
System in the Multiverse [R18]

Wish fulfillment and Action.

dog_2037 · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Status and plan to world travel

Right now both Rayon and Yamato were sitting next to each other as the atmosphere around them was honestly at its most friendly since thriller Bark where they had their first clash and afterwards their own tough few battles where Yamato would take the win putting a strain on their relationship adding on the events where she went against him but now this was the most calm comfortable and peaceful the two have been together for quite a while. 

After sitting down and eating some monster meat cooked by Yamato Rayon looked at his System mostly at what he got from Marine ford even though he was surprised that he got so much since he didn't get a mission. 

{Host after compiling everything that you done in the war from fighting Marco and Akainu you have been awarded 2 things} 

"What is it!" Rayon yelled out happily Yamato who was sitting next to him just raised a brow but just shrugged it off she seen him do this quite a bit. 

(Congratulations Host You have gained a Main World Travel Ticket and a gender rewriter) 

Rayon looked at what he got and grinned he already knew what world he wanted to go to, but a gender rewriter is what he really wanted a few people he wanted to turn into women since if not he wouldn't add them to his crew.

'System have I gotten any stronger during the war'. 

(Yes, Host but you didn't take any significant step you got better at using red lightning your Haki didn't get any better though) 

Rayon sighed he knew that would happen he knew if he wanted to have stronger Haki, he needed to face those that depended on Haki he needed to go to the new world soon. 

Rayon also glanced at Yamato she needed to get better at controlling her Haki as well while also getting the hang of using her devil fruit. 

'I want to train here but I need to get stronger faster not only will the navy be coming after us faster but so will the beast pirates so it's best I go into another world'. Rayon thought to himself. 

(Host time won't stop when you go to another world a month will go by that is only for Main world's though minor worlds time will stop) 

Rayon sighed but he knew where he was going could be an instant power up and needed to go there soon and that's just out of Naruto and Hunter X Hunter. 

'System show me mine and Yamato's status'.

(Very Well Host)

{Name: Chaos D Rayon

Race: Human

Title: Prince Of Chaos

Bounty: 720 Million

Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level 

Skills: Observation Basic, Aramement Basic, Conqueors Haki Basic, Red Lightning 14% previous 7%

Weapon: Gumbai 43%/ Sword 25%}

{Name: Yamato

Race: Oni Human

Title: Oni Princess

Bounty: 714 Million

Battle Power: Mid Admiral Level to High Admiral level with Mythical Zone active

Skills: Observation Basic, Aramement Basic, Conqueors Haki Basic,

Devil Fruit: Dog-Dog Fruit, Model: Okuchi-no-Makami 0%

Weapon: Takeru 95% }

'Not bad she is definitely stronger than me physically and faster even if I use red lightning all of that without the use of her mythical Zone, she could still beat me even though my proficiency in using red lighting has gone up'. Rayon thought to himself. 

"Our bounties went up huh that's good". Rayon said aloud Yamato hearing this nodded excitedly though a bit worried since she realized Kaido might be coming after her. 

Rayon thought about what they should do more like what Yamato should do since he planned on sending her somewhere to train comfortably while he world travels. 

Rayon looked up and saw that the sun was coming down signaling nighttime coming. 

"Hey Yamato, I think we should split up for a while". Rayon blurted out. Yamato hearing this stood up right away "Why what happened I thought we were good Rayon". Yamato asked with a distressed face. 

Rayon shook his head "No we are not breaking up the crew it's just that I have to go somewhere alone and it's best that you find somewhere to train until I return, I am thinking you stay here". Rayon told Yamato who shook her head right away. 

"I will come with you". Yamato said excitedly. Rayon just shook his head "Yamato just listen". Rayon began telling her what he wanted her to do and made up a reason why she couldn't come, and he told her it was because she didn't know how to use her devil fruit yet. 

Yamato took this seriously "I understand if I was capable of using my devil fruit properly then we may have been able to defeat the magma guy Yamato said seriously". Yamato then sat back down with a sigh. 

"I understand now but you have to make sure to comeback right away". Yamato said as she hugged Rayon who just hugged her back, he then grinned. 

"What are you starting to fall in love with me I thought you were a man Yamato". Yamato just blushed a bit then smiled. 

"I think I have fallen for you so you can be my wife just as Toki once was for Oden". Yamato said this to Rayon with a happy smile Rayon hearing this couldn't accept this at all he wasn't going for that shit the disrespect couldn't be more real. 

Rayon grabbed her closer and kissed her on the lips. They both locked lips Yamato who was surprised leaned into the kiss and Rayon continued sticking his tounge in her mouth as he began devouring her mouth completely. 

After a few minutes Rayon finally pulled back only to be pulled right back in by a panting Yamato at the moment she looked to be in heat a few more minutes passed, and they both now began to catch their breath. 

"Hahhh Hahhh R..rayon what was that why is my body so hot now just after us locking lips". Yamato asked with a huge blush on her face. 

Rayon who already caught his breath just grinned as he watched Yamato's body heave up and down mainly her huge tits Rayon just grinned and told her "Yamato do you want to feel what you just felt even more". Rayon asked as he rubbed her body caressing just below her huge tits. 

"Ahhn~ Y...yes just do it now". Yamato said with a light moan Rayon took this chance instantly and the night between the both of them began from there as Rayon laid her on the ground. 

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxWhile both Rayon and Yamato were beginning a steamy night the new world was still in chaos. 

Although the Big mom pirates and Beast Pirates pulled back from combat with the whitebeard pirates that didn't mean the Marines and World government did as they instantly went on the attack after getting the location of the whitebeard pirates. 

Although they wouldn't normally attack so hastily but having both Ace and Luffy in the same place they couldn't help but taking the chance as two future admirals were sent straight towards the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates.