
Chapter 51: Just my lucky day

I quickly left the room covering my sensitive nose from the disgusting smell of troll blood. Hurrying my steps to the next bedroom, I let out a small sigh finally away from the horrid spoil cheese smelling blood.

Pushing open the door the first thing my eyes landed on was a pair of statues frozen in mid-time while doing the waltz by the looks of it. A statue away from the couple Hold a cello, this statue had wrinkles sparsely covering its face and hands, his hair is sleek back and his eyes remained closed. Something about this statue made me feel uneasy.

pushing my worry aside I quickly began searching the bookcases for any more value as the saying goes "knowledge is power" and if she was lucky she could find some rare curse jewelry that won't try to kill her. About to turn around she came face to with the sleek back hair cello player, its eyes wide open as its lips quirk upwards reaching its ears. Glancing behind this creepy creature the cello it was holding was now place up against the wall.

What alarm me even further was that it was breathing as a white puff of air coming out of its mouth. It started laughing like your everyday villain "mahaha" Thinking quick I kicked the iceman as a resounding cracking of ice could be heard.

IItseyes sharpen with miles' intent, taking this moment I quickly landed more punches 'crack crack' with each punch the sound of ice getting smash. sweat started pooling down my forehead, letting out ragged breathes as I kept on landing a solid blow. My hands started to ache from punching the creepy nice man who wouldn't stop that cliche villain laughter, with aching fists I landed the final blow to its abdomen where its heart is located "Are there gonna be more of these things?" voicing aloud my concerns but the system doesn't respond.

Feeling exhausted for fighting that troll earlier and fighting this laughing creature whose intent may have been to tickle me to death as it had multiple times trying to reach my torso with its ice-cold fingers, shivering at the thought. I sat on the bed and slightly relax while taking a break to eat some humanoid flesh.

It was quite like how someone's tomb should be. Or so I thought, shrill screaming echo down the corridor. Placing my food back into my food storage and wiping the blood off of my "face" I ran out to go find out which one of the party members it was.

Taking a big whiff of the chilly dry air a faint scent of iron caught her attention with a trace of fear. Following my nose instinct, I sprint in the direction of the screaming, finding Gorolla standing still petrified by something across the room she had long since stopped screaming, she became a victim of this damnable curse that haunts this tomb.

Closely observed my surroundings, sure enough, I see a man in his early twenties wearing a white cloak with baby blue outlining, he currently face a portrait of a man and woman, the man looked arrogant while the female looked fearful.

Her eyes naturally wander back to the enemy in form of her he let out a deep sigh "Oh Cathleen my naive Cathleen" He sobs out as he turned around his eyes landed firmly on my tall form. His eyes widen as he strolled closer to my being "Cathleen my love is it you?" he questioned in a hopeful voice. I remain quiet not even breathing or moving a single inch of my muscles the great thing about being undead is that you can make your body turn into a ragdoll whenever you want. I kept my eyes focus on him not wanting to show that I'm possibly not another statue.

He examined me closer his face close to my own, every siren was going off in my brain, telling me to run but I didn't Listen, knowing my fate if I did. He caress my face before withdrawing his ghostly hand "Cold so very cold" he mumbles "My Cathleen was very very warm" He floating out of the room to search the other rooms for his beloved is what I thought after waiting for a good ten minutes.

"System is there a way I can undo this curse?" I asked in a low time waiting patiently for it to reply "Of course host! go to your shop option and look for tailmens that undo curses" it reply in monotone, Furrowing my brows I recurrently look at my System points to see if I had any to spare.

System points: 93

'I forgot how poor I am' letting out a sigh I continue my actions "System how much do these tailmen that can undo curse cost?" speaking recurrently towards the system hoping it was too high. Ding!

"Host here are your options" the robotic system reply quicker than usual as a list of options appears in front of my eyes.

Undo Curse tailmens

Low rank undo curse tailmen: 10 SP

Mid rank undo curse tailmens: 40 SP

High rank undo curse tailmen: 100 SP

Heavenly Rank undo curse tailmen: 1,500 SP

Opening and closing my mouth in utter disbelief at the outrageous price for a heavenly Rank undo curse tailmens 'Are you gonna take me to the chopping block next!' I exclaimed feeling like I'm being Rob in broad daylight, it was hard enough for me to gain nine thousand points to upgrade the system this time!

'Systems are you a scan artist system or what!?' I exclaimed in disapproval towards the prices "No Host I am a Wendigo system, I ain't no 'scam artist's" it replied in monotone. I didn't think my system would have responded to my tamper tantrum, feeling dumbfounded I push those pressing thoughts away.

"Which talisman would work for this curse?" I throw a question at the robotic voice from inside my head, now I think about it am I going insane?

"Give me a moment host as I scan the victim of this curse" A dark ball of light came out of my throat and floated towards Gorolla, engulfing her whole body.

And here I thought the system couldn't surprise me again, I thought wrong but then again my system is pretty much donkey dug so my expectations weren't high, to begin with.

"scanning complete" snapping out of my thoughts I looked back at the ball of dark light as it renter my throat, forcing me into a coughing fit 'God that felt like trying to breathe while drinking water' wheezing a bit I regain my posture and look around to make sure that damn ghost doesn't come back for my cold ass body.

"Host is in luck, the ghost is only Mid rank, so in other words it spells should be naturally Mid rank as well. I suggest buying the Mid rank undo curse tailmens to undo your companion curse" Blinking at the words a bit daze and then looking at my ninety-three points a slight pang poke at my chest.

looking at Gorolla who has been nothing but a wonderful beast woman bean, with great grievance I redeem the Mid rank undo curse tailmens, watching my system points hit thirteen.

The tailmens appear in my left hand, looking at the rectangular small piece of paper in my clutches a sudden thought came to mind as my ears turned a darker shade "System how do I use it?" feeling embarrassed on asking.

"Host just has to place it anywhere on the victim's body and say 'Curse uplifted'" it replied, Blushing I shly place the tailmen on the gorilla beast woman head "Curse uplifted" feeling silly speaking out loud.

Crish, crish.

focusing my full attention on the ice statue cracks appear all over Gorolla body "please tell me she won't die" I whisper to myself, dark lights poured out of the newly made cracks before shattering, Gorolla fell over clutching her test gasping for the frosty air surrounding her.

"Never would I have ever thought I would let some dead person get a jump on me like that!" She exclaimed between gasps.

Should I be offended? you know what I am gonna overlook this and not be an unreasonable Wedingo. Ding!

'Secret Quest completed'

Secret Quest

Save Gorolla from her frosty Grave

rewards: Unlock consume soul, 2,000 SP!, X5 exp card!

"System I forgive you for giving me such a generous reward" I spoke out loud before I can continue speaking Gorolla interrupted me "You okay there Dyllis?" Gorolla asked with a look of concern, she had already gotten her well sculpture booty off the ground. I looked at her confused at the question "You were speaking in tongues for a moment" she stated warily.

"I was? I guess I forgot to speak the common tongue then the language from my home city" I reply sheepishly hoping she would buy my answer. "You should teach me the dark deer language sometimes then" Gorolla patted my shoulder before leaving the room with me scurrying behind her trying to keep paste with them.

System Menu

Name: Dyllis Smallwood

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human (Low-Grade Wendigo)

Level: 40


Strength: C

Speed: C

Defence: C+

Magic Pool: (C+)

Luck: F+

Attribute: Dark magic

System points: 2,013

Skills: Great Sense of Smell (max), Slash (max), Bite(max), Mimic(max), Wendigo Fever(Max), Body advancement lvl1, Fist fighting lvl2, Abyss Hand, Abyss Cloak, Curse Slime, Consume Soul (Active)

Yay, aNother chapter!

I would have finished this sooner if I wasn't sick the past few days.

Bao_Karencreators' thoughts