
System's Edge

In the harsh slums of a world where power rules, young Aiden fights solely for his survival. Orphaned and alone, his life changes when he discovers a mysterious system within himself, granting him extraordinary abilities. Initially driven by a desire to rise above his humble beginnings, Aiden’s path takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a sinister conspiracy threatening society. Faced with a choice, he decides to use his powers not just for himself, but to fight against the looming darkness. "System's Edge" follows Aiden's journey from a self-centered fighter to a reluctant hero, battling both external enemies and the inner demons that challenge his resolve.

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8 Chs

Preparing for Elordia Academy

Finally it was time for Aiden to fight and compared to his peers, he knew nothing about fighting, he paid extra attention when the instructor was explaining the basic of fighting but ultimately he was properly inexperienced.

Aiden was bruised and exhausted after his series of fights. The pain from Eric's powerful blows, the frustration from Danny's evasive maneuvers, and the sheer speed and precision of Fiona's attacks left him physically and mentally drained. Mia's leniency had given him a glimmer of hope, but even that was dashed as the fight dragged on and the instructor called it to an end.

The instructor clapped her hands to gather everyone's attention. "Good work, everyone. These fights were not just about winning or losing but about learning and improving. Aiden, you have a lot to catch up on, but you showed resilience. That's a good start."

Aiden tried to muster a smile despite his aching body. The words were meant to encourage, but he couldn't shake off the sting of being the weakest. Fiona's harsh words to her sister echoed in his mind, reinforcing his determination to improve.

The instructor continued, "Now, we will focus on some individual training to work on your weaknesses. Pair up with someone who is not your sibling. Eric, you will train with Danny. Fiona, you'll be with Aiden. Mia, I'll work with you separately."

The pairs moved to different corners of the hall. Fiona approached Aiden, her stern expression softening slightly. "Look, Aiden. You have potential, but you need to work on your basics. Let's start with your stance and footwork. If you can move properly, you'll be able to defend and attack more effectively."

Aiden nodded, grateful for her willingness to help despite her earlier harshness. Fiona demonstrated the correct stance and footwork, emphasizing balance and agility. Aiden mimicked her movements, feeling the difference as he adjusted his posture.

"Good, keep practicing that. Your punches and kicks will come naturally once you have a solid foundation," Fiona instructed.

As they trained, Aiden noticed that Fiona's teaching style was strict but effective. She corrected his mistakes patiently and offered practical advice. Despite her tough exterior, she genuinely wanted him to improve.

Meanwhile, across the hall, Eric and Danny sparred with renewed respect for each other, their previous fight serving as a catalyst for better teamwork. Mia received personalized instruction from the instructor, focusing on refining her techniques and building her confidence.

The morning session ended with a final round of exercises designed to build strength and endurance. As everyone caught their breath, the instructor addressed the group. "Remember, the goal is not just to manifest your Visage but to become capable fighters. The Academy values both skill and potential. Keep pushing yourselves."

Aiden left the hall with a mix of exhaustion and determination. The harsh reality of his inexperience weighed heavily on him, but he also felt a spark of hope. The road ahead was long, but with Fiona's guidance and his own resolve, he was determined to catch up to his peers.

As he walked back to his place, Aiden reflected on the day's lessons. He understood now that fighting wasn't just about strength or speed; it was about strategy, technique, and perseverance. And most importantly, it was about finding the will to rise after every fall.

As the days passed, Aiden immersed himself in his training with a fervor that surprised even himself. Every morning, he would join the group at the Hall of Crows, practicing tirelessly under the watchful eye of the instructor and his peers. In the evenings, he would return home to study the material on reading and writing, slowly but steadily improving his literacy skills. The routine became a source of comfort and purpose, driving him to push his limits.

The night before the Academy recruitment, Aiden lay in bed, going over the basics of fighting in his mind. He shadowboxed against imaginary opponents, mimicking the movements and strategies he had observed. His small room felt like a battlefield, and he moved with a sense of determination and focus.

He understood the strengths and weaknesses of his peers. Eric's brute strength, Danny's agility, Fiona's balanced approach, and Mia's potential yet hesitant fighting style. Each offered valuable lessons, and Aiden absorbed them like a sponge. He visualized different scenarios, preparing himself for any challenge the Academy might throw at him.

The morning of the recruitment dawned, and Aiden felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. He donned the simple yet clean clothes provided by his instructor, feeling more confident than he had in his rags. His heart raced as he made his way to the Hall of Crows, where the other kids were already waiting, each showing their own signs of anticipation.

The instructor gathered them all and gave a brief but motivating speech. "Today is the day you've all been working towards. Remember everything you've learned. Show the Academy your potential and determination. You've come a long way. Now, go and give it your all."

She added " My name is Selene, 2nd Year at Elordia Academy and i will be your contact with the Hall of Crows if you managed to pass the test"

Aiden nodded along with the others, feeling a surge of confidence. They were led to the Academy's recruitment site, a grand building that stood in stark contrast to the slums of Grimgate. The sight was awe-inspiring, and Aiden couldn't help but feel a pang of awe and intimidation.

They were ushered into a large hall where other children from different parts of the kingdom were gathered. The air was thick with anticipation and nerves. Aiden scanned the room, recognizing the same determination in the faces of other kids.

As Aiden stood among the gathered children, he observed the clear divisions between them. The kids from affluent parts of Elordia wore elaborate clothes, some even adorned with accessories that hinted at their family's wealth and status. Their polished shoes and fine fabrics set them apart from the rest. Meanwhile, the children from rural towns, though not as extravagantly dressed, still appeared in clean, well-maintained clothes, their footwear sturdy and practical. The contrast was stark with those from the slums, many of whom were barefoot, their clothes tattered and worn.

The children instinctively formed groups based on their backgrounds. The slum kids huddled together, a mix of defiance and camaraderie in their eyes. The rural kids stayed close to each other, sharing a sense of solidarity and mutual understanding. The big city kids, however, stood apart with an air of superiority, their gazes often looking down upon those they deemed lesser.

Aiden found himself amidst the slum kids, noting the determined expressions on their faces. They were here to fight for a chance at a better life, their experiences in the harsh realities of Grimgate having forged them into resilient individuals. He realized that, despite their rough appearances, the slum kids possessed a drive and cunning that the others might not fully grasp.

As Aiden stood in line with his friends, the atmosphere was thick with anticipation. The Academy officials were setting up the devices that would determine their Visage potential, and the crowd of children buzzed with nervous energy.

Eric, ever serious, stood calmly, his eyes fixed ahead, seemingly unfazed by the process. Next to him, Danny couldn't contain his excitement, his gaze darting around the crowd with a spark of eagerness. "Do you think anyone here is strong?" Danny asked, his voice bubbling with enthusiasm.

Eric glanced at Danny, slightly puzzled. Despite Danny's high energy and love for fighting, Eric respected his skills and tenacity. "I guess we'll find out soon enough," Eric replied, his tone measured.

Fiona, mirroring Eric's seriousness, stood with her arms crossed, her posture reflecting her focus and determination. Mia, however, was more reserved, shyly peeking at the crowd, her eyes wide with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

Aiden felt a sense of unity with his group. They stood out among the other slum kids, not just because of their relatively decent clothing but also because of their confidence. Their training and the experiences they had shared created a bond that set them apart.

An official with piercing eyes and thick eyebrows stepped forward, drawing the attention of all the children and their guardians present. His robe, adorned with an additional band of silver around the hems of his arms, set him apart from the others. The respect he commanded from his colleagues was evident in their deferential behavior towards him.

He raised a hand, signaling for silence, and the crowd quickly quieted down, anticipation hanging in the air. His voice, when he spoke, was clear and authoritative, carrying easily across the assembled children.

"Welcome, all of you, to the first step in a journey that may change your lives," he began, his eyes sweeping over the crowd, lingering momentarily on each of the groups from different parts of the kingdom. "I am Master Thalor, a senior instructor at Eldora Academy. Today, we are here to determine your potential to wield a Visage and become part of the next generation of protectors and scholars of our great kingdom."

Aiden felt a chill of excitement and nervousness run down his spine. Master Thalor's presence was imposing, but there was also an air of opportunity and possibility in his words.

"Each of you will be tested to see if you possess the latent abilities necessary to manifest a Visage. This is a rigorous and demanding path, but those who succeed will find themselves with opportunities beyond measure. We do not simply train fighters; we cultivate scholars, leaders, and protectors."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "I know some of you come from humble beginnings," his gaze shifted slightly towards the group from the slums, including Aiden and his friends. "And others from more privileged backgrounds," his eyes moved to the children in elaborate clothing. "But today, all of you stand on equal footing. The potential within you is what matters, not where you come from."

The crowd remained silent, hanging on his every word. Master Thalor continued 

"Let the tests begin"

i read so many test for entrance of guild, clan etc and to be honest the face slapping is always fun but we are not going to fall on tropes too quickly, there is constant rewriting so if you feel like the balance between banter, sub plot and progress is not right tell me , i would love to hear about it

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