
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

Turning the Tides

Risky, shaking off the effects of his collision with the ship's pillar, slowly got back on his feet. As he scratched his nose, Creed, who was standing on one of the massive tentacles, approached him with concern.

"Hey, dude, you alright mate?" Creed inquired, offering a helping hand.

Risky, regaining his balance, grinned. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Anyway, I got the damn case."

Creed gave him a thumbs up, encouraging him to open it. To his surprise, Risky unveiled a magnificent weapon—the NTW-20, a titan among anti-material rifles. Creed, with a knowing smile, began to describe the formidable rifle to Risky and the rest of the squad.

"The NTW-20," Creed began, his voice carrying a mix of admiration and respect. "A beast of precision and power, born from the minds at Denel Land Systems."

He continued, painting a vivid picture of the weapon. "Its heart lies in its massive 20mm caliber—a true puncher designed to penetrate armored vehicles, bunkers, and fortified structures. The barrel, a work of art—long and fluted, ensuring accuracy and dissipating heat during sustained fire."

Creed's descriptions unfolded with enthusiasm. "The bolt-action mechanism guarantees each shot is deliberate, calculated. The adjustable and robust stock provides stability, even in the face of heavy recoil. And the bipod, a sturdy companion, allows for a steady aim when the need arises."

"But what truly sets the NTW-20 apart is its versatility," Creed emphasized. "Interchangeable barrels mean you can switch between 20mm, 14.5mm, and even 12.7mm calibers, adapting to different scenarios and threats."

Risky marveled at the powerful weapon before him, Creed concluded with a grin, "The NTW-20 may not be lightweight, but its sheer power and adaptability make it a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. A favorite among those who understand the language of long-range destruction."

Risky, unable to contain his excitement, slowly lifted the formidable NTW-20, a gleam of admiration in his eyes. With a smirk, he repeated, almost in a reverent whisper, "She is so beautiful... She is so beautiful." Methodically, he loaded the weapon, racking it with determination. A sense of purpose settled on his features as he prepared to unleash the power of the NTW-20 upon the colossal Kraken. "Well... I guess it's time for me to shine!" he declared, his voice carrying a newfound confidence.

Turning to Creed, Risky asked, "What's the plan?" Creed, with a nod, opened his radio to share the plan with Risky, ensuring both of them were on the same page.

In a calm and authoritative tone, Creed began explaining the plan in military terms, utilizing radio communication for tactical precision. "Alright, Risky. Here's the plan. We'll designate targets for you. Shiiyo will mark weak points with his spells. Kyru will provide cover and distraction. Your role is long-range precision. Aim for the Kraken's eyes when they're exposed, and if we're lucky, we might blind the beast temporarily."

He continued with a focus on coordination. "Shiiyo, keep those spells coming. Kyru, make sure to draw its attention away from Risky. We're counting on your marksmanship, Risky. The NTW-20 might just be our game-changer. Everyone, stay sharp, and let's end this nightmare."

The Squad, armed with a newfound strategy and the formidable firepower of the NTW-20, readied themselves for the next phase of the battle against the colossal Kraken.

Kaito, with his wind magic at the ready, joined forces with Creed, offering his assistance in providing cover. The Squad, now a unified front, dispersed to strategic positions. Risky, armed with the NTW-20, sought a vantage point, Kyru taunted the Kraken to draw its attention, and Creed wielded his large sword to fend off the creature's relentless assault.

As the battle intensified, a crewmate warned Kaito about the ship's dire condition. "Kaito-dono, the ship can't take any more punishment! We must do something now!"

"Tsk, just as things can't get any worse!" Kaito exclaimed, feeling the urgency of the situation. The Squad, undeterred, pressed on with their attack.

Kyru, using his acrobatic prowess, skillfully avoided the Kraken's powerful strikes while taunting it to gain its attention. "Over here, takoyaki! I'm more delicious than anyone else!" The Kraken, fixated on Kyru, prepared to slam its tentacle down. "Oh, shit!" Kyru exclaimed, evading each attack with nimble agility. "Guys! I need backup over here!" he called out to his teammates.

Risky, positioned with the NTW-20, took aim through the scope. The powerful shot echoed, and the bullet cut through one of the Kraken's tentacles that threatened Kyru. "Magnificent shot!" Kyru grinned, acknowledging Risky's marksmanship. Risky, calmly racking back the bolt of the sniper, smirked. "Not... a... problem."

Meanwhile, Creed, with his large sword, swung endlessly, cutting through tentacles to protect the ship's crew. The chaos escalated as the Kraken entered a rage mode, causing the surroundings to rumble and shake. "How many tentacles does this thing have?" Creed exclaimed, realizing the battle had taken a more intense turn. As the colossal creature entered a furious state, Kyru, gripping the ship's railings, observed, "The big guy is really pissed now!" The Heroes braced themselves for the escalating challenge, ready to face the Kraken in its enraged state.

Risky, determined to find a strategic angle, swiftly ascended to the top of the ship's sail. Testing the capabilities of the NTW-20, he aimed carefully as the Kraken roared, the ship trembling beneath its colossal form. The sea creature slowly rose, casting a giant shadow over the ship, revealing its massive, spiraled teeth in a menacing display.

"That's scary!" Risky muttered, his focus undeterred. Suddenly, the Kraken slammed a tentacle onto the ship, sending Risky airborne. In a split-second response, Kaito utilized his wind magic, creating a makeshift platform from debris to catch Risky. "Risky-dono! I've got your back," Kaito declared, providing a crucial backup.

"Thanks, Kaito-san," Risky replied with a smirk. Hopping from one debris to another, Kaito continued to create platforms, propelling Risky closer to the Kraken.

As Risky approached the creature, Creed noticed an opportunity and warned him to get the Kraken's attention. "Risky! Use this!" Creed shouted, running with a barrel of explosives. Understanding the plan, Risky nodded, and propelled himself onto the final platform created by Kaito.

Creed, seizing the moment, threw two barrels directly into the Kraken's open mouth. "Open wide, Squidward!" he exclaimed. Risky, mid-air, began channeling his magic, creating a powerful swirl that converged into the barrel of the NTW-20. Lining up his shot with precision, he targeted the explosive barrels within the Kraken's mouth.

"Eat this! Railshot! Overdrive!" Risky declared as he pulled the trigger. The ensuing explosion created a shockwave in the air, and the Kraken's head was obliterated into pieces. Meat from the creature rained down, and the crew, along with our heroes, witnessed the spectacular sight as the remnants of the Kraken scattered across the sky.

The explosion, however, caused Risky to be tossed into the water. The crew marveled at the victorious spectacle, watching as the aftermath of the battle unfolded before them.

As the ship's crew celebrated their hard-earned victory, Creed's concern for Risky grew. Leaning on the ship's railing, he called out Risky's name, and Shiiyo and Kyru joined the search, trying to locate their friend.

After a tense moment, Kyru spotted movement under the water and pointed, exclaiming, "Look! Over there!" Creed and Shiiyo focused on the shadow emerging from the water. To their surprise and relief, it was Risky, who greeted them with a big smile and a raised fist in the air. "Yeah! We did it, boys!" he exclaimed. The trio sighed in relief, sharing a laugh and high-fiving each other.

"Hey! Come pull the brother out! It's freezing in here!" Risky shouted as he swam towards the ship. Shiiyo signaled to one of the ship's crew members for a rope to pull him back on board.

Once back on the ship's deck, drenched and catching his breath, Risky received a tap on the back from Creed. "You did it, you son of a bitch! You did it," Creed complimented him.

Risky, still catching his breath, replied with a grin, "Aha, well, what could I say, the power of friendship." The rest chuckled and laughed, and the skies began to cast a warm sunlight. "Looks like the storm finally settled down," Shiiyo remarked. "Yeah, finally we can continue our journey," Kyru added.

However, Kaito seemed relieved but delivered some bad news. "I wish we could continue our journey, but..." He glanced at the aftermath of the battle. "Looks like it would take some time for repairs."

The four nervously chuckled. "Can't help it. Well, Kaito-san, what help can we offer?" Creed asked Kaito. Kaito suggested that there was an island not far from their location where they could get assistance with repairs. He also recommended finding a place to dock so everyone could rest.

The four nodded in agreement. Looking at the horizon, they realized they couldn't continue in their current state. Following Kaito's suggestion seemed like the best course of action to resume their journey once the ship was repaired.

As the damaged ship sailed slowly along with the wind, the crew worked diligently on repairs. The four heroes found a moment to rest, sitting at the front of the ship's deck.

"Man, I feel like my whole body is heavy," Kyru complained.

"Deal with it, man. You're not the only one who's battered," Shiiyo retorted.

Creed, now free from his seasickness and standing strong, encouraged them, "Come on, you guys need to help out," as he carried heavy items on his shoulders.

Kyru, astonished by Creed's stamina, couldn't help but comment, "How come you've got so much strength? Last time I saw you, you almost died from queasiness."

Creed shrugged it off. "I don't know... guess I'm built different," he replied, continuing to assist with the ship's repairs.

Kyru glanced up at Risky, who was on top of the sails, lying down with a toothpick in his mouth. "How about you, bro? Do you feel like your body will fall off?"

Risky lifted his hat slightly, glancing down. "Not at all. I feel great, actually. I haven't gotten that much exercise."

Kyru went back to lying down. "Ahhh, I want a fresh, cold drink—probably a beer or ice-cold coconut juice." The exhaustion and weariness were evident in their banter, yet a sense of camaraderie prevailed as they took a moment to rest together on the ship's deck.