

Bhanu_Teja_Sai · Action
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6 Chs


Yun Qhu was confused about what app he downloaded. Yun Qhu didn't have time to check out the app. Yun turned off his phone and went back to sleep. During the night, the phone turns on while Yun Qhu has his back facing the phone and sends an alert writing, "Yun Qhu, Age:16, time to complete a quest to advance. QUEST: "DO 15 pull-ups,15 push-ups and 15 sit-ups.

With no choice, Yun started the quest in middle of the night and after that he passes out in his room with tiredness

At 7:00 AM, Yun Qhu's alarm started ringing. Yun was annoyed by the sound of his alarm but didn't have the strength to leave the bed either. He stretched his left arm, but with a short body like his, he wasn't able to reach the alarm's snooze button on the back. Yun grabbed the closest object he could find on the floor, which was his shoe, threw it at the alarm clock, and turned it off. Now Yun could go back to peaceful slumber until his mother called him down to eat, and his friends were calling him non-stop.

Yun looked at his phone and noticed the time was 7:35 AM; he only had 20 minutes to get to school, or he was going to miss out on the field trip to the amusement park today. Yun rushed to the washroom, grabbed a slice of bread from the kitchen, and ran outside the front door while on the call with his friends who were waiting for him at school. He jumped on his bike and started riding like he was being chased. Yun avoided oncoming traffic and pedestrians walking on the sidewalk; most of them started honking at Yun and cursing at him for almost causing an accident. Yun quickly apologized and continued to pedal. There was only 1 minute left on the clock before the bus left for the amusement park. Yun was 300 meters from his destination, and in the heat of the moment, with his legs moving fast, he nearly collided with a girl in a sunny hat. She spotted Yun rushing in with his bike at the last second and couldn't react fast enough, so she closed her eyes tightly, wishing for someone to save her. Luckily, he squeezed his brakes before hurting her. Due to the ferocious braking, his speed collected enough air to blow the girl's hat away from her head. She opened her eyes, and he opened his at the same time, and both couldn't stop staring. It was as if the world came to a halt, and they were the only man and woman left on earth. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

Yun's friends were calling him from afar. Yun glimpsed behind the girl's long black hair and saw his friend waving at him. He apologized and continued riding his bike, barely reaching the school bus. He looked outside the window and watched as the girl gently moved her hair behind her ear and waved at him with a smile, as if telling him, "Good luck and have a great day at the amusement park!"

Throughout the bus ride, Yun couldn't stop thinking about that beautiful girl and her encouraging smile that made his day feel better. His friends teased him and taunted him to tell them about her, but he refused and quietly stared outside the window. They arrived at the amusement park, and everyone got off the bus and headed toward the entrance. Mia and Alex wanted Yun to take photos of them. Yun took out his phone, but the app from last night was still on. He tried to swipe out of it, but it was no use. His friends recommended he get it repaired tomorrow.

Yun put his phone in his pocket and enjoyed the day with his friends. The rides were nauseating and thrilling, the food was delicious, and the shows were amazing. Mia, Alex, and Yun were having the time of their lives. By 8 PM, the park was going to shut down in an hour. Alex and Mia were at the basketball event stand; Alex wanted to win Mia a pink unicorn with large green eyes that smelled like raspberry. Alex paid for three shots to win the unicorn but missed all three and only got a small peanut man with a hat and cane. Alex felt disappointed, while Mia laughed heartily. She loved the peanut man and thought it reminded her of Alex: hard from the outside yet sweet and soft from the inside. Alex was overjoyed to hear that. He pranced around the basketball stand and accidentally stumbled on another gang's leader, the Yamaka gang – a five-man gang that despised the weak and elderly. Alex apologized and fled the situation, but one of the henchmen was signaled by the boss, and he pushed Alex back to the ground with all his force. They started laughing.

Mia, on the other hand, was angered by this display. She walked up to the gang leader and the henchman that pushed Alex, and slapped both of them with frustration and no hesitation. Anger was all she could feel at that moment. The Yamaka gang leader, Don Chul, felt humiliated by this puny girl's slap. He retaliated by slapping her twice as hard, causing her to fall to the ground with blood pouring from her lips. Seeing this enraged Alex. He got up and struck Don Chul directly on his smudged face with all his might.

Yun heard a commotion while trying to fix his phone; he noticed a crowd was gathering. "Must be a new event happening?!" he wondered, not realizing that his best friends were the center of attention drawing the crowd. Yun's phone turned on, with a new message on the mysterious app. "Go into the crowd and save your friends to activate the new power-up." Yun was confused but didn't hesitate to rush towards the center of the crowd. He finally reached the end, where he saw Alex being pummeled by the Yamaka gang while Mia was unconscious on the ground. Yun rushed to the scene, pushed two guys off Alex, punched one, kicked the other two away, took Alex and Mia out of the fight, laid them on the ground away from the crowd, and headed back to the battleground.

Yun wasn't okay with letting himself get beaten up, and he certainly wouldn't let anyone lay a finger on the people he loved. He punched the gang leader with all his might, knocking him unconscious with ease, similar to what had happened to Mia. Soon after that blow, Yun started glowing from the ground up, and his phone began ringing "Unlocked a new skill: Power Punch". Yun was confused about what just had happened, or how his body supported to fight without aany drop of sweat, but those questions had to wait. One of the henchmen of the Yamaka gang was rushing towards him. Yun held his fist up and struck him in the chest, sending him flying 30 feet away towards the cotton candy machine. Yun had no words to describe what had just happened.