
Tail of Baizalia

when you are in middle of the world and want to live so badly , there you get a way to live and that way is anonymous to us.

MinyueMY · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The secret place : 1

A dark scary place full of people and children running around.The people there wasn't really looking good. They were very unstable and scary.And while looking out of that place every road was under destruction like a worse sin was given to that particular place. Noone was able to get out of it.

(scene shifts)

A school bell rang Lin Yue was about to get up from chair to take a walk. Suddenly his friends came and make his sit on the chair again.

/* Lin Yue a blonde hair colour,highly masculine body with a sharp eye on every small things he is living god for humans in baisalia school. */

"For god's sake what are you guys doing ?", Lin Yue asked in his heavenly deep voice but little tired tone.

" Oh Yue ! How can you be so cruel to us ? Why are you living alone ? Are you thinking about something....or someone??", Jiang Shang said.

/* Jiang Shang , a wealthy family heir ,one and only heir . Good looking man with a nice personality but talks alot.*/

"Hey leave him alone, don't bother him. He is already so frustrated why are you even worsing his situation by asking stupid things .", A beautiful girl Mei Li said.

/*Mei Li , she is such a popular host of a "Your Favourite Show"( a t.v. show's host). She is independant girl but abondened by her own family at very young age*/

Lin Yue started looking at her and said ," No Mei Li I am ok. Actually it's my fault I am the one who is acting weird these days . I think , I need a break ."

As he explained it, everyone appreciate him.

"Oh ! break actually.... can we go on a trip like we friends only .We all are above 18 and our college exam is just finished . so we are basically free right now. what say??'

/*Tong Shen a funny, sweet and overjoyed in himself type guy.Have a beautiful girlfriend named Kang Hye.*/

(Oh yes, he is in love with a korean girl .)

" Can I just suggest a thing ??", Mei Li asked .

Lin Yue just starred at her with appreciable eyes and nodded in yes.

(Everyone started looking at her)

"See, you want a break Lin and we all want fun. So why don't we go one a aboundned mountain range here it will be thrilling .That mountain range is actually so dark and different types of animals are there I guess I heard . So why don't we go ther and have fun", She fliched her both eyes and loked at them.

"Actually I am not feeling good . ?This should not be taken without any means " Jiang Shen said .