

"Welcome" The King's deep and husky voice echoed in the Throne hall. No one responded but he didn't seem to care "How do you find the royal Palace, Princess Silver?" The King asked and she hesitated before speaking

"I'm lost of word your Majesty" She said and he beamed with pride

"I will send some of my guards to-" He was saying and Jared cut in

"I will take her round myself" His voice sounded so loud in the throne hall. Everyone turned to him shocked about his audacity

"How dare you cut in when the King is speaking" One of the Prince flared up and Silver wondered if they were brothers at all

"Leave him Radley, his days are numbered" The King's voice was laced with disdain to the Prince

"Princess Silver. I am Radley, the Crown Prince" Silver could feel the pride and authority in him as he said that

"I am Zin"

"I am Limita" The last Prince said, each bowing and she did too

"We are leaving" The Prince announced and before anyone could object the Prince held Silver's hand and they all linked their hand and they disappeared. They appeared at a place even more dazzling and beautiful than the Palace. A garden

"How there you cut in while the King is speaking?" Xavier mimicked Radley and the men laughed

"I think we should show the princess and her maids their rooms. They will be tired" Greg said and Jared ordered Xavier to escort them. Silver wanted to protest but she didn't and just followed Xavier. Immediately they were alone, Flynn and Kay let out a sign of relief. They were so uncomfortable around the Vampires. Since they were exhausted they hurriedly helped Silver to bathe and change into a comfortable cloth before they went to sleep.

Silver knew she couldn't sleep so she went out and tried to find her way to the garden. On her way, she made a mental note to ask why the hall was so dry and lonely and why there was not one maid in sight. She finally found the men and the Prince at the garden laughing and playing. She stood where she was watching and admiring the happiness and friendship between them. She wondered why she wasn't that scared or nervous being in the midst of the Vampires as her maids are. It was surprising

"Your highness" The men said and bowed when they noticed her presence

"Won't you get some rest? You should be tired" Xavier asked and she shook her head

"I don't feel like sleeping" she said and sat down beside them "What about you guys? Won't you sleep?"

"The night is our day your highness"

"You came for the wedding during the day and didn't have time to sleep. You should sleep now" She said and they were speechless. Silence reigned in their midst as no one knew what to say. She knew they felt uncomfortable with her in their midst and was disappointed "Why is the hallway so dry? Are we the only ones in here" She asked trying to start a conversation

"No, your Highness" Seth answered "The Vampires are hiding"

"Why?" She asked confused

"This is the first time some of them are seeing human. So they peep instead of-" Xavier answered and she had mixed bitter emotions. She felt they should just come out and…

"Is everything alright My Princess?" Seth asked

"Yes, but I don't like the way they are hiding" She said and they face palmed themselves. They thought she would be happy with the way they hid from her

"Everyone come out" The Prince talked for the first time since she got there. The vampires began to come out from several places that she never expected them to hide in "She doesn't like it. So, stop it" He added and they all bowed as they responded

"I'm bored" She finally opened her mouth irritated with the way they all stared at her. They were shocked

"What do you want to do your Highness?"

"Sit and watch you make me laugh" She said speaking her mind in anger. If they were planning to suck her dry she preferred that than being bored "I never knew Vampires are so boring" She stood up and marched to her room in annoyance. When she got in and shut the door, she stopped and heaved in annoyance

She doesn't have anyone apart from her maids and now her husband. Both the husband and his people treat her like a stranger. Are you not a stranger? She laughed at herself and went to the window. She gasped at the beauty of the Palace at night; it was so beautiful and glorious. She suddenly had the urge to go out and see more but how? No one was talking to her

"Do you wish to see the city?" She heard a now-familiar voice in her room and she turned. She was so into the beauty of the city that she didn't know when he entered. She remembered she didn't even know his name

"Err, no. I just love the view from here"

"Okay" He simply said without taking his eyes off her. He was beautiful "Everyone asked me to apologize to you for annoying you. It is their first time with a human and they don't know what to do. They actually thought hiding will be best for you since humans and vampires and not in good terms" He said. Are Vamps that nice? Why then do they spread bad news about them in the Human world? Or are they trying to be nice for now?

"I understand them" She finally said "How did you get in, your Highness?" She asked because she remembered she didn't hear him enter. Forgetting he teleports

"I have the key with me and you didn't lock the door" He answered

"Okay, your-" She stopped. She didn't know why she couldn't bring herself to say his name

"Say it" He said and she looked up to meet his gaze. It was fixed on hers

"Let's forget about it"

"Say it Silver" She froze. No one had called her name so beautifully like that before

"Ja-" She Paused and looked up at his calm and urging eyes "Jared" She forced the word out of her throat. He smiled and she fell for the smile easily

"You see, it was easy and simple" He said and she remembered they were supposed to consummate that night. Was that the reason why he was here? She began to panic. He seemed to notice the terror in her

"Don't worry. I am not going to touch you without your permission" He said and she became red "You should be hungry. Let's go and eat" He said. She was surprised with the way he was talking to her despite the fact she snubbed him throughout the journey. Well, he did too; she thought when she remembered he didn't talk to her in the garden

"Are your food different from the humans own?" She asked almost in a whisper

"No, not all"

As they walked to the dining hall, Jared couldn't help but smile at his wife. Wife? He laughed inwardly. She was lonely; he sensed and had sent Zolan to get her data

"All this food for us?" She exclaimed when she faced various foods on the table. She was brought up to be very ladylike.

"Yes, Wife" He replied and she froze at the statement 'wife' but she quickly composed herself and sat down and he did too beside her. She stared at the food with so much interest and he smiled. It seemed like she wanted to taste everything on the table and he helped her with it. As she was picking from the right, he was helping her from the left. Finally, she stopped and laughed

"I can't believe I just embarrassed myself" She said and laughed again. Jared couldn't help but stare and admire her

"You had to eat okay? It was fun watching you" He said and looked away

"You haven't eaten anything" She said and took the spoon to feed him. She took the spoon to his mouth "Open up"

He was shocked at the sudden turn of events and opened his mouth as he pushed the food inside his mouth. She watched him chew and her smile wavered. He frowned.

"What is wrong?"

"I thought you would comment on the food. Is it not sweet?" She frowned though with expectant eyes

"It is" He said and she smiled once again and began to feed him. She didn't even give him the chance to feed himself. When they were done, they walked back to her room

"You should go and sleep now"

"If I sleep now, the food will turn my stomach and I will have indigestion. The food has to digest" She explained as an excuse to not go to sleep

"Okay" He said and she felt tempted to ask about his own room but `she didn't. As they were entering her room, Seth stopped at their front and bowed

"What is it?" Jared asked

"The Duke of the Western Empire is at the main meeting hall" He answered "With the Princess" He added

Jared seemed to think for a while, while Seth and Silver waited for his answer

"Tell the Duke to tell you whatever he wants to tell me. I'm busy. If not, he should come another day" He said and Seth widened his eyes in shock amd wanted to talk but the Prince seemed to have made up his mind so he only bowed and ran away. They were so fast. Silver thought and for a second wished she was one of them

"Why don't you want to see him?" Silver asked as they entered her room

"I am busy with you" He said and she blushed "Or should I leave you for him?"

"If it is important, you should go" She said happy about what he said

"It is not. Don't worry about it" He said. It was evident he didn't want to talk about it again so she kept shut "I hate to leave you now but I got other works to do. Try to get some rest wife" He said and she froze again at the expression. She wasn't used to it "Shouldn't I call you that?" He asked noticing her expression. She quickly smiled "It is alright. It only seemed alien to me"

"Then I will continue calling you that until you get used to it" He said and she nodded her head. The air in the room seemed awkward and she tried to think of something to clear the awkwardness

"Is always cold like this?" She asked. She noticed when the got into the Vampire land, the atmosphere became cold while the Human land was still in heat

"Most of the time" He replied "The sun appears once in a while"

"Wow. I really love cold" She said sincerely

"Then you will like this place" He said and she nodded her head and went to the window

"I also love the view from here. It's wonderful and the city is Soo beautiful" She said and Jared was happy. His wife wasn't uncomfortable and complaining. When he and his men watched her match away, they were shocked. They actually thought she was going to be satisfied seeing they left her and didn't talk to her. No Human ever got comfortable around Vampires, his wife seemed different and he liked it

"Will you like to view it in a more and better view?"Jared asked and she nodded

"It will be a great experience" She said "I will really love it"

"Okay" He said "Maybe you should sleep now. You will need the energy from the sleep" He said and she looked relunctant but she didn't complain. She had smartly dodged her way out of it the first time "Sleep well"

"I will" She said. He was going to be busy like her Dad always was. He stared at her long and hard

"Goodnight, Silver"


What do you think about this chapter? This is my first time uploading a story and I am actually nervous about how you will accept it.

Dam_Mie_5719creators' thoughts