whether they followed her or not.

"Let's go Raymond."

"Are we really going to follow her? What if he killed us?"

"Yes." The man holding a torch helped Raymond on his shoulders. "If he wants us dead, those arrows will be targeted at us and not at the wolves."

They followed the cloaked child until they entered a cave. The unknown lord brought the injured Raymond to the ground.

"You can stay here. No monsters will be able to see you here or other demons." Myrene said then she threw three potions containing green liquid at them. The cloaked lord swiftly caught it.

"This is..."

"Healing potion. But the lowest quality grade," said Myrene as she started to turn away. "If there is nothing you need, I'll go now."

"Why are you helping us?"

"To make you owe something to me first." Myrene answered.

"I-I knew it. We should not have followed her..." Raymond stopped talking when his lord raised his hand.

"You said, first. Does it mean it isn't the case now? What do you want for us now?"

'What a strange person, talking normally to a demon.'

"I don't want to get mixed up with your troubles," Myrene said without looking at them. Making the two look at her in silence. "That is why, when you get out here, don't ever mention to anyone that some demon helps you here."

"But still, you save us. Have at least this." Myrene caught the item thrown at her. When she looked at it, her eyes widened in surprise to see that it was an emblem containing a familiar crest of a white dove holding a leaf on its beak.

'This crest...' Myrene turned around seeing those purple eyes staring at her. "What's this?" She asked, acting ignorantly.

"If you need help in the future, just exert a bit of your mana on the emblem and we will be able to communicate again."

'You can't even help yourself.' But to not cause anymore conversation.

"I will keep that in mind." Myrene said as she put the emblem in her pocket. And no one spoke until Myrene was already gone.

'This emblem... That was the symbol of the Myrtle Kingdom's royal household. So they are spies from that kingdom. I should absolutely not interfere with their affairs. However, I'll simply keep this in case I need it in the future.'

Since she couldn't sleep now, she decided to head back to the mansion marking her last training in the forest.