
System reboot

A wise man once said that revenge is to move on happily and let karma do the rest, but how can I move on when those evil doers are still out there living happily without any remorse or punishments for the harm their actions caused,if it's best to leave leave them to karma then I shall be the karma that does the justice. Ding [The gods has heard your cries and seen your pain,they have decided to give you the power to crush those who have wronged you] [Quest: Remove the corrupt leaders of the holy temple] [Reward:Your sister's life and the end of the rifts] -------- Li wei is a below the average highschool student since he never received a blessing,he often works trying hard to provide for his sister who he sees having a better life than him because she has a high blessing of the gods. It didn't matter that he was always bullied for being weak, It didn't matter that he had to skip a couple of meals and work various part time jobs everything was fine as long as she was happy. So why was he standing Infront of a stone cold body that was said to be his sister. The son of one of the Celestial saints had killed her for rejecting him and he was released without any retribution. Now, blessed by the gods and filled with power that will enable him to take revenge he goes on a killing spree, punishing those who have wronged him and destroy the corrupt temple that was meant to protect the people. After all the system could use a little rebooting

Roxanne_Writes · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
24 Chs

Chapter 17

"Hello Thoth"

He smiled at the god who had been contained in a prison made just for him

The god glared at him with hatred in his eyes and a scowl on his face

"What do you want?"

"Woah no need to act so defensive, I just came to ask some questions"

"You'll know I'll never answer you"

"Hmm are you sure, you know that I still have that person in my grasp"

His eyes widened for a split second before the glare was brought back

"Leave them alone you monster!"

"Only if you answer my question first"

He froze seemingly thinking on what his decision would do

"Fine what's your question"

""Selena's son was killed a few days ago, I just wanted to ask if you know who did it"

The god stared at him in shock before bursting out in laughter.

What the hell was so funny?

"Oh I know who did it alright but I can't tell you"

Adron sighed in frustration. Was he seriously doing this again

"Why are you acting stubborn now, I though we've been past this"

"No it's not that I won't tell you it's just that I can't"

"And what does that mean"

"A little angel came here a few hours ago on Zeus's command and do you know what she told me"

"I'm not here to play games just spill it"

"She made me swear an oath that the one who is destined to kill the saints and cleanse the world name and face should not be uttered unless your mind and body shall crumble and turn to dust"

Damn it, why did those pesky gods have to get in his way all the damn time! He overlooked when Seth broke the deal and chose a random child as his saint and now they plan to break their deal!?

Why were they so frustrating!

He was about to leave when a thought came to his mind

He said he couldn't reveal the name and face of the person but he didn't say anything on where they were or their age.

"So you can't tell me their name but that doesn't mean you can't tell me where they are"

The smug smirk that Thoth had up fell to the ground as he finally realised what Adron was planning


"Oh yes, now be a dear and tell me what you know"


Selena stared at the ringing phone far longer than she should it was Adron was calling of course, she really didn't want to deal with him but sge had to. Sighing in frustration, she picked up the phone

"Hey Selena"

"So who killed my son"

"Wow not even a little hi back, I'm hurt"

And this is why she didn't want to pick up, his fake attitude and cheer made her sick

"Stop playing and tell me who killed my son already"

"Well I don't know who killed your son exactly but I do know where they are"

"What do you mean by that"

"All you need to know is that a very annoying overgrown chicken decided to fuck me over"

An overgrown chicken? Was this man drunk or something

"Now back to business, the one who killed your son is actually in a guild, in the military guild to be clear"

"So I just go there and slaughter everyone right"

"I just fixed your image do you seriously want to ruin it again? You'll just go there to be bait


"Yup, the person who killed Alex is also trying to kill the saints but judging by the power we saw that day, that won't be enough to hurt you right Selena"


"So you'll go there and try to lure them out, I'll contact you on when to go later and don't worry about the consequences I'll take care of them"


"Oh and Selena don't forget about your promise, I've kept up my part of the deal, now it's up to you to keep yours ok"

She clenched the phone in her hands tighter until she was sure the screen was cracked

"Of course"

"Goodbye Selena"

She chucked the phone across the room before grabbing her hair with tears of frustration in her eyes, she hated how she was just some pawn for him to do as he pleases with, it was frustrating. If Anna was here she wouldn't have let Adron do as he pleased why wasn't she as strong as her

"Oh Anna if only you were here"


"That was torture"

"Why did she make us run so much"

"I can't feel my lower body"

What was everyone complaining about and why were they glaring at them like that since they walked in

"I can believe she made us run that much"

Were they complaining about running?

It seems like he wasn't the only one that thought about it as Lydia soon voiced our her thoughts

"Why the hell are they complaining about a little bit of running?"

The glares intensified as soon as she said that only relenting when lieutenant Emine walked in

"I know you're all wondering why I called you here"

"Well there has been word of a new low tier rift opening up in china, but this one is different from the other you've encountered, this one is what we call a catacomb cave"

A catacomb cave?

"To put it simply it's a connection of various caves linked together, and since it's a low tier rift I decided that all the rookie's of this year get to join and don't worry I'll send someone to look after you incase anything goes wrong,We'll be leaving to China tomorrow at dawn so pack your bags"

She turned around to leave not caring for the whispers her rookie's made when her back was turned

Lydia groaned in frustration. I mean who sends kids back to the rifts when they almost died in one

"Seriously we almost died in a rift now they want to send us back"

"Don't be dramatic, you were just fine, I was the one who was actually close to dying"

"Huh!? I almost got eaten by that monster"

"Oh please I'm sure it has a more refined taste because who would want to eat you?"

"What did you just say!?"

She grabbed his red locks and pulled harshly which resulted to him grabbing her's too

"Ow let go of my hair!"

"You let go!"

Caleb just sighed at them before turning to Li Wei who looked to be deep in thought

"Hey Li Wei are you ok?"

"Huh? Yeah just thinking about some things"

Ethan who still had his hands in Lydia's hair turned to look at him

"Oh right, Li Wei China's your home country right?"

" Yes but I've never actually been there since we moved when I was still a baby"

"Huh that's too bad we could have used some knowledge on China rifts and stop pulling my hair!"

Li Wei just chuckled as Caleb and Cassie tried to separate the two of them 

The doctor did say that Selena buried his sister there maybe it was time to pay her a visit