
System Anime-Game-Univers (COMPLETED)

A normal young student living with his parents dies. After meeting God, he goes to the world of One Piece to live the life of adventure and freedom he has always desired. This is translated into English by Google translation. I write this fan fiction to improve my writing for my first novel. So if you see any mistakes or have any advice tell me. Good reading.

achile · Anime & Comics
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39 Chs

Last Preparation

Seth spends the next few weeks resting with his wives and heading to every island in his Empire and seeing how life is going on. He also maintains meetings with the High Places of the Empire who are his wives, his generals, the sevens deadly sins and the rulers of the islands of his Empire. Meetings are equal to or greater than reverie in terms of importance, but it takes place more often due to preparations for the turbulent waves that will unfold in the future. Several important decisions were taken during these meetings, all of which were voted unanimously to better prepare for the fall of the World Government and the preparation of the world after the fall of the latter to avoid chaos. All but one, which Seth did not want to divulge to the members of the meeting what it is. The only thing he was willing to declare was that he had found new allies.

Seth is practicing his new body and his memories. He now controls his power. Nowadays, it can be said that Seth really is [The Devil of the Seven Seas]. Seth is currently off an island. The island is located in Calm Belt, on top of it are several snake sculptures. Seth steps onto the island and stops at the edge of the forest that goes into the island. There, he launches a jet of black and white flame into the sky that takes the form of a devil with white wings and a halo. After making his presence known, Seth creates a chair and sits on it and waits for those in charge to introduce themselves.

Ten minutes later, Seth hears footsteps approaching his position. He sees several women in bikini armor coming out of the forest with bows and spears. The women are led by four people. One is a little old lady who walks with a stick. Another is a tall, slender woman, with green hair. The third is a tall, strong woman with orange hair. The two stand next to the last woman who appears to be the real leader of the group. The little lady stands aside.

The leader is a very tall, slender woman with long dark hair extending down to her back. Strands of hair frame her face. She has pale brown eyes with long eyelashes. She has with her a white snake with red round spots. The woman walks up to Seth, puts her hands on his hips.

"What does one of the Emperors want from this Empress."

Seth smiles. "I'm here to discuss business with you and since I know this island doesn't welcome men, I decided to stay here and report myself."

"Report your presence? Is that how you identify yourself? By launching a fiery monster into the sky. " declares an unnamed woman.

Seth does not answer but continues to smile in front of the women. The woman is irritated but does not speak.

"What business do you have with this Empress."

"Simple, a partnership." Seth answers.

"You want to partner with me, what will you and I gain?"

"I gain an ally and you protection. If you accept, you will be protected and in return you will help me with a project that I have. "

"Why would I take your offer? I am a shichibukai and am affiliated with the World Government. In addition, this Empress can protect her people very well and be even. "

"The Shichibukai system will not last and will soon be dissolved. You will regain your pirate status and your people will be hunted by the Navy and the World Government. "

The woman thinks about it before agreeing to the deal.

Seth smiles and vanishes into the air, whispering.

"You did well little Boa."

After this meeting, Seth began other partnerships, not all of which went equally well to the person. After these meetings Seth returns home to spend time with his wives.

Small chapter before the war.

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