
Sword Simulator: A sword's life

This novel has been stopped

Tyz0n · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Enchant Talisman


The door of the warehouse was opened again around two hours after Arthur left the place. Baron Emil appeared once again in the warehouse but he was alone today. He had finally made the decision to melt down the broken sword today.

Hopefully, he might be able to extract some good materials from it which will help in increasing the level of his high-grade sword. He was looking forward to it since he made the decision yesterday. After all, he had spent quite an effort in collecting that sword from the ancient ruin, it would be a pity to reforge it into a mid-grade weapon and sell it out.

Many materials from the past were in high demand these days due to their low availability in the market. If he could upgrade his sword it would boost his personal power a lot.

Baron Emil walked over to where the sword was hung but only found an empty wall. It was surprising as no one had moved that sword in so long after all it was an item that was personally brought over by the Baron. No one would think of melting it, even though it was such shoddy work without permission from the Baron.

And now just when he wanted to make use of it, it was missing? Baron Emil immediately summoned his staff to get to the bottom of it. Edvin was also among the ones who were summoned into the warehouse. Due to the angry tone of the Baron, everyone was on tenterhooks.

Edvin's face became pale when he saw the Baron standing next to the wall where that broken sword was hung earlier with an angry expression on his face. He knew he must have messed up once he saw this.

Baron paid no mind to the greetings from the staff and went straight to the point.

"I dug out an iron sword from the ruins and left it here in this place. It was here just yesterday, Who dared to move the sword?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, as everyone knew what sword he was talking about. In fact, the Baron was quite ashamed due to the effort he spend on getting that sword and also thinking it to be a legendary sword. So the Baron used to always ignore that sword and talking about that sword was a silent taboo in the smithy.

If not for that fact, Edvin would have also known that this sword was a sore spot for the Baron and wouldn't have dared to sell it to Arthur.

Edvin started trembling before the Baron, and with great difficulty, he got his words out.

"S-Sir, I-I sold it-t to a-a custo-omer who-o came here-re earlier"


Upon hearing this, Baron Emil's voice went out of control, he had been looking forward to using it to strengthen his sword and also get rid of that old embarrassment.

"Who did it you sell to? who gave you permission to sell things in the warehouse?"

Edvin felt his heart had fallen into an ice cave. His body trembled even more violently! Forget keeping the job, just the fact of stealing from the Baron was an inexplicable crime that could result in his death. He was still so young he didn't want to die so soon.

So he quickly sold out Arthur and told the entire matter that happened in the morning. He also described Arthur's disheveled attire along with his physical appearance. Then he pointed out in which direction Arthur left.

Baron Emil immediately asked his servants to search for Arthur in the town and surrounding areas, but he was bound to be disappointed as Arthur had an allergy to all populated areas and preferred staying in the wilds.

In the end, Baron Emil could only forget this matter, but he didn't forget to punish Edvin as he had sold his personal belonging at such a low price, which was not even half the price he paid to get that sword excavated from the ruin. Besides no matter how shoddy that sword was, melting it would help him strengthen his personal weapon.

On the other side, Arthur had no idea that he had escaped another disaster due to his quick exit. It was quite hot. There are a couple of cumulonimbus clouds lazily drifting across the sky and it is a fair day. As he traverse the forest, he saw the stump of an enormous tree.

He heard a twig snap behind him. He turned around and noticed a pack of wolves had him surrounded. Luckily it was just four wolves and none of them was transcendent.

Bheem had been taking it easy as there was nothing he could do after all vibrating was not enough to hold an active conversation. When he saw that Arthur was surrounded by the wolves he started to feel nervous about Arthur's current predicament.

Arthur was not a newly awakened person, his body had already gotten used to the energy in his body. Moreover, his frequent bouts with Marcus and his fight with the Silvercolt family had made him very experienced in fighting numbers. He had faced also faced more dangerous beasts than the wolves after his escape from Berry.

Arthur raised his sword and got ready to fight against the pack. Wolves encircled Arthur glaring at him with their dark red eyes. There were two wolves in the front and two behind him. He raised his guard and waited for the wolves to take the initiative to attack him. Even though he didn't place them in his eyes, he couldn't afford to get injured in the wilds.

The wolves didn't disappoint Arthur for long as he was just lone prey in their eyes. Even though he had the aura of a transcendent, a level one transcendent was not enough to scare the pack. One of the wolves from the front pounced upon him, and Arthur dodged to the side while taking advantage of the wolf's momentum to make a cut on its abdomen before he could breathe he felt another wolf charging from the back.

It should have made its move soon after the first wolf pounced on him to catch him off guard, but it clearly underestimated the power of level one transcendent. He twisted his body and swung the sword straight at the wolf's head with his full strength. The Sword cut through its head like butter without giving it any chance to even cry.

The other two wolves became more hesitant when they saw this scene. One dead and the other gravely injured in the abdomen cut short their fighting force by half. Arthur didn't give them any time as he swiftly approached the first wolf and beheaded it as well.

The other wovles had charged towards Arthur when they saw him approach the injured wolf but sadly it was too late. Now that there were only two wolves left Arthur turned into a hunter and quickly ended the battle before the wolves even had the chance to flee.

Bheem was in a strange mood. He was happy that the wolves were quickly dealt with, but be as it may each time he collided against a wolf's body he could feel his body getting worse. After all, he had only repaired about 10% of his body. Now with the fight against the wolves that percentage quickly fell again. He even felt he might have become worse.

A blue box appeared before his eyes

[Sword energy +20]

[Sword energy +20]

[Sword energy +20]

[Sword energy +20]

[+40points received]

Each wolf gave him +20 sword energy and 10 points each, this was enough to repair his body by around 8%, and was just 10 points short of simulating again. Bheem desperately wanted to simulate again so that he could earn enough energy points to fix himself.

Arthur sat down to rest, at the same time he knew it was not a good idea to stay here for so long surrounded by the dead bodies of the wolves as it might attract more dangerous predators. But his sword was clearly getting weaker due to the encounter and hence he couldn't delay the enchantment. He decided to forgo searching for a safe place and directly took out the Enchant talisman.

When Bheem saw this he decided to activate repair at the same time as the talisman to reduce the risk in the process. After all, according to the simulation he was able to successfully carry out the process in his condition, but additional support might result in better results.

Arthur pressed the talisman onto the sword and activated it using his energy. At the same time, he prayed in his heart for success.

This was the blood-drinking formation. If the enchantment was successful, the sword would be able to absorb blood from others and slowly grow. But blood energy was more brutal than sword energy, especially as it contains the feelings of the deceased person, which will slowly corrupt the nature of the sword. To escape this Bheem would have to constantly refine the blood energy and remove the impurities in it. If not he would gradually become a demonic sword.

Generally speaking, it would be difficult to successfully enchant a magic tool even on high-grade magic tools. But thanks to the repair ability, the enchantment was quickly completed without any issues.

At the same time, a box appeared before Bheem.

[Ding! Congratulations host. You have obtained a new skill. A-grade skill Blood absorption]

(Blood absorption: Allows host to completely absorb the blood of a fallen enemy and convert it into an alternate energy "blood energy". This energy can be used to strengthen the sword, and twenty percent of the absorbed energy will be transferred to the owner of the sword. If the blood energy isn't purified it can make the user more bloodthirsty.)

When Bheem gained the skill, Arthur suddenly felt the sword in his hand grow colder.

"I-It worked?"

Seeing the red runes that appeared on the surface of the sword Arthur's eyes widened. He didn't have much hope in the beginning and after the battle with the wolves, it was already very minuscule. But somehow he succeeded in enchanting the weapon.

He looked at the sword in his hand and felt relief and joy, but that didn't last for long when he remembered the power of his enemies. a low-grade magic tool won't be enough for him to face the head of the Silvercolt family, who was known to be a Baron(Only level two transcendent could become a Baron) and with how rich he was, there is a high chance for him to have a high-grade tool.

He dipped his sword into the bodies of the wolves and quickly drained them.

Bheem found boxes appearing in front of him again

[Blood energy +20]

[Blood energy +20]

[Blood energy +20]

[Blood energy +20]

Once he had finished he quickly left the area, he could already find traces of beasts approaching while he made his exit. He was careful not to attract attention to himself as it would only be more disadvantageous for him to stay in this area.

It's my first time writing an action scene even though it's short I feel like it's an achievement. Please do leave a note at the end of the chapter if you find any mistakes in the chapters. Thanks :)

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