
syn sindares: whispers of the inside

in the desolate ruins of an abandoned village under the shadow of the empire, a married couple welcomed their son, Syn Syndares, into the world. At the very moment of his birth, a bolt of mysterious red lightning struck him, transforming his eyes to a haunting crimson hue. By the time he reached the age of ten, fear gripped the villagers, leading them to banish him from their midst. Left to fend for himself, Syn forged his own path in the unforgiving wilderness, haunted by the enigma of his crimson gaze and the power it symbolized he roamed the "Blue Moon Mountain" for eight years, mastering his power. Upon return, he found his kin slain, vowing vengeance on the culprit. Finding himself aimless after achieving his revenge he began roaming the world, searching for a reason to live.

Crit_dmg · Fantasy
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15 Chs

S-rank exam: alphabetic slash

Syn rested in the comfort of the inn, eventually found himself engaged in a silent conversation with the mysterious voice that had guided him thus far. In the quiet solitude of his room, the voice revealed further insights into Syn's latent abilities, unraveling the secrets of his unique magic power. The voice explained that Syn's magic power knew no bounds, as it was not confined by the limitations of traditional magic. Unlike others who wielded elemental spells, Syn possessed the rare gift of pure mana,a raw, untamed force that could be harnessed to wield devastating power.

Arrived at the guild the next morning, he found Ray waiting for him, accompanied by several unfamiliar faces. With a sense of suspicion lingering in his mind, Syn listened as Ray introduced the newcomers, his gaze scrutinizing each of them carefully.

After clearing his mind of doubts, Syn followed Ray's lead and proceeded to register as an adventurer at the guild. However, before he could complete the process, the guild master intervened, recognizing Syn's potential strength as evidenced by the lapis scale in his possession.With a proposition that took Syn by surprise, the guild master offered him the opportunity to bypass the standard adventurer ranking process and instead undertake the S-rank exam directly. Syn's opponent for the exam? None other than Ray himself.

Accepting the challenge, Syn and Ray made their way to the training grounds,a ring enclosed by a roof where spectators could observe the proceedings.As Syn prepared himself mentally for the upcoming trial, the guild master clarified that the exam would not involve the use of magic. Instead, it would focus on martial arts or sword skills,an unexpected twist that prompted Syn to reassess his approach to the challenge ahead.

The tension crackled in the air as Syn and Ray squared off, their determination mirrored in the intensity of their gaze. With a swift motion, the guild master signaled the start of the match, and the two friends sprang into action, their every move watched by the attentive eyes of the guild members above.Syn wasted no time, drawing forth his trident with lightning speed and unleashing an electric shock as it hurtled towards Ray. But Ray, ever the skilled swordsman, evaded the attack effortlessly.Realizing that the lapis scale was not just for show, Ray offered a wry smile in acknowledgment of Syn's true strength. In response, Syn's lips curved into a cold smile, his resolve unwavering as he prepared for the next exchange.

With lightning reflexes, Syn deflected Ray's oncoming sword with the trident, seamlessly transitioning to draw his katana from its sheath. Each slash was executed with precision and power, the air humming with the force of their clash.But Ray was no ordinary opponent. With a whispered incantation, he unleashed a barrage of attacks, each infused with white energy and precision. Syn found himself on the defensive, his movements calculated and swift as he sought to counter Ray's relentless assault.Syn unleashed a series of devastating slashes, each named for its unique technique. "Zeta," he declared, slashing with tremendous power to hurl Ray meters away. "Eta," he followed with a vertical slash, but Ray dodged it as he distanced himself.

Undeterred, Syn continued with his assault. "Theta," he declared, delivering a horizontal slash, but Ray effortlessly blocked it with his sword held vertically.With his opponent momentarily off-guard, Syn seized the opportunity to unleash his final attack. "Iota," he whispered, the slash not originating from his blade but descending from above, catching Ray by surprise.But Ray, ever resourceful, countered with his own technique. "Second Dimension," he murmured, channeling white energy into his sword to create a 360° attack, blocking Syn's previous slash and closing in on him.

As Syn prepared for the final clash.

"Secondary Combination,"

The moment ray Heard these words, he knew that the previous attacks were not mere slashes, but a part from some kind of combinations.a huge vertical long-ranged attack aimed directly at Ray. The impact of their combined skills created a massive explosion that reverberated throughout the training ground.When the dust settled, Syn found himself on the outskirts of the ring, while Ray stood at the edge, both warriors exhausted but unbowed. They locked eyes across the battlefield,about to resume the fight.

the guild master's voice cut through the lingering haze of battle, his words carrying a sense of disbelief and awe.

"He passed!" he exclaimed, his tone a mixture of astonishment and admiration. Slowly rising to his feet, he gazed upon Syn with newfound respect, his eyes reflecting the realization of the young adventurer's remarkable prowess.