
Taekook - Nothing like us

Taehyung and Jungkook have been friends ever since they got chosen to form a KPOP group with another five guys called BTS. They got to know each other and can really connect to one another. The problem is, is that Taehyung is starting to have feelings for Jungkook. And little does he know, jungkook might feel the same way. •irregular updates

KYBLUE47 · Realistic
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57 Chs

| Part 9

After already ten minutes, Taehyung could clearly feel the movie tensing up.

He hated horror movies but Jungkook had been so excited, so he wanted to make him happy.

After every single scream, Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand grabbing something next to him.

Sometimes that something was a pillow, sometimes it was Jungkook.

He would be lying if he said that he didn't enjoy it.

He knew that Tae never watched those kind of movies, so of course he was more sensitive.

After the next scream, Tae jumped up, turned around and looked Jungkook straight in the eye.

"Listen, I know you want to watch this movie, but this is really silly! I- I am scared and I will not continue watching this movie!"

Just as he wanted to leave, Jungkook said "well, but it will be only worse when you don't know the end."

Taehyung bit his lip. Jungkook was right. But he couldn't imagine watching this any second longer.

"I'll hold you, if that helps", Jungkook said.

The older hesitated.

"Fine", he replied after a while.

He sat down into Jungkook's lap and Jungkook responsively put his arms around Tae's waist and his head on his shoulder.

"You better hold me tight", Tae mumbled.

The next jumpscare and Taehyung flinched and almost jumped into Jungkook, who was still sitting behind him.

It continued like that until the movie was over.

Taehyung sighed out of relief after it was finally done and gave into Jungkook's arms completely.

"I am going to sleep in your bed, with your arms around me, and there's nothing you can do about it." He even sounded panting.

Jungkook grinned on the inside.

Yes, he did want to watch especially that movie because he was interested in the storyline. That Taehyung needed his support was just a nice addition to it.

So, yes. Taehyung did sleep in Jungkook's arms that night. Obviously. Whenever he heard any kind of noise, he flinched. Oh how he hated horror movies.

The only good thing about it, was that he had an excuse to cuddle with JK.

And he definitely needed it. He would feel incredibly uncomfortable in his own dark room, with such strong silence which would have made the whole situation even more scary.

On the next day, the members packed and arrived in Thailand.

The food was the most awesome thing about it, Tae thought.

They've visited a workshop one time but after they accidentally met a bigger korean boygroup from a bigger company, they got laughed at and decided not to go there anymore.

BTS was known in the industry, yes, but only in a bad way. That made their daily life not any easier.

But they still had work to do and after an exhausting day, they had to go live on V app.

It was confusing that haters entered the livestream as well. Why would they watch something they don't like, just to make fun about it later. Silly.

But between those hate comments, were also very supportive comments from armys.

Good to know that at least someone believed in them.

  After thailand, they went to Tokyo.

After tokyo, they went to osaka.

After Osaka they went to Hongkong and on and on.

Multiple livestreams in between, multiple RunBTS! Episodes, multiple people not giving them the welcome they deserved...

It was tiring.

But hey this is what you get when you want to make their own music and live your dream right?

Then it was Jungkook's birthday.

Jhope and Jin took care of the cake, Namjoon, Tae and Jimin of the decoration, and Yoongi stayed with the maknae, so he wouldn't suspect anything.

When the members were done preparing everything, Jungkook was already on V app, with Yoongi, making a livestream.

Then the members came in, singing, hugging and greeting the boy and pulling him and the camera out of the room.

Jungkook was genuinely happy, he thanked them at least five times as he saw what they all prepared.

Then they left him alone again to talk to army even though every single member had a tiny present for him. But they told him to finish his livestream first before he was going to unpack.

Impatiently, after the stream was done, he ran towards the presents and the members watched him destroying the paper, trying to reveal what it hid.

It was a very funny thing to watch a trusfrated Jungkook trying to open the presents all at the same time.

From Yoongi he got socks with Iron man on them, which he fell in love with at first sight.

Namjoon had gifted him with a book, Jin with a nice card and a new shirt.

Jhope and Jimin had put some money together for a special edition box from girls' generation.

Taehyung gave him something to make a henna tattoo with.

Taehyung's present was probably the one, Jungkook was most excited to try. He had wanted a tattoo for a long time.

Of course henna wasn't the same as a real tattoo, but it was the closest thing Tae could have given him.

Cute that he remembered that, Jungkook thought.

A few hours and a big dinner later, Jungkook tried to give himself a henna tattoo, but it wasn't working.

Someone nodded on his door.


"I wanted to say goodnight- are you already using my present?"

Jungkook nodded shyly.

"Could you help me?", he asked.

"What do you want?"

"Surprise me."

Taehyung grinned. He already had something in mind.

"Where do you want it?"

"I don't know, maybe on my chest? If you're comfortable with that?"


"Do something personal", Jungkook said before he pulled his shirt off.

The older nodded.

"I think i-it would be easier if you- um- laid down", Tae said and scratched his head.

So Jungkook laid on his back onto the mattress of his bed and Taehyung sat on his knees next to it.

Jungkook handed the henna to him and Tae started.

Jungkook coughed twice in between.

"Hold still."

"I had to cough", Jungkook explained laughing.

"Hold still! Stop laughing!"

But Jungkook laughed even more.

"Stop moving!", Tae repeated loudly and put his hand on Jungkook's chest to hold him down.


"Quiet now! I need to concentrate."

Taehyung tried to ignore the fact that he felt Jungkook's heart beating an irregular rhythm.

5 Minutes later he was done.

"Okay, go take a look."

Jungkook looked down his chest and a smile rushed over his face.

"You didn't."

"I did." Taehyung said proudly.

"It suits you even better than I thought."

"Why a bunny tho?"

"Because you're a bunny, obviously."

Jungkook didn't say anything.

"Come on, don't say you don't like it."

"I didn't say that. It just seems a little... childish."

"You said you wanted something personal. It's cute. Like you."

Jungkook looked up.

"Cute like me?"


How did he easily just say that? Jungkook wondered. Taehyung had always been the brave one, out of the two of them. And it would probably stay that way. But- was he even serious?

His face didn't change a look.

"Are you serious?"

Tae shrugged his shoulders.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

His face was almost right above Jungkook's since the maknae was Stil l laying on the mattress.

Taehyung couldn't help but thinking if Jungkook's heart was still beating so fast.

Should he- should he just- was he even allowed to do that?

Slowly Tae put his hand on Jungkook's chest again.

Jungkook's skin felt warm and soft.

"Your heart is going really fast", Taehyung whispered.

"Nervousness has that effect on people sometimes", Jungkook breathed.

"Why are you nervous?"

He stayed silent.

Tae came closer and felt the younger's heart quickening as response.

"So I make you nervous?"

Lying would have no use. Taehyung already knew. He had felt his heartbeat in this quick pace with his own hand. Of course he wouldn't believe Jungkook if he denied.

"Alright you should let the henna tattoo dry and then go to sleep", Taehyung said and left.

Jungkook exhaled quietly.

The next day the maknae showed off his new henna tattoo and jhope was determined to convince Tae to give him one too.

But Taehyung had a mean idea.

As expected his hyung got furious.


But the rest of the band thought it was funny and laughed.

Fortunately for Hobi, henna tattoos only stay on for a few days.

The next weeks went by, feeling only like two seconds.

Run episode after run episode, livestreams, working on songs, practice, calls with family and on and on.

Namjoon's and Jin's birthday was the same as Jungkook's except with different presents.

Also Namjoon had to write a little speech for an interview and Jin had some organization to do.

That interview wasn't really nice though, the boys got "accused" of copying other groups choreo's.

Absolute braindead people, Taehyung thought but he didn't say anything.

Yoongi defended them and Jimin tried explaining to them that each group was their own individual and they wouldn't just copy songs or choreography.

Back home, a lot of hate comments filled their notifications, saying how they weren't giving credit for what they stole.

All the boys were able to do, was to shake their heads and ignore those messages. It wasn't always easy. Taehyung for example, always tried to read a lot of messagesfrom their fans and then accidentally tripped over some hate comments which really brought him down.

To cheer him up a little, Jungkook had thought of a great birthday present for him.

But all of the members had to lay money on the table to be able to buy it.

"Just let me take it off, you guys are being silly. Where are we going?", Taehyung asked and tried to take off the bandana that was on his eyes.

"Don't take it off! It's a surprise", Jimin yelled from behind him.

"Fine", Tae sighed.

They were sitting in their van riding somewhere mysterious.

The vehicle turned left then right and two times left again before it stopped.

"Can I take it off now-"

"No!", the boys said in sync.

Tae groaned.

"Don't be so impatient, Tae, you'll see soon enough", Jin said.

"What if I don't like it? Then I have to act as if I do."

"Oh you will like it, trust me", Jungkook grinned.

They stepped outside and took Taehyung's hands to lead the way.

Inside the building, he smelled the air.

"Smells like... animal."

"Ta da!", Jungkook said and took the bandana off.

Taehyung's eyes opened widely.


"Take a look around and say which one you want."

Tae walked around the giant cage and kneeled down to pet them.

"Can I go in there?"

The woman who was responsible nodded.

"Heyy", Taehyung said in a high pitched voice voice and walked through the cage door.

He sat down on the ground and immediately got circled by puppies.

Some lost interest after some minutes and some even barked at him.

But there was one who was very calm towards him.

Shyly, he walked towards Tae and sniffed his leg.

But the second Taehyung moved, the dog jumped back.

"Hey hey it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you."

The dog came closer again and let him pet him.

"Oh I wouldn't advise you to pick this one. He's already a few years old and has some disadvantages", the woman said.

The dog sat down and looked into his eyes.

"This one. Does he have a name?"

"No, he doesn't actually. He just came here a few days ago."

"So I can name him?"

The woman nodded as response.
