
Tale of the prince of broken love song

Since time de immemorial, mankind had stories about magic and gods, and there is no actual proof they exist. But what if they do? What if magic became real? What if gods are real? This is the story of an adolescent boy who witnessed the birth of magic.

BrightFlare · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: a certain Orphanage

date: March 27, 2022, 6:00 am

Tris --




「Tris! happy birthday!」

「little brother, you don't have to bother and give me something but I appreciate it, thank you」

「don't worry big brother as long as it's you we would make you happy!」

「so this is from everyone, where are they?」

「big brother... umm... di-director」

「little brother Feng, can you hold this and hide for a while, I would eat it later」

Director David, that animal again, I immediately run towards the lobby of the orphanage and saw the director beating up the other kids in the orphanage again, and not just that, that dirty director is touching Azreel while beating the other kids, I can't hold it anymore, I run faster towards the director and punch him in the face, he shouted

「how dare you brat to punch me just like that!」

he then punches me back and it hurts so bad, but at least he lets go of Azreel and the kids, I reply.

「And how dare you to touch them!」

「because I want to」

「you dare」

as of then the director chained me to the ground and beat me up until 11:30 am and Azreel cried the whole time, then... a painful headache came to my head, and screamed at the pain, during it, I saw the director and Azreel in pain as well and the other kids while the rest are confused as to why we are feeling this pain... I don't know how much time passed and I don't know if I can keep my sanity... ah! the clock, where it is? what time it is, as I saw the clock hit noon the pain suddenly vanished like it was all a dream and a hologram appear in front of me saying

[magic had engulfed your world]

[from now on magic and the system is available to all the awakened individual]

[saying system or thinking about it would open the system window]

I don't know what is happening but "SYSTEM" then the holographic screen appears again.

name: Tris

level: 1

skill: none

blessing: none

title: none

curse: none

concept: none

we all don't know what was happening but when the director came to his senses he started beating me up again, even until a system message appear again he continue to beat me.

[A certain god called ancestral human is gazing down at these little beings who discovered the magic power]

[the god said good luck and says he would go report this matter to the higher-ups and go back]

an hour passed and the beating continue

at that time my body is covered with bruises and I saw the holographic screen again.

[you have suffered continues fatal injuries but your spirit is still burning like how a sun continues to burn and glow for countless years ahead and the world has recognized your unwavering flame and would like to grant you the ability to hold into your life until the time you are freed from this chain come.

would you accept it?]


[you have obtained the skill "passive regeneration]

as the director saw my wounds and bruises heal, he smiled, and beat me up stronger, it seems that Azreel had passed out.

[The Supreme god who has been brought by the ancestral human says that you humans should not have discovered magic yet, and ask if human want to advance in magic further to help your growth]

then a poll appears with two choices [Yes] and [No]

I answered yes... because it might help me... but the thought of it helping the director as well didn't cross my mind.

time passed, and after a while, the director suddenly grew stronger and a message appear.

[the demon who likes torture is delighted as his incarnation torture you]

then there are superior beings out there? please... help...

[***** would like to help you by giving you the skill "flesh burning"]

what kind of skill it is?

[***** says that it let you convert your flesh into power]

but wouldn't that kill me anyway?

[***** says that you have the skill "passive regeneration" that would keep you alive and the skill "flesh burning" would strengthen it over time]

can it burn flesh faster than my regeneration?

[***** says that that's yours to decide]

then I accept it!

switching to 3rd person narration

「Tris: let the party begin」

he broke the chain that bind him and stood up

「Director: Tris? h-how?」

「its the same reason you gained power」

he walked toward the director and grab his neck and crushed it, killing the director, but the director stood up giving Tris confusion as to how he is still alive, but the director didn't just wait and lunch himself, with shock Tris subconsciously tried to block it but the director just pass him and Tris realized it at the last moment, the director is holding Azreel's neck, lifting her and as Tris tried to save her the director crushed Azreel's neck similar to how Tris crushed his, with pain in his heart, he strengthens the flesh burning, dashed and shoved his hand into the director's chest and grabbed and pull his heart and thrust it into his mouth, the sorrow rush him as he saw the corpse of his dead lover on the floor

「Tris: hey... the mysterious god... are you still here?」

[***** said he is still watching him]

「Tris: who is this "demon who likes torture"?」

[***** said he is not allowed to tell you]

「Tris: why?」

[***** said it's because gods aren't allowed to tell their true name nor tell the other god's true name and it's why we go by title]

「Tris: then what is your title? why is it showing as 5 asterisks?」

[***** I don't wanna tell you]

「is there a way to save her?」

[***** said that there is but not right now]

「Tris: then it's hopeless?」

[***** said that might not be the case]

「what do you mean?」

[***** said that the soul of those who's killed by that demon or his incarnation are his to keep]

[***** added that even if the body is dead if you can obtain the soul, you can give her a new body]

「then getting stronger is my top priority」

[***** suggest that going to the dungeon might help and he needs to leave for a while to settle some matters]

「thank you, mysterious god, 」

to be continued