
Tale of the prince of broken love song

Since time de immemorial, mankind had stories about magic and gods, and there is no actual proof they exist. But what if they do? What if magic became real? What if gods are real? This is the story of an adolescent boy who witnessed the birth of magic.

BrightFlare · Fantasy
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Chapter 0: the beginning

location: Point Nemo reclaimed island secret base

date: March 27, 2022, 11:30


「Sir, we succeed the tesseract is complete」

「Finally, boundless energy is within my grasp!」

as of then... lights turned red signifying the loss of control of the tesseract.

「Sir, we lost control over the tesseract」

「Fools! why don't you do your job properly and fix it at this moment」

it was hopeless, the next thing that happened is the tesseract engulfed the whole earth causing massive 4th-dimensional energy flow to earth. as of then thousands... millions... until all of humanity had managed to handle the assimilation of the mysterious energy causing headaches to all the affecting people, hospitals are crowded. After the headache subsided a system-like message appears and says.

[magic had engulfed your world]

[from now on magic and the system is available to all the awakened individual]

[saying system or thinking about it would open the system window]

an hour after the panic of everyone a mysterious system message appears.

[A certain god called ancestral human is gazing down at these little beings who discovered the magic power]

[the god said good luck and says he would go report this matter to the higher-ups and go back]

two hours later.

[The Supreme god who has been brought by the ancestral human says that you humans should not have discovered magic yet, and ask if human want to advance in magic further to help your growth]

then a poll appears with two choices [Yes] and [No]

when it has been determined that no matter how many voted no, yes would still win, the god determined it as a yes, and as of that moment, dungeons all over the world appeared.

I wanna say that I would upload as many chapters as I could irregularly until I reach a 100,000-word count. and I would upload every Friday

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