
Chapter 3

Sakusa then walked away and left the two together.

After that

Sakusa was in a hurry to find his cousin.

Sakusa found his cousin, his name is Motoya Komori.

Komori saw his cousin going his way and saw that Sakusa was blushing A Little.

And Komori being the typical cousin he teased Sakusa to make him more embarrassed, everyone saw how Sakusa was blushing.

Everyone then spread the talk fast about how The Sakusa Kiyoomi was cold to everyone except families who are close.

Komori was telling his cousin that he can trust him to keep the secret.

Sakusa then pulled Komori into a room where no one was there.

Sakusa then described who the person was and said cheesy lines about how cute he was and how pretty his hair looks.

After that Komori was looking everywhere to find his cousin's Little crush.

Komori then surprisingly bumped into Atsumu who was everything Sakusa said.

Komori then asked for his name.

Atsumu was very uncomfortable because a stranger was asking his name excitedly.

But then Osamu Broke the two up.

Komori then apologised and introduced his name properly while leaving his family name out of it because he knew that if he did they would freak out.

Osamu apologised for suddenly appearing.

Atsumu then talked to both of them.

Komori enjoyed his time talking to the twins and not calling him prince and panicking and apologising for not realizing he was.

After that

It was time to go to the dorms while they were saying their goodbyes.

Komori asked if they could hang out and have someone come with him, the twins said sure.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.




Chryiane_Lee_2751creators' thoughts