
syn sindares: whispers of the inside

in the desolate ruins of an abandoned village under the shadow of the empire, a married couple welcomed their son, Syn Syndares, into the world. At the very moment of his birth, a bolt of mysterious red lightning struck him, transforming his eyes to a haunting crimson hue. By the time he reached the age of ten, fear gripped the villagers, leading them to banish him from their midst. Left to fend for himself, Syn forged his own path in the unforgiving wilderness, haunted by the enigma of his crimson gaze and the power it symbolized he roamed the "Blue Moon Mountain" for eight years, mastering his power. Upon return, he found his kin slain, vowing vengeance on the culprit. Finding himself aimless after achieving his revenge he began roaming the world, searching for a reason to live.

Crit_dmg · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Empire's Capital: a new place and friend

With the empire's capital becoming the new destination for syn, he wasted no time in setting forth on his journey.Under the cover of night, Syn traversed the terrain of the mountain with a speed and agility born of his newfound powers.As the moon cast its silver glow upon the landscape.

Syn traveled through the mountain.reaching his destination in the early morning. the population he once knew is nothing compared to what he is seeing now.Hiding his distinctive white hair beneath his hooded cloak, Syn approached the entrance cautiously, his heart pounding with nervous anticipation. But as he attempted to pass through the gates, he was stopped in his tracks by the vigilant guards who demanded to see his identity card.Panic flickered in Syn's eyes as he realized he had no such document to present. He stammered out an excuse, but the guards remained resolute, unwilling to let a suspicious figure with a full cloack slip through their ranks unchecked.

Just when it seemed that all hope was lost, a stranger emerged from the crowd,a young man with black hair and brown eyes,with a friendly smile, he stepped forward, offering to vouch for Syn and his innocence.Grateful for the unexpected intervention, Syn nodded in silent thanks as the stranger deftly defused the situation with a few well-chosen words. With a nod of approval from the guards, Syn was finally granted entry into the capital.

Syn and his newfound companion ventured into the streets of the city. As they wandered, Syn's thoughts turned to his lack of funds,he knew that the lapis scale is expensive. Seeking respite from the throngs of people, they sought refuge in a secluded corner of a small bar. With a nod of gratitude, Syn watched as his companion ordered two drinks, introducing himself with an air of nonchalance that belied the curiosity gleaming in his eyes:

"the name is 'ray ronin' what about you ?"

"syn sindares" he replied softly, his voice carrying the weight of untold stories and hidden secrets

Ray's interest was piqued, his posture shifting into one of attentive curiosity as he leaned in, eager to unravel the mysteries that shrouded his enigmatic companion.

"Why choose this place?" Ray inquired, his tone laced with a subtle blend of intrigue and suspicion.

In response, Syn reached into his bag and retrieved the gleaming lapis scale—the spoils of his encounter with the serpent in the mountain's depths. Before he could reveal its true nature, however, Ray's eyes widened in alarm, a silent plea urging Syn to conceal the precious gemstone before it attracted unwanted attention.

After finishing their drinks, Syn made a solemn promise to his friend, Ray, that he would repay him for the cost of the drink once they had sold the lapis scale. Before he could finish speaking, however, Ray interrupted with a sudden exclamation.

"We're here!" he declared, gesturing towards a crest depicting two crossed swords emblazoned above the entrance.

Syn looked up, his curiosity piqued, and realized they had arrived at the Adventurers Guild. Ray explained that it was the safest place to sell the scale, reassuring Syn of their choice.As they entered the guild, all eyes turned towards them, whispers rippling through the assembled adventurers. Before they could make their way to the assistant, however, the room erupted into a chorus of greetings and welcomes directed towards Ray.It quickly became apparent to Syn that Ray was a well-known figure in the city, a fact confirmed when Ray revealed his badge, emblazoned with the designation "SS-rank." Ray apologized for not mentioning this earlier, before leading Syn to meet with the guild master.

Once they were in the presence of the guild master, Ray engaged in a conversation about his latest quest. After informing the guild master, Ray requested an urgent audience to discuss an object in Syn's possession.

Ray unveiled the lapis scale to the guild master, a hush fell over the room, the air thick with anticipation. The guild master's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the gleaming gemstone, his gaze flickering between the scale and Syn with a mixture of awe and incredulity.

"Is this... real?" the guild master asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Syn nodded solemnly, confirming that the scale was indeed genuine. With a sense of reverence, he explained that it was the last unharmed scale of the legendary "Sky's Snake," a creature that dwelled in the depths of the mountain.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the guild master hesitated to pry into Syn's past but assured him that selling a lapis scale was no small feat. He explained that such a valuable item required careful consideration and timing, suggesting they wait for the upcoming auction in a week's time.Syn, feeling the weight of his financial predicament, confessed his lack of funds. In a gesture of goodwill, the guild master offered Syn a partial payment upfront, with the promise of the remainder once the auction concluded.

Syn thanked the guild master for his assistance. Turning to Ray, he requested further assistance in finding a place to rest and eat for the night.Ray readily agreed, offering to accompany Syn in his search then, they reached a quaint inn nestled amidst the bustling thoroughfares.As they stood before the entrance, Syn bid Ray goodbye, expressing his intention to meet again at the guild the following day.