
Chapter 53: Going to go save some young master

We made it back into the city without much hassle, a few low-ranked monsters approach us without much thought, we slayed them mercilessly. I gained roughly 2,000 exp from those monsters which isn't much but will help me evolve into a higher ranked Wendigo anyways.

I haven't slept these past few days with the party afraid they would find out about my real origins, Tobca got worried the first time around, since I didn't have any signs of being alive. She acted so much like a tsundere after I woke up from my sleep, she had even prepared my grave for me.

I reassured her that it was normal through writing as I couldn't speak then, what good memories. I miss my girlfriend, is it bad I wanna run back home just to snuggle?

Snapping out of my lonesome thoughts I place my eyes onto the new skill I had gained recently 'System, can you give me the description about consuming soul?' While I waited for the harpy owl woman to finish giving our spoils to the guild as I and a few others waited for our payment.

Consume soul: Consume soul allows you to absorb souls from any humanoid creature from their heart. Eating their heart allows the host to absorb the individual 'sinful deeds'

I was not expecting that explanation 'Hey system can you explain more about this topic on why collecting this sin from their souls is so important?' "give me a few moments host to gather more data on that subject" it replied. Stacy walked out of the room from the back with a huge smile on her face "We earn 250 gold coins" Stacy stated as she planted her bottom down on a bench in front of me and passed me a bag of coins.

She proceeded to pass everyone else coins, each bag holding fifty gold coins. I place the bag into my inventory for later use, smiling politely at the woman's in front of me "This is sadly my part where I'll have to say goodbye, thanks for looking after me" they looked astonished by my sudden farewell "You are leaving us so soon?" Phillipe the rabbit beast human exclaimed in shock.

"I wish I could stay with your group longer but I have to hit the road again for my next quest" I replied in a polite tone, Gorolla looked like she was on the verge of tears. "I am gonna miss you Gorolla, I hope we can meet again in the future" Gorolla finally burst out in tears even in the short amount of time they spent together, their friendship had already blossomed into something beautiful.

I didn't want to Ament but I have grown attached to Gorolla, she would be a good Allie to have you n the battlefield if she ever wishes to join me.

Gorolla rushed towards me and put me into a gorilla hug, lucky I didn't need to breathe cause I'm pretty sure her brute strength would have crushed my lungs already. Never mind I felt my ribs breaking "Gorolla too strong. lighten. up. your. grip" I wheeze out each word, lucky between her sobbing she lessens her grip on my body letting it heal my cracked ribs.

A few hours later I finally managed to leave the squad of beast human women, letting out a deep breath and pulling out my quest paper.


An Earl's son has gone missing in the forest by Ratville village, he has been missing for almost a week. features, Messy green hair chin length, Pale blue eyes, straight nose and thin lips, bushy eyebrows. Last seen wearing long sleeve black shirt with a leather Brown jacket and black slacks, dress shoes.

according to the reception should be able to go to the Earl mansion to get more details on where exactly the young master went.

Walking far enough away from the city I headed north-west down a gravel road, trees were all I could see for miles, I summon out pearl from her card that I kept inside my heart. She happily toots her trunk finally free, I petted her long trunk as her head was too high up for me to reach.

After petting my wonderful pet that ain't cliche at all! I focus my strength on my leg muscles and launch myself up into the air like a Viper and landed on Pearl's back.

"Pearl when we get back I'll give you the dark fruit that we have growing in our cavern" I promise pearl, she started running faster in excitement 'Well I guess that's one way to motivate my lazy elephant' I thought cheerfully.

Thirty minutes later pearl and I made it inside the town called Ratville and true to its name, it's full of rat beast humans. The civilians that live here either had the ears or tail of a rat or non at all, very few had both. In the middle of the town a festival is going on, men and women alike were dancing with bells around their ankles and wrist, they had their faces half-covered only showing their eyes while dancing around with a fan in their hands. They remind me of swans from Earth, VA very beautiful but elegant movement.

A feeling of warmth spread throughout my body as I admire the view "Hey miss what brings you into town?" a rat beast woman asked, she had dark brown hair and ears, her eyes dark as the void itself "Do you know where Earl Moonshine manor is by chance?" I immediately place my attention on the lady who looked at my mount in wonder.

"It's on Sunday street, which is up ahead, it's a small mansion to the left" she reply, I smiled at the helpful woman and noted down that she will not be on my to-eat list "Thank you Madame" with that Pearl walked steadily to the next street turning left, after five minutes of pearl walking, a modest-looking mansion appear, it had golden colour gates with two guards standing in front. I noticed how tense their bodies became when I slide off my mount and walked towards them.

They pointed their naginata at my neck leaving a great distance between me and them "State your purpose Deerkin" one of the guards snarled, is it wrong that I found that kinda amusing? "I came here for the quest to find the Earl son but I wanted more details before I start searching for him" I explained and carefully pulled out the paper and my guild license. One of them put down their naginata and grabbed the papers out of my hands "looks legit" guard 2 said to guard 1.

guard 1 put down his naginata and took a look at my paperwork as well before letting out a sigh "You may enter the manner than" guard 1 said while guard 2 open the gate and guide me inside the mansion.

A man with ashen blonde hair and brown eyes, He has two big round ears on top of his head, he looked quite harmless. I assume he is part of the mouse beastkin species. He looked like your classical bulter wearing his tailcoat and his hair being slick back. Guard 1 explained to the bulter on my business for showing up out of nowhere "Come with me, Earl Moonshine will be grateful" He spoke politely as he guided me to the study.

The butler knocked on the wooden door twice, a soft "come in" permit us to enter the office, a man with short black hair with purplish colour eyes glace up from his paperwork. "What is it that you need?" Earl Moonshine ask calmly "I was wonder if I can see the portrait of your son Earl Moonshine" he looked at me expressionless before moving his gaze to the bulter "Go get his latest portrait" he order, the bulter scurry out of the office to go get the requested items while I remained standing by the door.

"Is there anything else?" Earl Moonshine asked with a tone of authority "Yes, I would like to go to his room so I can use one of my skills to help me pinpoint this young master down" speaking without much difficulty, my aura helped to keep this tricky Earl oppressive aura off of me.

A few moments past, the Earl has already gotten back to his paperwork, ignoring my whole existence. Shifting in my spot uncomfortably till the bulter came back, *knock knock* The Earl kept on working "Come in" he said without batting an eye. The blonde hair mouse man waltz inside with a painting almost as tall as himself, the portrait is of the young master, the young master has dark grey hair and ears and a little rat tail.

He looked to be roughly around his late preteens to early teens, royal purple eyes that shine likes gems. If I find him alive he would have plenty of beautiful young ladies to choose from when he comes of age. "The adventure says she wants to use some deception magic in my heir room to track him, go take her there" The Earl Moonshine order and the bulter bow his head before leaving.

After memorizing the rat child scent, I started to track him down in the woods. I had to adventure deep in the woods just to get closer to the lost child, like I said I ain't a saint but work is work. I am getting paid ten gold coins just to find this brat so I thought why not plus. All of these mid-ranked monsters that keep getting in my way are gonna go for a generous sum of coin. I reached a gaping hole in the ground where his scent is strongest, it had a hint of iron in other words the boy is injured.

Looking down into the dark hole I brace myself before jumping in feet first, it felt like I was falling forever minutes ticked by in a blink of an eye. I landed on the ground after falling for two hours straight, yellow flowers covered the whole area. looking around I noticed a small patch of flowers were drenched in blood.

Here something wholesome, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts