
Am I Stuck?

It seems like I am really disconnected from the server already, I can't use anything at all.

Could it be that this is what Erina meant by the people couldn't use the system anymore? It's not because it was gone but it was completely unusable. As nothing happens even if you interact with it.

But somehow if that was the case? Wouldn't there be no need for the keycard to even exist? Because Erina mentioned that the reason it exists is because they can't access their stats, as there's no way to see it as they lost their system.

So for me to be able to view it using the system, meaning that it might not be what I initially thought.

It is just some features that might be disabled but I could still use the system, as long as it isn't something that needed to be connected to the server.

And probably I need to rethink all of it together… like this is really happening to me.

I take a guess that the reason I wasn't able to connect to the server was that I was in this place. As it might disturb the connection.

It might be weird, like I am still in the game and there's no way just being in this place would disturb the connection. But this is the only highly possible explanation that I could think of… Like this place is already named the Out of Boundary City.

It's a place where it is completely cut off from the rest of the game. Making it unique in some way.

The only thing that has been on my mind right now, was how the developer didn't notice this area. Like shouldn't they notice it immediately? It does make me feel a bit odd, to be honest.

Regardless of the reason…

For now, it might be best for me to focus on surviving in this place. Like there might be a possibility of me dying here. Because from what Erina said, being deleted here is equal to dying.

As the monster successfully does its task to delete our character data. Since I am not like all of them here that was merely data as I am something more, there's a chance that I couldn't be killed.

Though I wouldn't want to take the risk as things could go the opposite of what I am thinking. Which would result in me dying in this game.

Really really makes me scared that I would be dying for sure.

It does remind me that I need to go to the Adventurer Faction tomorrow with Erina. As I already said that I would be checking it out.

No matter how interesting I find that faction, I won't be joining it. I already made up my mind as I would rather stay safe inside of this city.

Meaning that I probably join the other faction, like the merchant or the administrative faction. But more leaning toward the administrative side. Because I know for a fact that I couldn't sell a thing.

As I never had the skill to create any item, because I don't pick any of it. I will just be joining it if I fail to join the administrative faction. Because Erina did say that they have some tests to undergo to see whether the person qualifies or not.

That's the only plan I have for now…

I mean I did think about the Builder Faction but since I also couldn't build stuff, I doubt I will be able to enter. Plus there's only one person there, meaning if I join up that faction.

The chance of me getting isolated by other people is there. I mean sure the first hero is there but when I walked back to the hostel.

I couldn't help but to listen to people saying that the first hero is a weirdo. Like his action is a bit odd. It might be a rumor but if it's true… then I would be lumped together and be labeled the same thing as the hero did.

That's why I really hope that I could join the Administrative Faction and pass the test without any problems.

But even if I pass. The chance that I would be selected is really low, I am guessing it is.

Like I am not really good at talking to people, which means that they are going to look at my character. I just hope that it wouldn't be like an interview-based selection, because I really am not good at answering questions. Like the reason I wanted to join or so.

Plus meeting with the other people will probably make me anxious… I know I look fine and all but it's always hard to speak to new people unless they talk to me first.

I don't want to talk to people if I don't need to.

In the end, I think that it would be best for me to just hide in this hostel but if I do that... I wouldn't be able to sustain myself, because I needed money and food.

This is why I can't stay still here. There are a lot of things that I need to do and the first one is to make more money while getting more information.

So I need to keep on living until I can figure out what is happening here.

I know that this might not be the best choice but there's no use dwelling on it, like I should focus on the present and the future. I think, for now, it's the best choice.

But for now, I should rest up and get ready for tomorrow.

With that thought, I fell asleep.


A few hours later, I woke up and went to the bathroom. After that, I had a quick breakfast as usual, and apparently, for us newcomers. We were allowed to stay in the hostel for 10 days without any charge at all. Of course, meaning our meal is free as well...

I learned about that as I was worried that I couldn't afford my breakfast after realizing that I am out of money. That is when the male receptionist approached me as he realized that there was something on my mind. He laughs at it of course at first but he soon tells me all about it. Which makes me feel relieved...

This was the incentive that the administrative faction created for the newcomer that comes to this world. As they wanted them to have time to think about what they are going to do in this world. And to process all of the stuff altogether.

But it is only valid for the 10-day period.

After that, you have to pay or work. If you are a merchant or an adventurer, you can earn some money.

This is why we will be checking out the Adventurer Faction later. Even if I am not planning to join the Adventurer Faction, I am sure that I can learn a lot from it.

And I might as well get some experience as well. Because it's really boring to just sit around the hostel.

Anyway, with that I was ready to go.

I quickly finished my food and headed out to the city plaza as I agreed to meet up with Erina there. I was lucky that the receptionist was kind enough to guide me. I mean it's not like I don't know where the place is. It's just that I have no idea about the city layout that much yet.

Though it was not surprising that the location was near the hostel I am staying at.

It was only a few minutes before I saw the plaza in front of me. As I was walking through the plaza, I realized that there were a lot of people there already.

Which was not a surprise, considering that it was early morning.

So the main problem now is... I can't really find Erina…

I was sure that I was able to recognize her face but for some reason, I couldn't find her. Which is worrying me.

I don't know what to do, as the plaza is really big and there are a lot of people here. Plus, it's not like I am someone who could talk to someone that easily.

But just as I was about to give up, I heard a familiar voice.

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time."

I turned around and saw her, the orange hair and yellow eyes, just like the one I knew. I never expected Erina to be late, so it was a shock. But since she is here, I decided to greet her.

"Hi Erina, you are here," I said and bowed a bit.

"Sorry, it's just that I didn't expect to be late." She apologizes, which I can understand.

"It's okay," I said, trying to not let her feel bad. As it's not even her fault plus it wasn't that long. Just barely a few minutes have passed so it's not a big deal.

"Anyway, let's start our tour then!" She said, sounding a bit excited.

"Okay, let's go to the Adventurer Faction."

The update is a bit late as the author just trying to make sure it's a good first before uploading a new chapter.

So please be patience and support me as I would be improving me that way!

ExChasercreators' thoughts