
System of a Game

A guy suddenly had a system in his head. Lived in a world mixed of magic, martial arts, cultivation, and others. The system will either help him with good news or bad news. With little understanding of the system, he explore the uses and learn how to benefit from the system. Impending war makes him busy to be stronger while love is making him go crazy. Joined Vasco in a world of adventures, war, a little bit of romance and insanity.

Vasco812 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 10 - The Fight

Vasco dodged the attack simply by his instinct. Then he heard something pass besides his ears. He thought to himself "That was a close one. I wonder what will happen if it got me.". As his vision returned, he see that just 3 meters besides him there is a small hole created. He began sweating as he thinks that the attack almost hit him. He search for Peter only to see him far away.

"Fuck! How far did you run away?!" He yelled.

"No shit! I won't be defending that kind of magic while I'm blind!" Peter shouted back.

Suddenly the system pops out.

(New Quest)

(Defeat the girls)

(Rewards - two level ups and a suit of armor)

Vasco starts to focus and take a deep breath. His eyes turn resolute and he takes his fighting posture with lowering his calf and both of his hand at his weapon. "I'm sorry dad but your son might not be able to hide anymore. I'll make it fast." he muttered to himself. "Peter! You take the white haired girl while I take the red one!" Vasco shouted at Peter.

"Yeah! I know!" Peter holds his weapon in front of him and thought "That red girl is dangerous. Why the fuck did I let my ego take me to this shit.". Then suddenly, the white haired girl Mia cast her spell "Water Splash" and soon water began to hurl at them while another magic being cast by the red haired girl Ava "Fire Ignite".

Vasco sprinted towards Ava and cast his magic "Shadow Evade" evading the fire magic. He ran zigzag hoping to let Ava had problems aiming her magic at him but it was a mistake. She waited for him to come at her and smiled. Vasco felt his spine gone cold while saw her muttered "Fire Ball" "Ice Spike". He was shocked and thought to himself "Two different magic at the same time?". Being so close made him impossible to run or dodge the two magic. Boom! Soon smoke and dusts fly and spread everywhere making the audience hard to see the battle.

"He's down this early?." Peter thought to himself while fighting Mia and continued "This girl knows how to evade and properly use her advantages againts me." Peter than cast "Earth Boulder" and suddenly a boulder exist and came rolling towards Mia. She was unprepared and tried to dodge but was blocked by another of Peter magic spell "Lightning Strike". As the boulder almost arrived in front of Mia, suddenly the boulder breaks and were blasted away by fire magic. "Fire Ignite" Ava shouted to save Mia.

She then focused her magic towards Peter and shouted "Fire Pillar" and then a magic circle appeared below Peter. He tried to run but was stopped by Mia water magic 'Water Splash" and Ava second magic "Ice Spike". He forced a smile on his face and muttered "Shit!" and then he was blasted away. He then falls to the ground with his ass while his clothes is still burning a bit making it looks like beehives.

"Now apologize!" Ava look menacingly at Peter and walks towards him. Mia then said "Ava that's enough. We won already." she then tugged Ava shirt and tried to take her away. "Yes but I want him to apologize first." Ava insisted while folding her arms. Peter looks at them at laughed. Both of the girls were shocked and they thought that Peter had gone crazy. He stop laughing and then he smiled mischievously "Are you guys sure that you won?" then he look behind their backs. Both of them looks at each other and tried to turned to their back but a spell suddenly came "Fire Ignite.". The area between the girls was exploded while Peter already ran far away. The arena was shrouded with dusts and smokes.

As the girls dropped down to the ground, both of them saw a shadow of a person coming towards them. Both of them tried to get up but before they can, they saw the silhouette disappeared. As they stand back up and stand besides each other, they heard a voice whispering to them. "I'm sorry but you guys lost" then both of their vision turned black and they were fainted.

Vasco stand straight and muttered "Well at least no one will know what happened." He then walk towards Peter and stand besides him. He slap Peter in the back and said "Next time don't make me get into trouble again". Peter laughed and replied "Well that next time I know that you still got my back.". Vasco sighed and looks Peter in the eyes "If they asks what happened, just say that my magic surprised them and your magic deliver the last hit.". Peter nods and asks "Are you sure? You could have fame you know?". Vasco makes a weird face and ask Peter "Why?". Peter replied "You know the reasons we fought with her is one, she's arrogant. The second one is because she's our batch rank number one student while the white haired girl is the second in the power ranking. I just wanted to test their abilities and skills just to have fun and now I know who's the real number one HAHAHA!" and he laughed. Vasco became annoyed and hit peter at his right shoulder and said "Fuck you! If I had known this earlier I should have just left you alone." and he walks away. Peter ran to catch up to him while laughing and said "Wait for me."

As they were talking, the dusts had settled and the audience was shocked. No one believed what happened. Both of the girls fainted. Some of the students who bet at the girls whine and said "How the fuck did they lose?" as the bets odds were 10:1. Some of the first year students said shockingly "They were our rank first and second first year students in the power rank but they lost to an unknown student with unknown rank??". The power ranking is the list of powerful students in each year for the academy to determine which one of the students is the strongest for them to be sent to compete in a competitions. The lists was created by the academy judging from their entree examination and their first week in class performances.

The audience saw the two boys walks away without any care. As the battle had concluded, the announcer voice sounded "The winner is Vasco Humprey and Peter Lopiz.". Medics came taking both of the fainted girls away and the crowd disperses. Vasco and Peter had a happy smile on their face as they want to the betting shops and claim their bets. They were betting a thousand digital coin just for fun and now it became an unexpected results. "Now I don't have to worry about expenses for now." He thought as he looks at the system notification.

(Quest Succesful)

(Rewards Given)

(Level up!)

(Level up!)

(New armor in inventory)

"Today is a great day." he smiled and walks toward his room.