
Tail of Baizalia

when you are in middle of the world and want to live so badly , there you get a way to live and that way is anonymous to us.

MinyueMY · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The secret place : 2

" But why ?", Mei Li asked.

"cause it's a dark place with dark secrets and I even heard that when mmy dad was about to get a hundread acre land there the natives said don't take that it will curse you.So my dad didn't buy that place but when the same place my da's companys' compititors bought they really had very state after that .It was so badand many investors said they were seeing different figures. And some were sayng that they were attacked and about to die.If they didn't gave the place to the respected owner.", Jiang shan said and start to looking towards everyone's expressions.

suddenly Mei Li asked,"Whatt ,but why ,did they saw the ghost right there or at every place they were going...?"

"Actually I also didn't know that much..." jiang Shan replied.

"Yes I guess so ."Tong shen said and nodded his head.

"Oh my goodness, why we are talking about that cursed place it's so damn bad .I didn't lknew it is that much cursed.", Mei Li replied.

"Mei Li are you scared?", Lin Yue asked in worry .

'Actually nope.....", she replied but her expressions was saying she is really really afraid.

"HaHAHA...' Everyone started laughing at Mei Li's expressions.

"What are you laughing at?" Mei Li asked.

"Nothing Nothing , come here." Lin Yue saidwhile laughing.

" we are still here Mr.Lin ." Tong shen replied.

" yeah I know dirty minded ." Lin Yue thow a paper glass towards him and move his hands around her hair.

" Guys lettttttme go now please i need to do homework. Mei Li let's go."

lin Yue said while grabbing Mei Li's hands.

"Ohk Dude enjoy your homework ." Jiang shen said .

"Ohk then bye everyone." Mei Li waved her hand and they both leave.

Others were about to leave but Jiang asked Tong that they should go and check if there is any other place to go for trip.

They both leave the place.

On the other hand the place of baisalia was getting so high cause they just loose their one and only controller. And everyone was free now. No one was able to stop them due to lack of knowledge and courage.

But suddenly monk su /* greatest monk of the current age */ get the fact that their is a bloodline family member of the Baisalia's controller who is currently in the human world.