
Tactical Knights!

In the midst of a brutal modern war, three soldiers find themselves unexpectedly transported into a fantastical realm by an enigmatic goddess. Confronted with the opportunity to shape their destinies anew, the trio embarks on an unforeseen adventure in this magical world, unearthing mysteries, forging alliances, and confronting formidable adversaries. As they navigate the challenges of this unfamiliar landscape, the soldiers must unravel the secrets of their deployment and discover the true purpose behind their journey. In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, the choices they make will not only determine their fates but also reshape the destiny of the entire fantastical realm. I'm new to making a story and still practicing, this is my very first story that I made and hope you like it.

CptCreed · Fantasy
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44 Chs

A Pirate Life

As the crew continued their journey, they decided to make a stop at a nearby island, docking at a bustling port. Kaito suggested they take a detour around the island to gather supplies while their ship was being repaired.

"While our ship is being repaired, why not you guys stop by the guild to sell the goods that we just got from that Kraken?" Kaito suggested.

"Alright, Kaito-san, leave it to us," Kyru replied with a wink and a smile as they set off.

The four strolled through the town, marveling at the lively atmosphere and diverse array of people. They watched as fish men brought cargo of seafood and other goods ashore. Creed pushed a cart filled with items salvaged from the Kraken, ready to be sold.

"This town is nice," Creed remarked.

"Yeah, it's full of new races that we haven't encountered yet," Shiiyo added.

Risky smirked. "I wonder if there's a beautiful mermaid around. It would be nice to meet one."

Kyru chimed in, a smug grin on his face. "Let's hope it's not one of those with a fish head and a human body, because that would suck."

Arriving at the guild, they were greeted by a different breed of adventurers. The atmosphere was lively, filled with the clinking of mugs and cheerful banter. The adventurers here seemed more piratical in their attire than those they were accustomed to back home.

"People here feel more like Caribbean," Kyru observed, noting the distinct vibe of the guild.

Risky and the others nodded in agreement as they approached the counter. Kyru couldn't resist putting on a pirate accent as he greeted the female receptionist.

Leaning casually on the desk, Kyru called out in a jovial tone, "Ahoy there, lass! We've just come in from the distant seas, laden with goods we're lookin' to trade."

The receptionist, Aola, spun around with a bright smile. "Welcome to the Shanty Guild! I'm Aola, at yer service. How can I be helpin' ye today?" she asked cheerfully.

Kyru, leaning casually on the desk, calls out in a jovial tone, "Ahoy there, lass! We've just come in from the distant seas, laden with goods we're lookin' to trade."

Aola, the receptionist, spins around with a bright smile, replying, "Welcome to the Shanty Guild! I'm Aola, at yer service. How can I be helpin' ye today?"

Risky, with a grin, steps forward, placing the cart filled with Kraken parts beside him. "Ahoy there, Aola! We've got some rare treasures salvaged from the depths, straight from the belly of a mighty Kraken. We're lookin' to make a fair trade for some supplies and coin."

Aola's eyes widen in fascination at the sight of the Kraken parts. "By the tides! Ye've brought quite the haul indeed. Let me take a gander at what ye've got there," she says, moving closer to inspect the goods.

Meanwhile, Creed and Shiiyo browse the guild, observing the diverse array of adventurers. "Quite a lively bunch they've got here," Shiiyo remarks, watching a group of pirates raucously exchanging tales and drinks.

Creed nods in agreement. "Aye, it seems this guild has a different flavor than what we're accustomed to. But it's always good to see folks sharing camaraderie, no matter their attire or background."

As Aola finished examining the goods they had brought, she requested their guild license to register their findings and proof of their ranks. Upon inspecting their documents, she was surprised to see that they were all just A-rank adventurers.

"Well, blow me down! You lot are just A-ranks?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Took a whole flotilla to bring down a Kraken, ye know!" she added, shaking her head in amazement.

The four scratched their heads, exchanging sheepish glances. Kyru managed a nervous smile. "Heh, feels a bit familiar, doesn't it? Remember when we took down that basilisk? We had the same reaction from Lila."

Shiiyo smiled and nodded in agreement. Aola, wearing a smug expression, leaned in slightly and remarked, "I reckon you lot must've had a trick or two up yer sleeves to take down a beast like that, eh?"

Risky shrugged nonchalantly. "Well... sometimes we're just lucky, you know."

Stepping forward, Creed addressed Aola firmly. "Well, enough of that for a moment. How about giving us the price we got from this?" he stated, his tone brooking no argument.

Aola snapped back into action, reaching behind the counter to retrieve a bag of coins. With a flourish, she handed it to them, the weight of the bag causing it to jingle enticingly. The crew's eyes widened in amazement at the sight of their reward.

Risky couldn't help but express his satisfaction. "Well, looks like we won't be having money troubles for a while," he remarked, a pleased grin spreading across his face. Shiiyo nodded in agreement.

Kyru chimed in eagerly. "I'll be feasting on grilled squid and washing it down with a few tankards of ale," he declared with enthusiasm.

Creed interjected, his tone serious. "Remember, we need to use this money for repairs. This wasn't just our work; it was the effort of everyone on the ship. Without their help, we couldn't have taken down that monster."

The others sighed, acknowledging Creed's point. With a shared smile, they agreed to use the reward money wisely. As they pocketed their coins, they made plans to purchase supplies for the ship, ready to continue their journey together.