
Take On The Night

A kid walking home on a sunset decides to take a shortcut home, while at it, he finds a girl sucking blood off of someone, scared because he looked dead, he runs, how will all turn out?

Rose_EX · Fantasy
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14 Chs


Shiro: Ah, its 4 AM, should we go to sleep?

Mayu: Wait a minute...

Take On The Night, Chapter 4, Never.

Shiro: What?

Mayu: I wanna see how this ends...

She seems pretty invested into the anime, however, Shiro just turns the TV off, and starts walking to his room.


Shiro: Im tired, lets just sleep...

Mayu: Ugh... Alright, ill be there in a sec.

Shiro enters his room, and lays on his bed, Mayu comes into the room about a minute later, this time, with her hoodie off showing her in a baggy short sleeved shirt, which made Shiro go like: WHAT!?

Mayu can see that Shiro is blushing, so she justs lays next to him and hugs him to sleep, which of course, makes Shiro confused as hell, as the only femenine affection he's recieved was from his mother when he was a child.

Shiro: What are you doing?

Mayu: Cant i hug my friend?

Shiro: Not like this...

Mayu: Dont care, good night...

Hugging, they go back to sleep, for some people, this may be happening really fast, if Shiro's mother knew that this happened within a day of knowing each other, she would freak out, but, we must know that Mayu likes to tease people, thats what she's doing with Shiro.

Time goes by as they sleep, it is now 2PM, a reasonable time to wake up at... if they were spanish...

Shiro: -yawn- Woah, its not 5PM this time, nice.

Mayu wakes up as Shiro talks to himself.

Mayu: Shut up, can you not let anyone sleep?

Shiro: Its 2PM, its already daytime.

Mayu: And im a vampire.

Shiro just stays silent, he realized that what he said was pretty dumb...

Mayu: Yeah, a dumb thing to say, anyway... -yawn- wanna play games until night?

Shiro: Sounds like a plan, lets go, ill grab something to eat while we play

They go to the living room, Mayu sits down at the couch, while Shiro grabs stuff to eat, but...


Mayu: -from the couch- What happened?


Mayu: Dang, big problem huh? Go to the store big boy, hurry hurry...

Shiro: Dont treat me like a dog.

Mayu: Dont wake me up at 2PM

Shiro: ... Aight ill be back...

Mayu: Take care...

Shiro puts on his shoes and leaves to go buy food at the store, this time he woke up earlier, so the streets are a bit more crowded, but that's no problem for him.

He goes through his usual route passing by the same spot where the cat was, but he's no longer there, after walking a bit tho, he finally gets to the store...

Shiro: Aight, lets get the usual... Candy, chips, a frozen pizza for lazy people like me, icecream, and cookies, lets go.

He pays for his food like the respectful civilian he is, and goes back home.

Passing by the spot where the cat usually stays at, he does indeed meet the cat, and decides that he does not care about his landlord, he's gonna take that kitty home, so, he grabs it, and walks home.

When he arrives, Mayu screams when she sees the cat, Shiro tells her that it was still in the streets, and he felt bad for the little kitty...

Mayu: Oh god he's so cuteeee! How are we gonna name him?

Shiro: Yoru, he's a black cat, so he should be called like the night.

Mayu: Yayyy, look at little Yoru, he's so cute :3

Shiro gets the snacks he just bought, puts the icecream in the freezer, and sits together with Mayu, then, they start playing games, having a good time.

But Yoru is hungry, remember he is a stray cat...

Shiro: Whats up little man, you hungry?

Yoru keeps meowing

Shiro: Ight ill fetch you some tuna real quick, stay here.

As he said, he grabs a tuna can, opens it and puts it next to Yoru so he can eat, and so he does, he almost even drills through the can, you could see that the little boy was hungry, being the good person that Shiro is, he also gets little Yoru a little glass of milk to drink, which he then also drinks, really fast.

Shiro: Little boy was hungry huh? You're with us now bud.

Mayu: I cant get over his cuteness -tears up-

Shiro and Mayu continue playing games, time passes, its 8PM, time for dinner.

Shiro: Well, we do have to make dinner, what do you wanna eat?

Mayu: Cant we get burgers delivered here?

Shiro: God, now i know why you lived on the streets...

Mayu: What?

Shiro: Nothing, here's my phone, order what you want for yourself, and also order me a double cheeseburger with fries.

Mayu: Oh im getting that too...

They were indeed having, a good time.

Food arrives, Shiro pays for the food and brings it to the couch.

Shiro: -sigh- ... You should really get a job...

Mayu: Shut up -she grabs her food- bon appetite...

They eat and then resume their gaming session for another 4 hours, until its 2AM, where they go shower and prepare for bed.

Shiro: Ok, now tell me the truth, how much has passed since you showered for the last time?

Mayu: Maybe... 2...

Shiro: 2 what, days?

Mayu: Months...


Mayu: But i dont have any more clothes ;-;

Shiro: Hold on...

He grabs some clothes for Mayu to use, its a black shirt and some black shorts, Mayu thanks him and goes shower.

After a while, she does come out, looking even better than before, and with a good smell now...

Mayu: This vanilla shampoo smells so nice... Here, smell my hair.

Shiro: You dont need to tell me how something i use smells, i already know, im next to the shower by the way, take care of Yoru in the meantime.

Mayu: Well... alright...

Shiro goes to shower while Mayu plays a bit with lil Yoru, until Shiro comes out.

Which he eventually does, shirtless, he surprises Mayu...

Mayu: Damn boy, look at those abs...

Shiro: Shut up zesty monster.


Shiro goes into his room, Mayu follows him with Yoru in her hands...

Shiro already put his shirt on and was gonna hop in bed, when Mayu breaks in...

Mayu: FYI, im not a "zesty monster", do i have to remind you that you checked me out when we met even tho you thought i was gonna kill you?

Shiro: Shut up, lets just sleep already, im tired...

Mayu: Lazy kid, all you do is sleep and play games.

Shiro: You do that too with me, aint you happy with that? I literally got you living here for free and i even feed you, do i get something in retu-

He gets interrupted by a kiss, Mayu was now on top of him...

They kiss for a bit, Shiro still shocked about it tho, they finally stop.

Mayu: That, that's what you get.

Shiro: Heh... So, im guessing you dont plan on leaving, right?



The time, again, was 4AM.

Take On The Night, Chapter 4, Never.

i hope you guys like how this is going so far ;-;

Once again, Mayu being the best (and only) girl of the whole novel.

Rose_EXcreators' thoughts