

Katherine Millerson is the daughter of the notorious hybrid Mikhail Millerson and a normal wolf Sarah Jones. suddenly her mother is killed and her father forces her to move in with her aunt for her own protection. what will unfold as Mikhail starts to deal with his hidden demons and Katherine begins to make some of her own

Seri_Faw · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"dad" I said as we stood in front of my mother grave "why did this happen?" I asked "I'm sorry" was all he said. My parents weren't together, they weren't mates, and they didn't love each other. The only thing they were to each other was a one night stand that turned into an impossible blessing.

That's how my mom used to put it at least. But now it was just my dad and I. My father who was a powerful hybrid and me who was just a normal wolf. This story it's no ordinary one.

August 12th 20XX ( 3 Weeks Later)

"Kat I'm sending you to a pack" my father said suddenly "what are you crazy" I replied "I'm doing this for your own good I can't..." He said when I interrupted him "what you can't raise me your own child" I yelled "I'M DOING THIS TO PROTECT YOU!" he yelled back. There was a moment of silence. "I can't Protect you like I used to not with what's coming, I-I can't lose you Kat" he said.

My father was never once a good man, he had dozens of enemies. It was one of those enemies who killed my mother, though he didn't want to admit it we both knew it was true. "What pack?" I asked "your aunt Marie's" he replied looking at the ground. "I don't get it.. your a powerful almost unkillable hybrid and your scared" I said in a low voice "I'M SCARED TO LOSE YOU KATHRINE, YOUR MY CHILD" he began to yell "NO IM YOUR MISTAKE" I yelled back. "Do you really think that?" He asked. "C'mon dad, you had sex with countless women for decades without any issues then you had your stupid one night stand with mom and here I am an impossible mistake who the gods have tried to kill since I was born" I said "that's not true" he replied. "Yes... It is" I said then walked away.

I went up to my room and began to pack. I didn't have a choice about going and I was in no mood to keep fighting with him. It was only a few hours later when my aunt Marie was on the porch knocked on the door. I didn't leave my room but I heard my father answer the door. "Thank you for taking her Marie" he said "she's my one and only niece who I love more then anything of course I'd take her Mikhail" I aunt replied.

"Kat your aunt is here" he yelled as I came out of my room with a large duffle bag "I know I can hear" I replied sarcastically "you shouldn't be rude to your father Kat" my aunt said "whatever I'm sorry, I'll be in the car" I said quickly "wait" my father said quickly hugging me "I promise as soon as I've felt with everything I will come for you" he said quietly while hugging me tighter. I sighed "I'll hold you to that" I said hugging him back.

After a moment he released me from the hug and I quickly ran out to the passenger seat of the car.

"Keep her safe" Mikhail said only sadness in his voice "I will" Marie replied, then walked out the door closing it behind her. "It took you longer to come here then I expected" Mikhail said "we thought it better to stay out of your childs way" a mystery man said coming out of the shadows with a small group. "I thought I told you my family was off limits" Mikhail said grabbing the by the neck and pushing him against the wall at vampire speed. "But we didn't" the man said "don't think for a second I don't know it was you who killed my one and only child's mother victor" Mikhail said anger growing in his voice.

"I apologize we thought since she wasn't blood she didn't..." The man said sarcastically before Mikhail pulled out his heart and threw it on the ground. "And here I thought Vampires were smarter" Mikhail sneered as he licked the blood of his fingers. "Now let's get to business" Mikhail said with a smirk.

We drove for 2 hours before we finally made it to her pack. "We already prepared your room and a friend of mine has a daughter who is going to show you around tomorrow" my aunt said pulling into their driveway. "How long am I going to be here?" I asked "as long as it takes" my aunt said then got out of the car and I followed. "Kat!" My uncle David said walking over to me and hugging me. "How are you holding up" he said releasing me from the hug. "Fine" I replied.

David is my aunt Marie's mate and the Alpha of this pack he and my father don't really get along but he loves me to death from what I can tell. "Let's show you your room" he said with a big smile and I followed him up to the second floor, my huge duffle bag in tow.

"well what do you think?" my uncle asked as I walked into the room "it's very... plain" I replied "don't worry tomorrow Lena will be taking you shopping along with your tour that way you can decorate your room" my aunt said walking into the room. "is my dad paying for this?" I asked sarcastically "nope we're covering the full bill for you being here" my uncle replied.

I sighed "thanks for the room I think I'm just going to unpack for now" I said and they nodded. "I'll see you at dinner Kat" my aunt said practically dragging my ankle out of the room and closing the door behind them.

even though they were already downstairs and in his office I could hear them talking about me as I began to unpack "are you sure she'll be all right?" I heard my uncle ask "sweetheart she just lost her mother she's grieving and she feels as if her father just abandoned her it'll take time but she'll be okay we just have to be there to support her" my aunt replied.

after that I just decided to ignore them finishing unpacking and eventually going down for dinner. I quickly ate then ran back up to my room, I was just exhausted, because now it's almost like I have to start over again.