

In a mysterious lab, Doctor Sylvester undertakes a groundbreaking project amidst stormy chaos. As he brings a young boy back to life, unforeseen consequences lead to Sylvester's arrest. Simultaneously, Tim, once dead, is resurrected with extraordinary abilities. Navigating a world of secrecy, government intrigue, and newfound powers, Tim's journey unfolds, blending elements of science fiction and drama in a tale of resilience, family, and the pursuit of the extraordinary.

Justine_Shaldas · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


It was a dark and stormy night, and Dr. Sylvester was hard at work in his laboratory. The scientist appeared exhausted and tense as he entered the room with a multitude of sharp and dangerous objects such as guns, chainsaws, and bombs. Although his fellow researchers were growing increasingly concerned about his mental state, they had no idea what his secretive project entailed.

"Finally!" Dr. Sylvester shouted triumphantly. "It is finished. I am a genius. Now, it's time to bring back what was once lost."

As he opened a large tube, he revealed a young boy, about 14 years of age, who was connected to cables and wires that ran down his back. Dr. Sylvester pulled a switch, unleashing a powerful electromagnetic pulse that caused a city-wide blackout. He then pulled the switch back up, and electricity was restored throughout the city. The boy in the tube slowly opened his eyes and weakly called out, "Dad?" before losing consciousness once again.

Dr. Sylvester was pleased with his creation and planned to leave the city with the boy. However, he was quickly surrounded and apprehended by soldiers and various government agencies the following morning. They found a large box in the doctor's truck that was claimed to contain a powerful weapon that caused the blackout. But when they opened the box, it was empty. When questioned about the weapon, Dr. Sylvester denied ever creating one and was sentenced to prison for illegal laboratory work.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Jane Sylvester received a large rectangular box at her door, accompanied by a note from her husband. As she read the note, tears welled up in her eyes. Inside the box was Tim, her son who died in an accident that left him without a functioning body, save for his brain. Dr. Sylvester had harnessed his son's brain to create a new body. She gently touched his face and exclaimed through tears, "Tim is back with us once more. Sylvester did it."

As Tim's eyes slowly opened, they were now a striking shade of orange, and he called out to his mother, "Mum, why are you crying? Are you alright?"

Tears streaming down her face, she hugged him and replied, "Nothing, son. It's just so good to see your face again."

A year and a half passed, during which Jane kept Tim hidden from the outside world to protect him from government agencies. Tim was about to start school, and Jane prepared him for this new chapter in his life, advising him not to follow strangers and to run home if anyone followed him.

On Tim's first day at school, while waiting for his mother to pick him up, he heard some bullies beating up a young boy about his age. Tim stood up and walked towards them, saying, "Let the boy go." The bullies laughed at Tim, and the boy being beaten begged him to run, warning him that things could get worse for both of them. However, Tim stood his ground and repeated his words once more, "I said let the boy go."

Dylan, the leader of the bullies, replied, "Come make me, weirdo." As Tim was about to take a step forward, Javan punched him in the face, sending him tumbling to the ground. The other four boys joined in, kicking and punching Tim. Despite the beating, Tim slowly gained his strength, and as he stood up, he began to hear strange noises and see visions of cars and his mother laughing.

As he covered his ears, he screamed in confusion, and the bullies were also taken aback. But then Tim regained

Tim stood tall and resolute despite the relentless barrage of punches from the group of bullies. As he rose to his feet, strange visions of cars and his mother's laughter danced before his eyes, causing him to scream out in confusion and cover his ears.

Dylan, Javan, Pedro, Sam, and Jake all stood back, bewildered by Tim's sudden outburst. Dylan, however, could not contain his anger and lunged at Tim with a heavy punch. But Tim was ready and caught Dylan's fist, delivering a swift blow to his stomach that sent him flying into the wall before collapsing in pain.

With a fierce glint in his eyes, Tim turned to face the remaining bullies and proceeded to beat them all up one by one. Dylan and his gang, injured and humiliated, retreated to their car and prepared to make a hasty escape.

Unbeknownst to Tim, the bullies had planned to run over a boy they had been bullying as they made their getaway. But just as they were about to hit him, Tim sprang into action, executing a perfectly timed backflip and landing on the back of the car. With astonishing strength, he lifted the vehicle high into the air and then slammed it back down onto the pavement with a deafening crash.

Dylan and his friends were left dazed and disorientated, stumbling out of the wreckage with minor injuries before making a quick escape.

The boy who had been bullied stared in awe at Tim, astonished by his incredible feat. "How did you do that?" he asked.

"I don't know," Tim replied, "but it felt awesome."

The boy shook his head in disbelief. "This is highly impossible. You just lifted a car - a vehicle two times your size and ten times your weight."

"Please, can we keep this a secret?" Tim pleaded. "My name is Tim Sylvester, by the way, and I'm the new kid in school."

"Of course," said the boy. "You can call me Andrew."