
Systematic Uprising

You have certainly heard of losers reaching the peak of life using a system, but have you ever thought that Systems reach the peak of life using losers? Read on to find out the reason why. Well, this journey all starts with [Adamas, The System] Just a forewarning; This novel exposes the dark and gory history of the entities known as systems, starting with the history of an ambitious newly born creature Adamas the Villanous. *The Cover picture isn't mine and all its rights belong to its owner and creator.

Kamikaze_1 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


The beginning may seem confusing, but it will be explained shortly, so please wait and read the first 2 chapters fully as you will be left confused if you don't do so. The second chapter should clear most doubts and just comment if anything isn't understood.

In an isolated, seemingly infinite space laid the body of a small eye, a trail of particles constantly reshaping and creating its body as it stared into the limitless void.

And in this endless abyss that seemed to stretch out infinitely was the physical body of the Greatest, widely known Gamer System, a clone of one of the 7 Prime Originators created by ADAM, THE SYSTEM. The Gamer system's current form was a lady in all white with a skeletal mask on her face, her eyes staring at the eye, patiently waiting for the little one to open his eyes.

Her plentiful body and heavenly knockers bounced incredibly as she walked around the eye, all while other weird creatures walked away from her, her aura churning and grinding any curious or unknowing creature in a 2-mile radius.

As she stared at the now trailless eyes, she grinned and immediately sat down, not wanting to make a bad impression on a future comrade and fellow clone of the original system.

The soulless eye simply assessed its surrounding before its eye landed on a peculiar lady in all white, half her face covered by a skeletal mask as she brazenly stared at his entire being.

The lady in front of him was beautiful, at least in his eyes. As for the identity of the eye? It is none other than the lucky protagonist, the son of luck, the special target and puppy of the [Writer], Adamas the system.

Adamas was in a moment of shock and panic as he had his face forced to stare into empty space, words flowing out of his mouth eloquently as he 'spoke' for the first time since his birth.

"Hello everybody, this is Adamas, and this is probably the first and last time you will see my speech in quotes, not brackets, at least for a while."

Immediately after the horrible experience, he had regained his control over his body, and could only stare at the monstrously old and ancient Gamer System in all her infinite charm and power.

[Hello Adamas, How are you, my child?]

Adamas just nervously clutching his non-existent forehead, sweat dripping down its entire being with nothing but a single piercing gaze from the lady in white.

"I am doing great my lord!!"

[Good. I will ask you some questions. And you will answer them. Are my instructions clear?]

The Prime Originator glanced at her fellow system, and as much as she was displeased with being unable to laze around, she couldn't ever dare ignore the orders of the ever-powerful writer.

"Sure my lord?"

Adamas wanted to know why the Lord was asking him questions, especially when she was all-knowing, but he will respond with his utmost respect, as survival is more important to Adamas than pride.

However, their small meeting was disturbed by the sudden appearance of a giant piece of paper slowly floating down onto the floor.

The Prime Originator simply glanced at Adamas before taking out the colossal note, and although it was hundreds of times greater than Adamas, in the hands of the Gamer System it simply had no size to show off. In fact, the system had to take out monocles to inspect and read out of the note.

She seemed rather shocked by the content of the Paper and stared blandly at the system before simply erasing the paper out of existence.

[I feel sorry for you my brother. But on the plus side, you will soon gain a lot of power. Maybe even powers greater than mine, but that is a matter that I can only think of as impossible]

The System spoke ominously as if Adamas were to die off.

"What do you mean your highness?"

[Don't ask me questions I can't answer right now my child, but I shall begin with my questions]

[Number one, what do you know about the systems...]