
Symbiotic Cyborg

Ever since Portia was abandoned by her parents, she was an outcast, neglected by society and even the social welfare service taking care of her. In a world where everyone by the age of thirteen bonded with one mythical creature or another, she was sixteen and still had nothing, apart from the cheap birthday present given to her by her caretaker on behalf of her parents, whom she loathed by then, so sold it...

Felix_Kunjan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs


Rydona opened her eyes slowly and saw everyone waiting for or looking over her.

The moment she sat up, everyone came loser then Ms Terratikka said,"We came here to see you were okay."

Rydona half closed her eyes then said,"You only came because you have nothing better to do."

Everyone actually couldn't but agree, they didn't want to be ungrateful for the peace granted to them, but it was kinda boring being destined for greatness when you had nothing to do with it, but that was about to change soon.

Kofi was munching into happiness on the potato chips after healing Televera, when he saw Yokkan leaning against a wall in front of him.

Kofi then asked,"I just wanted to ask if Rydona was okay."

Yokkan chuckled, which was strange for a creature who was not only brutal and war loving, but not actually capable of laughing for traditional reasons, so Kofi gave him all his attention.

"I see what you're doing, stay away from her if you know what's best for you."He said.

Kofi was confused, he had no interest in her and neither did she in him, Yokkan was probably jealous because he wanted a fifteenth mate.

Kofi waved his hands then said,"I don't want her, you can have her for all I care, all I wanted was to watch the X-Men."

Kofi then passed by him and widened his eyes in a weirded out manner then heard a yell before a thump and looked back to Yokkan, and immediately called Portia to see...

"Nope, I have no part in this."She said.

Kofi looked at Yokkan who was hurling curses and threats at the two for embarrassing him when they did absolutely nothing, but they couldn't help but take a few pictures, just in case.

They tried yanking him out as his feet were the only parts of his body still visible from their side of the wall, but it was no use, he weighed a ton, it was only Kofi and his new found strength capable of even dragging him out.

Yokkan stood up and glared at Kofi then pulled his fist back for a punch but was thrown backwards by a powerful wind and literally passed right through the wall and fell down the five storeys.

Kofi looked at Portia and she said,"I told you it's not me!"

They both went to his aid but he was gone, without any marks of his impact on the soft grassy ground.

They both flew down and looked at each other surprised.

Yokkan literally fell through the earth to the other side and was about to fall back the other way when Kofi appeared and caught him as he was falling through the ground, increasing the charge of his own electrons to get a hold on Yokkan's now ghost like body.

Yokkan furiously yelled,"Let go of me!"

"I'm trying to help you dude!"Kofi yelled.



Kofi let go of him, knowing that he'd probably fall through to the other side again, where Portia was waiting for him... probably.

Kofi appeared back at the mansion in a bolt of lightning where Yokkan flew into the air and fell hard, on his back.

Kofi was about to help him get up but he smacked his hand away and said he shouldn't touch him, then stormed inside, tripping when his own foot passed through the ground and resurfaced.

Portia and Kofi looked at each other, what was happening?


Rydona went to the highest floor with the best view of the city and closed her eyes as her skin took in the fresh oxygen.

She was used to using more reactive elements like chlorine as oxidizers when she respirated, so she was naturally weaker and less active in our chlorine deficient atmosphere.

She felt the wind whipping through her hair, which technically was a separate organ of her body with its own array of functions, but then the wind got stronger all of a sudden and the light around her got dimmer as if in the shade.

She tried to go back down when it began to rain heavily but even then, the water collecting on the floor was much more than that shower was providing and the weirdest part was, the rain was only over the roof of the mansion, it was nowhere else over the property.

She tried to open the door as it creaked and the wall cracked with the door growing into the wall.

She banged it over and over again and a bolt of lightning was about to strike her when she opened her eyes in her room, soaking wet, with Kofi by her side.

She looked at him and he asked if she was okay, she walked to the window and said,"Even if I said the most anticipated answer, my satisfactory safety will be short lived as without a solution, this problem will keep endangering my life."

Yokkan immediately barged into the room and pushed past Kofi to ask if Rydona was okay but her answer was,"You'd already know the answer to that obnoxiously useless and groundless question if you had actually thought about it before, let me go."

Yokkan left her as she went to change her clothes then he frowned at Kofi, but then left.

Kofi looked at Rydona as she walked back in in a red gown then said,"I do not understand the purpose of one giving themselves physical pain and permanent effects on the framework of their body just for an attractive appearance."

"Yet humans still wear heels..."He said,"...let me help you."

She turned her back as he helped her with her zip then realized everything in the room began shaking violently, before going airborne.

He rolled his eyes and statically charged them so they stuck back to the floor then he said,"Let's get out of here."

"I actually thought you'd never ask."She said.

Yokkan heard all of this from his room somehow then threw his furniture all around, right before falling to his feet and slowly cutting through his own skin as a symbol of his emotional pain.