
System, Reincarnator, Gamer, vs Agent

Norman Heinze is a shut in okatu. Who dies after fighting off several armed criminals. Though dead, his life turns around. In a world full of new magic and amazing mythical beasts. He will don a system and rise to the very top of the world. With his system, he is invincible! Yang Kingston is an unorthodox noble. She is infamous around the Realm, she's known as the 'Benevolent Princess,' but she was too weak to hold that title. Scammed and tricked by many, and her own family, she died at the hands of her deranged bother. But she gets another chance as she is reincarnated twelve years earlier. With information limitless, she will bring forth a new era! Her own era. Rosa June is a famous gamer. Known for her amazing MMORPG skills and FPS skills, she would die a very tragic death at one of her own crazed fans. Though, she would be transmigrated into another world, all of her gamer skills transferred over as well. A smug smirk on her face, she will take the world by storm! Smokey is an experienced killer. For all of his life, he's been taking on a devilish threat known as 'demons.' He is also one of the strongest members of the Secret Shadow corps. One day, injured in combat, he would be enhanced and sent on another mission. This one was to takeover an entire world, and find an ancient relic lost in history. Sabre in hand, the Agent of Sabre prepares to begin a new bloodbath. Four main characters. But one throne. Whether they come out on top or they fall like many before them is up for debate. However, one thing we can agree on is... let's watch these people kill each other.

Vincent_Gamzing · Fantasy
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2 Chs

1. Okatu, Noble, Gamer, and Killer.

Norman the Okatu System User. Current age; 21.

I looked outside, when was the last time I've been out? I don't remember, well, I don't remember much. Though I do suppose I should head out for a bit. It won't do me good staying inside, dying because of my lack of vitamin D. I groaned, I'd rather not leave my house. Like a good okatu. I pulled out reddit and pulled up a down bad site. I began. A few hours later. Tissues laid down everywhere. I sighed in pleasure as my right hand becomes sore. My clarity is as if I've seen through the troubles of heaven and earth. I jump up and wash my hands. I decided to finally go out, I do need more food after all. I'm a huge glutton for tasty food, it's as if I'm gluttony itself! With a sort of pep in my step, I left my apartment building. The walk wasn't long, I lived near the grocery store after all. I could feel a sort of killing aura around here, maybe I'm becoming delusional. There's no such thing as killing intent, that's stupid. But, I can't get rid of the feeling that something was going to happen today. Maybe I should've grabbed a knife... too late now I guess. I took several minutes to finally get there. I was a bit winded, I really need more stamina. But we both know I won't be running. Pushing open the doors, I looked on and saw several cute girls. If I wasn't in public, I'd be having a nosebleed. I quickly found the milk section, grabbed three cartons, with difficulty, and began to head over to the chips aisle. I grabbed WAY too many Doritos and started to go over to the cash register. But I hear a gunshot. The fuck?

"GET DOWN! AND GIVE ME THE FUCKING CASH!" I heard a rough and very demanding voice. I ran behind another aisle. Several bullets flew past me. I gulped in fear, I looked back at them. More bullets filled the air. I jumped away and grabbed a convenient knife. A criminal rounded the corner as I grabbed his gun and stabbed his eye out. I was feeling adrenaline pack up, I grabbed the gun and shot three times into the man's head. Killing him. Blood splattered on my cloths, I felt stunned from having just killed a man.

"What a bastard! He got Tommy." One of the other men brought out a Winchester. I could feel my left arm go numb. Grabbing the gun with my right hand I shot back. A few rounds took the man's ability to walk properly, and the last took his life. However, that was as far as my luck went that time. I watched as several armed robbers took out their fucking assault rifles and began blasting. I felt weightless, I dropped down. I exhaled my last breath as my eyes became lifeless. I turned around and saw those cute girls having those armed men force themselves on them. I'm sorry. So, this is how I go out...

Yang the Noble Reincarnator. Current age; 22.

I was currently walking around. It was a peaceful day in the Lowan kingdom in the May Empire. I am a noble of the Kingston's lineage. A top powerhouse of Lowan. Also, one of the richest in the Empire with the largest mining company currently. The mining company spanned several territories, a very powerful and rich company. I was one of several different heirs to the company. Though I felt a bit numb today, I wonder why. Oh well! I'll leave that for later, I was visiting my friend Jane. She was one of my childhood friends, we talked all the time. Though she grew a bit distant and lost when my little brother became her boyfriend. I wasn't expecting them to become partners, but it was fine I guess. Now I can call her sister! I pulled the hood of my blue cloak over my head, to prevent people from finding out who I was. After all, I was the second biological child of the Grand Elder of Kingston's Mining Corps. I needed to defend against assassins, and those who want to 'touch' me. I hid my rapier by my waist, for some reason I didn't feel safe without it. Something was most definitely off. I could feel it. I was a bit more cautious than before. Though, I do suppose I'm overreacting a bit. Maybe I should lay down my weapon. Nah, who in their right minds would do that? I found myself in a small humble estate as I knocked on the door. It was opened and I walked inside. Though, what I found horrified me.

I saw a broken chandelier. Several ripped up paintings of me and Jane. Big and strong muscular men without clothing. Jane on the ground crying and naked. I saw blood coming from her nose, it was broken. My brother was mercilessly pouncing her even as she was on the ground. I watched my brother. He was acting like a maniac. A crazed look in his eyes as he looked at me. My golden eyes could see the lust in his own. I felt true fear at this moment. What the fuck is happening!? I watched him look at me with those deranged eyes of a lunatic. No, no, no, no, no, no! I stumbled back, into his personal guards. They looked at me with their own maniac lust. They suddenly grabbed me. The men's arm brought me down to the bed. I couldn't scream, the bulky men muffled me. I could only watch as my brother hurt me. What felt like years seemed to only be thirty-minutes. I watched as the white liquid flowed out of me, my tears stained the bed wet. I wanted to die. My brother looked at me, his 'little buddy' was a raging ten inches. My insides were messed up. I felt my life drain before my eyes. I made one last tearful goodbye to my parents. As darkness swallowed me whole...

Rosa the Gamer Transmigrator. Current age; 14.

I am a gamer! I am not shamed when I say this, I had an entire Youtube channel as well. Around a billion subscribers. I was one of the most famous people on Earth, everyone knew me. It felt nice, not being forgotten for once. I've done many things I am not proud of. One included blackmail... she committed suicide a few days later. I still regret what I did, but what is there to be done? Sigh, I'll tell you the story next time. I was streaming right now. It was the new Shout of Job game, I was playing as Phantom. An unknown contract killer, I disagree with some of his actions, but it's just a game. So It's fine. For an hour I was streaming, several hundred-million people were watching as I killed another guard. My phone rang.

"Sorry guys! I got to go meet my BFF. Brb." I told them, closing the stream. Many of my fans were discontent, but they wished me a happy walk anyway. Closing my computer, I grabbed my black coat and put it on. My yellow and blue eyes were apparent, so I decided to wear sunglasses as well. Many of my family has mismatching pupils too, it could be said that it was our pride. My best friend forever, May, was waiting for me at the local diner. Should I go the long way, or the short way? I don't know, might as well go the short way. I was running low on cash, for such a big Youtuber, you don't get much donations as compared others. I wonder why... I'm cute right? Yeah, I'm not ugly.

(You fucking slut. Go rot in a ditch.) A young man slapped my ass and kicked me. Tears in my eye. Yep! Not ugly at all. I am very cute! I even had a cute little mask... so I should be good. I was skipping along the street, when I bumped into a man. He growled at me. I immediately apologized, I began walking faster. Soon enough I arrived at he diner. I saw May waving at me. I smiled instantly and came over.

"May!" I called, she hugged me back. We began talking. A few minutes passed, she suddenly invited me to a 'special' meeting with some of her friends. I frowned, I don't exactly like talking to other people. But she said that it was one of my oldest fans. I caved into the pressure, I smiled and told her I'd go. May smiled brightly, the two of us walked into a sort of pub. Dragon Hall Pub, I got a bad feeling about this place. I wanted to ask May if we could leave, but several people grabbed me. Their rough hands started to touch me all over, I shouted at them. I shouted at May to help me, but she was too busy getting a large pack of money, a broken look on her face. What, Ma, please help me! Too late. I felt my consciousness blur and die out...

Smokey the Killer Agent. Current age; 12.

Blood filled my vision, I leapt over one of my dead comrade's corpses and killed another red demon. These fuckers just kept coming. So I would kill until it was done. However, the defense line began to fall. Shit, I turned back, all of my comrades were dead. I clicked my tongue, I brought my hand to my saber and put away my pistol. Twenty demons ganged up one me, but I closed my eye and a sort of whistle was heard. The demon's heads fell in groves. Any demon who came near me died instantly. Soon enough I found myself surrounded by succubus. Just my day getter better... these little whores seduced those who weren't careful. I saber was brought up, I reached behind me grabbed a detonator. If these fuckers want to kill me, they'll join me in the Abyss. And so they charged at me. I swung, over and over. Heads fell everywhere. The succubus were trying to get close. However, my saber skills had once defeated a severely weakened God of War. However, it was at the expense of many lives lost. A demon pierced me, I was forced on the ground. A succubus came up to me and shoved my head to the floor. I felt my consciousness blur, but not yet. In a final act of desperation, I clicked the detonator. I watched as the several million tons of nuclear weaponry went off. I closed my eyes and let darkness envelope me, such a scene gave me a sense of familiarity.

As I opened my eyes once again. I was in a sort of liquid, inside a chamber. Several scientists were talking. I only had a white underwear on currently. I floated to the glass and put my hand on it. The white-robed mem seemed surprised and excited. I couldn't hear, but I did hear was. '10000-3 has successfully been revived using the Rebirth Serum.' What? So I was 1000-3. Huh, and this 'Rebirth Serum' sure did a work on me. I could feel myself become more power, I made the mistake of looking over. My eyes widened. It was me, but my entire body was a mess of shrapnel and messed up flesh, I felt like vomiting, but I'd seen this scene too many times before. This was the first time I could actually not vomit. And so, a month went by...

"Smokey!" I snapped my head up and saluted my Commander. He was the Secret Shadow Corps General. Also, my teacher. He was known as Agent Shadow. The founder of the Corps. I saw him judge me, he went over to me. I firmly stood tall, he handed me a brand new saber. It was made from normal black steel.

"I will be sending you on a mission. O.I.D will fill you in on the details when you land. Now get going!" I saluted him one last time and closed my eyes. Tapping my wrist I felt weightless once again. I'd just traveled through a wormhole.

I wonder what this mission is.