
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 11 - Mission

Yesterday fight at the arena makes both of the boys famous. Some students called them the dark horses of the first year while some of the seniors just saw it as a lucky win. The fight became a hot topic between the first year students as they thought the two boys are concealing their powers.

Ava woke up from her sleep. She stared at the ceiling when she hears a familiar voice besides her said "You awake?". She looks to her right and saw Mia lie down on the bed. Ava asked her "We lost?". Mia answered "Yeah we lost". Ava had scrunched up face and asked her again "Just like that?". "Yeah just like that" Mia replied.

She continued to stared at the ceiling and thought to herself "I have never lost once in my life and now I had lost a fight. Who is that boy? Why is he so strong? Am I weak? Does my hard work had not paid off?" without noticing she had make a sad face and almost crying as her tears gathered at her eyes.

"No. Our hard work, effort and diligence paid off but sometimes there is someone that will be stronger that us. That's why we need to learn from this experience and set a new goal. Become stronger with experience." Mia looked at Ava and talked to her.

Both of the girls had known each other from they were born. Both of their families had good relationships that they even considered themselves as a big family but with different surnames. Mia had known Ava personality that she knows what Ava thinks and vice versa.

Ava take a deep breath and soothes her heart. She looked at Mia and said "Thank you Mia.". Mia smiled and then asked her "So now what is our goal?". Ava sat up and said solemnly "Become stronger but first, let us visit the two boys. We need to train with them.".

Meanwhile at the other side of the academy at the boys dormitories. Peter sneezed hard and thought to himself "Someone is talking bad about me huh?".


Vasco was thinking of having sometime alone as he thought that being with Peter might bring him some troubles and misfortunes. He then thought to go to the Mission Hall. It is a place where students takes a mission that had been requested by the academy or people in the cities. Some of the mission is dangerous while some is easy and the rewards differ according to the difficulty. As he walks into the hall, he saw that there are many students ranging from first to the third years. He walked towards the receptions and asked "Is there any kind of mission I can do?". The receptionist girl looked at him and then answered "There are currently thousands of mission ranging from easy to mid then hard and because you are a first year I suggest you to take the easy mission.".

Each students have different color badges according to the year they are in. First year is green, second year is blue while third year is red. "Can I pick the mission that i wanted myself?" Vasco asked. The girl then replied "Sure, you can just check at the mission machine yourself" as she pointed towards many counters that is been built on the wall.

He walks towards the machine nearest him and checks the mission available.

[Easy] - 1% probability of dying

[Mid] - 25% probability of dying

[Hard] - 50% probability of dying

"This percentage might just makes the students to just pick the easy missions." He muttered to himself. He press the easy mission and started to scroll to search a suitable mission for him. He taught that mission that needs to fight with creatures and beasts might help him in level up but he was disappointed to see the mission only show about picking herbs, needing a helper in a company, baby sitting children and others that he did not fond of. Then he click back towards the main menu and then press the mid mission. He saw a lot of mission that needed him to kill creatures and beast. As he scrolled he saw the suitable mission best suited for him.

[Kill 5 Rabbiters]

[Exterminate 7 Battle Bees]

[Collect Poison Mander tongue]

He choose the three mission as the students are only allowed to pick only 3 mission per day. He was contented by his choice and as he walked towards the exit, he was stopped by someone.

"Hey first year, wanna join our team? We are doing a hard mission together and we needed someone to carry our things and stuff.". A bald student with big stature smiled at Vasco and pointed towards his friends the second year students.

Vasco looks at him and said "No thank you." Then he bypass the bald student but suddenly a hand touches his shoulder and the bald students said "I'm not asking, this is an order.". The bald students friends laughed and someone said "This might be the kid bad day by meeting with Bald Bock hahahahaha.". The bald student clenched his hand on Vasco shoulder and laughed "Now kneel and apologized because you are gonna be our slave today HAHAHAHA.". But then he felt something weird because his friends stopped laughing, he looks at Vasco but nothing happened.

Vasco didn't even budge while looking towards his back and said "You better take off your hand or you might not be able to use it for a month.". Bald Bock was annoyed and angry then said "Then today is your bad day because I'm gonna beat you."He throw a punch at Vasco head when suddenly his vision became blurred and then he was at the floor lie down facing the ceiling. He sat back up and look toward his front that Vasco already making his way to the exits. He channeled his magic and decided to throw it at Vasco "Earth Slam" but before he could do it he stopped. He felt like a sword was pointed at his neck when he heard someone said "Next time you did that. You'll die."

As he look toward the person holding the sword he was shocked. It was Vasco looking down at him with a murderous face. He sweated with his back drenched. Vasco pulls back his katana and left. "He's fast, How did he stand besides me when I just watched him trying to leave the hall? I think I might die if I really throw the magic." Bald Bock gulped. His friends came towards him and asked "You okay Bock? Who was that first year kid? He's strong.". Bald Bock replied "I don't know. More importantly, you guys didn't even help me but just watching huh? I think you guys need a beating." and then he beats up his friends making the hall filled with screams of pain.


Vasco had walked out from the portal. The mission that he accepted is at the City of Beelon. It is the nearest city to the academy and he is here to complete it. The size of the city is the same as his city but the difference is that this city is a place full of fashion, entertainment, and a paradise of food. He walks towards the gate of the city. As he arrived, he showed his ID and student card and left the city. The outside world is filled with jungles, deserts and ocean but more importantly. It is filled with creatures and beasts. Beasts are creatures that did not had intelligence and only acted with instinct while monsters are creatures that have intelligence and it will go higher with their level.

The level of monster started with basic, killer, hardcore, king, emperor, holy, and lastly supreme which is a legend that many said had not been seen for thousands of years. As for the beast are only low tier, mid tier and high tier.

Vasco walked towards the nearest jungle from the city while looking at his phone to check the location of the beasts. The mission he takes is to kill low tier beasts which he thought he can handled based on his skills and level. He walked towards the coordinate given by the missions.


As Vasco was busy doing missions, Peter was walking around the academy searching for girls to flirt with. He walked and whistling when suddenly a hand touched his shoulder. He was frightened and jumped forward while facing to his back. He gets into a fighting stance but when he looked toward the familiar faces he sighed. "What do you guys want? You guys want revenge? Another fight?" he asks cautiously. The familiar faces he saw was Ava and Mia. Mia laughed while Ava closed her mouth.

They were laughing because of Peter frightened face. Mia takes a deep breath and said "Who would have thought that the winners from yesterday fight would be so frightened just because of a hand tapping on his shoulder." then she continued laughing.

Peter was annoyed by the laughing and said "If you guys don't have anything to say then don't bother me." he turn around and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Ava shouted and continued "We were searching for you and you friend.".

"Searching for us? Why?" Peter asked with his head tilted to the right.

"We wanted to train with you guys. You guys beat us yesterday so you had our respect. We just wanted to train so that we can get stronger." Ava explained.

"No. I don't want to be associated with arrogant and crazy girls." Peter said.

"Please! We beg you. We just wanted to become stronger because that is our goal. We wanted to become great generals or great mage. It's our dream." Mia holds Peter hand to stop him from leaving.

Peter looks at both of their eyes and see their eyes twinkling with seriousness. He sighed and said "Fine! But only if my friend Vasco agrees. He's outside doing some missions or so he said and might be back late. So both of you will get your answers tomorrow."

Mia and Ava looked at each other and smile. Then both of them thanked Peter. Peter then said "I see you guys tomorrow at lunch 2 p.m." and walk away.

Ava said to Mia while looking towards the direction Peter walked "I hope they will accept it." and Mia replied "Me too." and both of them left towards their room.