
System's Edge

In the harsh slums of a world where power rules, young Aiden fights solely for his survival. Orphaned and alone, his life changes when he discovers a mysterious system within himself, granting him extraordinary abilities. Initially driven by a desire to rise above his humble beginnings, Aiden’s path takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon a sinister conspiracy threatening society. Faced with a choice, he decides to use his powers not just for himself, but to fight against the looming darkness. "System's Edge" follows Aiden's journey from a self-centered fighter to a reluctant hero, battling both external enemies and the inner demons that challenge his resolve.

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Manifesting a Visage

The officials began to separate the children into multiple queues, each leading to an inscribed circle on the ground adorned with intricate runic symbols. Aiden stood in his queue, frowning as he tried to decipher the symbols, but they were beyond his ability to read. The symbols were unlike any letters he had recently learned.

Fiona, noticing his confusion, leaned over and said, "You won't be able to decipher them. They're written in runic symbols."

Aiden asked, "What is that?"

"It's what you use to manipulate ethereal powers. I don't know much more than this, only that those circles are used to help people manifest their Visages," Fiona replied.

Aiden was impressed that she knew that much. However, he was distracted by laughter coming from the queue next to them. He turned to see a boy from the big city, dressed in elaborate clothes, looking at him with disdain.

"I'm impressed that a rat from the slum has the courage to come here. I hope you don't think you're going to manifest anything," the boy sneered.

A haughty girl beside him added, "Why do you say that? He might have a sewer or rat Visage manifesting. Ahahah!"

Their entire group burst into laughter, but Aiden was furious. In the slums, attacks came from a survival mindset. This senseless ridicule was something else entirely. He was about to step up and retort when Danny, surprisingly, stopped him.

"If you fight a pig, you'll find yourself in the mud with it," Danny said calmly. "No need to follow."

The group of spoiled children were annoyed but before anything could escalate, the officials began the manifestation process.

Master Thalor stepped forward, raising his hand for silence. The murmurs ceased instantly. 

He gestured towards the large circle inscribed with runic writing on the ground. "This is a Manifest Circle. It is within this circle that your Visage will be revealed and begin to manifest. But before we proceed, you must understand the power system that governs the manifestation of Visages."

He paused, his eyes sweeping over the children. Noticing the slum kids, who looked more bewildered than the others, he took a moment to address them specifically. "I understand that some of you may not be familiar with the concept of magic or the powers that exist beyond what you see in your daily lives."

Aiden, along with other slum kids, listened intently, their curiosity piqued.

"Magic," Thalor began, "is a force that exists in our world, though it is not equally known or accessible to everyone. Those of you from rural towns or larger cities might have heard stories or even seen displays of magic. However, for those from places where survival is the daily focus, such knowledge might seem distant or fantastical."

He smiled gently, aiming to encourage the slum kids. "Magic is real. It is a power that can be harnessed and controlled. The Visages we speak of are manifestations of that power, unique to each individual. As you step into the Manifest Circle, this hidden potential within you may be revealed."

Master Thalor's eyes glinted as he continued. "Visage manifestation progresses through several ranks. Initially, you will begin as an Initiate, where your Visage is a basic, abstract aura. As you grow and develop, you will move through the ranks of Adept, Exemplar, Master, Ascendant, and finally, Paragon. Each rank represents a significant increase in power and control over your abilities."

He paused to let the information sink in before moving on. "Visages are not all the same. They belong to different families, each with unique abilities and characteristics. These families are Elemental, Mystic, Physical, Psychic, and Specialized."

Thalor began to explain the families, providing broad strokes of each. "Elemental Visages allow for the manipulation of natural elements such as fire, water, earth, and air. Mystic Visages grant arcane abilities such as magic, time manipulation, and shadow control. Physical Visages enhance bodily attributes, giving you strength, speed, or shape-shifting capabilities. Psychic Visages involve mental powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, and precognition. Lastly, Specialized Visages offer unique abilities, such as necromancy, life energy manipulation, or technopathy."

The children listened intently, some in awe, others with a determined glint in their eyes. Thalor's explanation continued, emphasizing the journey ahead. "Upon first unlocking your Visage, you will receive a passive ability that enhances one aspect of yourself. Additionally, you will gain an initial power influenced by your personal experiences and potential."

"Your journey does not end with the manifestation," Thalor said, his tone firm and encouraging. "Cultivation and growth are crucial. The more you train and experience, the more detailed and powerful your Visage becomes. Personal growth, significant life events, and rigorous training will all influence your progression."

"Remember, the path you are about to embark on is challenging but rewarding. The academy will guide you, but it is your determination and resilience that will define your success. Strive to be more than what you are now, and you will find your place among the greatest protectors and scholars of our kingdom."

Master Thalor stood before the children, his piercing eyes scanning the crowd. "Now, to give you a glimpse of what a more advanced Visage looks like," he said, his voice carrying a weight of authority and anticipation. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A faint, electric hum began to fill the air, growing louder as arcs of blue lightning crackled around him. Slowly, a humanoid figure began to materialize beside him.

The Visage was a sight to behold. It stood as tall as Master Thalor, its form both imposing and awe-inspiring. The figure resembled a human but with an ethereal quality, its body adorned in sleek, electric-blue armor that seemed to pulsate with energy. The armor was intricately designed, with glowing runes etched into its surface, each rune sparking with small bolts of lightning. In its hand, the Visage held a lance made of pure energy, crackling with electric arcs that danced along its length.

The face of the Visage bore a striking resemblance to Master Thalor, like a twin or a sibling, but with an otherworldly, almost divine presence. The eyes of the Visage glowed with a fierce, blue light, mirroring the intensity and wisdom in Thalor's own eyes. The pressure emanating from the Visage was immense, a palpable force that caused the children to gasp and step back in awe.

The crowd of children was mesmerized, their eyes wide with a mix of fear and admiration. Whispers ran through the group, the pressure of the Visage making the air feel heavy. One of the children from the noble families, a boy in elaborate clothing, spoke up, his voice tinged with both respect and amazement. "That form... It's so advanced. Master Thalor must be at least an Exemplar!"

Thalor allowed the Visage to linger for a moment longer, letting the children absorb the sheer power and magnificence of an advanced manifestation. The Visage's presence was a testament to what dedication, training, and experience could achieve. Then, with a graceful motion, he retracted the Visage. The electric hum faded, and the air seemed to lighten as the awe-inspiring figure disappeared.

"Now," Thalor said, his voice calm but commanding attention, "let the testing proceed." The officials began guiding the first children into the Manifest Circles, the awe of Thalor's display still fresh in their minds. For Aiden and his peers, the path ahead was now clearer, but also more daunting. They had seen the heights they could potentially reach, and the determination to manifest their own Visages burned brighter within them.

The officials moved with methodical precision, ensuring each child would have their turn in the Manifest Circle. The big city kids stood confidently, exuding an air of calm assurance. They already knew what was coming, many having undergone preliminary tests facilitated by their influential families. For them, today was merely a formality.

The children from the rural towns and the slums, however, were a different story. They fidgeted nervously, casting hopeful glances at the circle. This was their one shot at something greater, and the uncertainty gnawed at them.

Master Thalor, the official with the silver-banded robe, called the first child forward. It was a girl from one of the most illustrious families in Elordia. She stepped into the circle with an air of practiced ease. As she concentrated, a shimmering blue aura enveloped her. The air around her seemed to cool, and the runes on the ground glowed in response. "Aqua," Master Thalor announced. "Elemental Visage of Water."

One by one, the big city kids took their turns. Each manifestation seemed more impressive than the last. A boy from another noble family manifested a blazing red aura. "Pyros," Thalor declared. "Elemental Visage of Fire." Another child revealed a glimmering silver aura, indicating an "Arcanum" Mystic Visage. These children wore their auras like crowns, their confidence unshakable.

Meanwhile, the rural and slum kids watched, their anxiety intensifying with each demonstration of power. When it was finally time for one of them to step forward, the tension was palpable. Danny, the chatterbox of Aiden's group, was called up. He grinned and stepped into the circle, his usual enthusiasm undiminished by the stakes. As he concentrated, a swirling green aura surrounded him, carrying a fresh breeze that rustled the nearby leaves. "Aero," Master Thalor said, a note of surprise in his voice. "Elemental Visage of Wind."

Next up was Eric. His serious demeanor never wavered as he entered the circle. He stood still, focusing intently. A powerful, earthy brown aura emerged around him. "Titan," Thalor announced. "Physical Visage of Enhanced Strength and Durability."

Fiona was next. Her fiery personality seemed to match the aura that burst forth from her, a brilliant orange-red flame. "Pyros," Thalor repeated. "Elemental Visage of Fire."

Mia, shy and reserved, stepped into the circle next. A calm, soothing blue aura enveloped her, rippling like a gentle stream. "Aqua," Thalor confirmed. "Elemental Visage of Water, Defense-oriented."

Finally, it was Aiden's turn. He stepped into the circle, feeling the weight of expectation. As he concentrated, a grey aura slowly began to manifest around him. It was neither as vibrant nor as immediately impressive as the others. The officials whispered among themselves, uncertain. Thalor scrutinized the aura, then finally spoke. "Simple ability enhancing visage. Classic and straightforward."

Aiden felt a pang of disappointment, but it was tempered by the fact that he had manifested a Visage at all. Around him, many of the slum and rural kids had not been so fortunate. Some had stepped into the circle only to emerge with no aura at all, their hopes dashed in an instant.

The tests continued, with more big city kids stepping forward, each revealing powerful and impressive Visages. A boy with a deep purple aura indicating a "Kinesis" Mystic Visage of Object manipulation. A girl with a golden aura, signaling a "Lumina" Mystic Visage of light and healing. The disparity was stark: the big city kids tended to manifest extraordinary Visages, while the slum kids who did manage to manifest typically showed simpler, more straightforward abilities. One boy from the slums had a dark, shadowy aura, a "Noctis" Mystic Visage of shadow manipulation—a reflection of his harsh, survivalist upbringing.

As the day wore on, the differences in the backgrounds of the children became more pronounced. The slum kids, despite their fewer successes, displayed a determination and resilience that the big city kids lacked. They had faced adversity all their lives, and the disappointment of not manifesting a Visage, or manifesting a less impressive one, did not break them. Instead, it seemed to harden their resolve.

When all was said and done, the officials began to wrap up the testing. Master Thalor addressed the group once more. "Congratulations to those who have manifested their Visages today. Remember, this is only the beginning. The true journey lies ahead, in the cultivation and mastery of your abilities. For those who did not manifest today, do not lose hope. Your path may be different, but it is no less significant."

Aiden stood among his peers, his grey aura fading now that he had stepped out of the circle. He glanced at Danny, who was still buzzing with excitement, and at Eric, who remained stoic as ever. Fiona and Mia were speaking quietly, their auras still subtly visible. Despite his initial disappointment, Aiden felt a growing sense of determination.

This was just the first step, and he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Slowly introducing the power system and next chapter is "the system"!! Hope you'll like it

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