
System, Reincarnator, Gamer, vs Agent

Norman Heinze is a shut in okatu. Who dies after fighting off several armed criminals. Though dead, his life turns around. In a world full of new magic and amazing mythical beasts. He will don a system and rise to the very top of the world. With his system, he is invincible! Yang Kingston is an unorthodox noble. She is infamous around the Realm, she's known as the 'Benevolent Princess,' but she was too weak to hold that title. Scammed and tricked by many, and her own family, she died at the hands of her deranged bother. But she gets another chance as she is reincarnated twelve years earlier. With information limitless, she will bring forth a new era! Her own era. Rosa June is a famous gamer. Known for her amazing MMORPG skills and FPS skills, she would die a very tragic death at one of her own crazed fans. Though, she would be transmigrated into another world, all of her gamer skills transferred over as well. A smug smirk on her face, she will take the world by storm! Smokey is an experienced killer. For all of his life, he's been taking on a devilish threat known as 'demons.' He is also one of the strongest members of the Secret Shadow corps. One day, injured in combat, he would be enhanced and sent on another mission. This one was to takeover an entire world, and find an ancient relic lost in history. Sabre in hand, the Agent of Sabre prepares to begin a new bloodbath. Four main characters. But one throne. Whether they come out on top or they fall like many before them is up for debate. However, one thing we can agree on is... let's watch these people kill each other.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs

2. Three Protagonists. Their Father is an Idiot.

Smokey the Killer Agent. Current 'Physical' Age; 8.

I walked out of the helicopter armed with an arsenal of weapons. A saber and my brain. I was on a new mission, this one was to infiltrate and guide the progression of three S.P.Ts. Also known as, special potential threats. A Reincarnator called Yang. A Gamer called Rosa. And a System User called Norman. Each one had high potential to be a thorn in the Agency's side. And this was also a mission and training for me. I was more supposedly, on the weaker side of new Secret Shadows. My black steel saber was sheathed on my left side of my waist. A long gray scarf was hanging by my neck. A black cloak hid the blade I was given. The rest of my clothing was irrelevant for now. The rain mourned in the sky, thunder flashed like gunshots. I looked in front of me, a bloodbath of epic proportions. One of the largest battles in this kingdom had just commenced. It was a war between the Kingstone, a powerful mining company, and the Jacksons, a powerful military company. The former was responsible for many labor crimes and other small human rights crimes of the sort. The latter was responsible for several large-scale war crimes and many corrupt unjust killings. However, everyone knew it was just that, even if the Agency destroyed the Jacksons, a new company filled with bad deeds would appear. It was simply not worth it.

I looked around, I found a spot to lay down. With the acting of a fucking pebble I laid down. I was waiting for the man named Jones Kingston. A man who is very empathetic, and pathetic at the same time. Such a person was going to go here, and adopt me. Using this, I will get closer to the three subjects, and choose whether to eliminate or guide them. I can say with certainty, at least a few-hundred-quadrillion S.P.Ts have been felled by an Agent's hand by making this choice. I expect to also kill them, unless I guide them then kill them. I sighed, right now I needed to keep my emotions in check. If they prove to be a fatal threat to Agents, I kill them. If they prove to be a non-lethal threat, I guide them. Sometimes, S.P.Ts are recruited and poached from the other organizations. Agent Geo happens to be a Reincarnator turned Agent, so cool. The helicopter had long left when I spotted the lights of several shining silver armor. Also, a large sort of carriage.

I saw a man with golden eyes and brown hair pop up beside a woman with black hair and blue eyes. Jones and Jill Kingston, though the latter picked up the former's last name. I intentionally cough audibly, catching their attention. Jill brought out a damn rapier. Did I forget to mention, that Jill is a bloodthirsty, cold, fucking merciless warrior on the battleground? Jones married her because she saved him and they fell in love, so cool I guess. Jones immediately came over, he didn't seem fazed. Hehe, he should be. I felled a Demon Lord even in my weakened state, without a saber, and my dominant right hand was missing. Well, then again, the Lord was injured fighting another Agent. So I guess we were on even grounds. Jones ran over to me the moment he saw a child. I was wearing the Kingstone's badge. They have used children in war and labor before. Thus making sense for me to become a 'slave.' I opened my eyes just barely and kept my breathing rate soft and low. Making it as if I was on the verge of death.

"Someone get a doctor ASAP!" Jones called out loud. I closed my eyes. Yet a devilish smirk was hidden under the façade. Such a low-ranking and primitive world was no match for my acting skills. Albeit it does suck.

"Who is it?" His wife, Jill, came up to us after sheathing her rapier. She seemed to see my saber, I didn't worry that she'd be able to steal it. The blade was specially tethered to me, it would be as dull as a stick when used by someone it doesn't recognize.

"A child, injured too." The doctor came over, she checked up on me. I was 'fatally injured,' and only my sheer will power was pushing me forward. Hearing that, Jones was moved, a young and 'innocent' child who didn't want to die. Ha! Hilarious, I've died once before. They picked me up, and took away my saber. They brought me back to the carriage and I could sense that we were moving. Where? Who knew? However, I simply needed to find the S.P.Ts.

Norman the Okatu System User. Current 'Physical' Age; 13.

I opened my eyes. Where the hell was I? The memories of the previous owner flooded back to me. I was Norman Kinston, an incompetent moron. My mother died protecting me, and my father sold me to my uncle Baron. I was living as an attendant for the Second Lady Yang. I frowned, this was quite... unexpected. But I do suppose that getting killed by several armed criminals was also unexpected. I accepted my new reality faster than I knew it.

[Binding system... Gluttony System has been activated. Welcome User.] A system! I knew it! All protagonists have a special golden finger! I returned to my calm self. Because the text that appeared next revealed a dangerous threat.

[Mission given. Danger from all sides.]

[Danger from all sides: tier B+ chain quest.

You are the trusted and important attendant of Second Lady Yang. However, several different factions want to bring her and you down. In three hours, an assassin will be targeting you. Find a way to protect yourself and secure Second Lady Yang's rule.

Objective: defeat the assassin or survive.

Reward: Beelzebub's Blessing.]

Fuck. An assassin? I'll need to tread carefully from now on. A bell rang in the distance. It was time for work, and right now. I need to find a way to survive. My second chance WILL NOT BE WASTED.

Yang the Noble Reincarnator. Current 'Physical' Age; 10.

My eyes shot straight open as I heard the bells ring. What in the actual Gaia? I checked myself, I was younger. The doors opened and I saw someone I thought I'd never see again. My old attendant and best friend. Norman. "Lady. Have you just woken up?"

"Ah! Sorry Norman, I'll get dressed, please tell father that I'll be there soon." I reassured my friend. Unaware he wasn't my friend anymore. But a mess. I got up and stretched before getting changed. I grabbed my rapier and put it by my waist.

I got up and went over to the dinner table. I expected to see my father and mother, but they weren't there. One of the guards said that they were tending to a defeated soldier. I frowned, I didn't remember that ever happening. Something was a bit off, I gripped my rapier a bit too hard. I accidently cut myself, a single drop of blood dropped to the floor. If this was my previous-self, I would've been crying at the sight of it. But after what HE did, I felt nothing but numbness. I walked over to the table and saw my brother... no, a monster who hurt me, sit down with that smile of his. I was deciding whether to just kill him now. But I had a better idea, I was going to hurt him now. With a 'smile' I greeted the monster. The air was amicable, but underneath both of us were planning devious things to each other. Norman walked in and served the food, he eventually went to my side and helped me cut the steak. Breakfast was short, but many things were said during it.

Now, I know who the fuck you are brother, or should I saw Eli?

Rosa the Gamer Transmigrator. Current 'Physical' Age; 11.

I felt a cold sweat appear on my head. All I remember is following May... May. That bitch. The chiming of a bell brought me to my senses, I put down my fantasies of breaking May aside for now. Where am I? I died, so I transmigrated, okay I know that much. Wait, a Kingston's symbol? Before I died, I played a game called Heroine's Love. A reverse-harem game with capture targets. One of the capture targets was Quinn Asher, the attendant of the Malevolent Princess Shenzhen. The second one was James Harry, a powerful Military Advisor. The third was Sen Lowan, one of the heirs to the Lowan kingdom. The fourth and last one was William May, the crown prince of the May Empire. There was a new update and content out as well, but I died before that could happen. So that sucked. I was considering my options about now, the story would begin when the Heroine became fifteen and attended the academy known as 'Divine Gaia Academy.' An academy where geniuses and sons of nobility and royalty attended. I have all the future knowledge at my hand right now, so how do I use this for my advantage? There were six main villains, since I died before the new update came out, I don't know the sixth one. The other five, I knew all too well. So how can I use this? I can side with the Heroine or I can side with the Villainesses. The only problem is who can I trust? The Heroine made Sen and William cheat on their loving wives for her. Thus making the wives go berserk and try to kill her. The Villainesses are even worse.

I remembered someone though. I'm part of the Kingston lineage, so I could save the Second Lady Yang. She will prove an invaluable ally, and I will be able to save her from being raped by her brother Eli. Yes, this could work. With my knowledge I could easily make Eli being a criminal public and force the Lowans the act. Also, Yang is an important ally of the Heroine, while also being a neutral force, so goodwill with the Heroine and no ill will with the Villainesses. This is working out. However, what about the fifth capture target and sixth villain? I stroked my chin, suddenly the door was knocked on. Who was that? Wait, this body of mine... shit. I'm the main villainess, Rosa Kingston the Evil Witch Doctor. FUC-

Smokey the Killer Agent. Current 'Physical' Age; 8.

As I 'woke' from my 'unconscious' state. I was greeted with the sight of Jones and Jill watching as whom I presume to be one of my S.P.Ts, treating my so called injuries. Rosa Kingston, a Transmigrator. Once a skilled gamer, now turned into the unfortunate Villainess of this timeline. Judging from her aura, she isn't a threat to the Agency at all. Some very weak new Agents might be felled by her, but that's about it. I can guide Rosa. The door opened and the next two S.P.Ts appeared. Norman the System User and Yang the Reincarnator. Like Rosa, they shouldn't be a threat at all. I can confidently say that they won't be able to even slice a nano-meter of the Agency apart. It looks like my mission for now is to guide them. This will certainly be fun. However, I can see the wary stare of Yang. I expected this, while it may be a new timeline, Yang doesn't know this. All she knows is that she's been regressed about twelve years and saw a difference in her timeline. A new battle began, one of wits and brains. However, I wasn't going to fall by her hand in this battle. I'm Smokey, Agent Sabre. I've felled Reapers, Demons, Devils, Angels, and any Mythical Creature. I won't be afraid of her. My only fear is failure.