
Chapter 4

Morning came and the twins were getting ready to meet up with Komori.

10 min later

The twins and Komori met up in front of the gate.

Komori then introduced his cousin Sakusa Kiyoomi.

Atsumu and Sakusa were blushing a little when they saw each other.

Komori then asked Osamu for Atsumus hand in marriage for Sakusa.

Osamu looked at Komori with the death glare and protective aura.

Atsumu then made small talks with Sakusa and after a minute Atsumu then started making nicknames for Sakusa and picked the name Omi-Omi or Omi -kun.

Sakusa was very happy to meet Atsumu and was very comfortable with him.

Komori is still talking to Osamu for his brother's hand in marriage and Osamu was still glaring at Sakusa because he was too close to his brother in such a short period of time.

Sakusa can hear Komori talking about him and Atsumu while he just ignored him.

While Atsumu was still talking to Sakusa, Atsumu noticed that Oikawa was walking with someone else and waved to Oikawa who was now looking at Atsumu,Oikawa then waved back and smiled.

Sakusa then noticed that Atsumu was waving at someone else and misunderstood that Him and Oikawa were dating.

Osamu then noticed that Oikawa and Atsumu were waving at each other so he waved at Oikawa to be friendly.

Oikawa asked the person who was with to go to his friends and the person agreed.

Oikawa then approached them and introduced him to his friends.

His name is Iwaizumi Hajime his knight

Atsumu introduced Sakusa and Komori to Oikawa And Komori

They all talked and went to a nearby restaurant.

Oikawa then ordered grape wine but Iwaizumi was arguing with Oikawa because he has class tomorrow.

But as usual Oikawa already has a backup plan to get wine.

Iwaizumi wasn't even surprised.

An hour later

Atsumu,Komori and Oikawa was already drunk Osamu only took 1 sip because he knew that

He would end up carrying someone.

Oikawa was clinging on to Iwaizumi while Komori was still getting Atsumu's hand in marriage

Atsumu was sleeping Sakusa's lap while Sakusa was blushing and can't move because he doesn't wanna wake up Atsumu.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Konnichi waヾ(≧▽≦*)o

Thank you for reading todays chapter

Chryiane_Lee_2751creators' thoughts