
Sword Simulator: A sword's life

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Tyz0n · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Beast raid

Oswin returned to his carriage, and even though Baron Victor told him that the inherited technique is bad, he didn't feel that way. He could roughly make out the tiger outline in his energy field. It gave him a very strong feeling. Unlike what Baron Victor said to him, his nodes were already formed along with the energy field.

He became more certain that his energy field was special. He wasn't going to tell anyone about this as it would be his greatest secret. Years of living with his murderous stepfather had made Oswin a very cautious person. The only reason he told Harper about it was that he already had a guess that he had awakened but he just wasn't sure.

Awakened people are not rare in the cities, in fact, most of the guards, that are with this caravan, are awakened. Since he was special, maybe he won't have it hard to join the academy as the Baron said. He was grateful to the Baron, after all, he could have taken him into his service now, then later he won't be able to leave for the academy without the Baron's permission.

Soon Oswin had to work to set up the camp as they reached the rest stop near Pato town. It was much more prosperous than his village, but the Baron decided not to visit it as he was in a hurry to return back to Lumia city. This worked out well for Oswin as well, as Lumia is much farther from little wasp village.

He probably won't meet Bradley anytime soon, but of course, it won't be long before Oswin himself went to meet him. After all killing of one's father should be properly avenged, not to mention the torture he had suffered ever since his father died. Everyone thought he was unlucky and that's why he always suffered "accidents" even his mother had thought that.

But he would have been dead long ago if he was not careful enough, after all, Bradley never knew that he witnessed the murder, so he only pulled little tricks to get rid of him just because he found Oswin annoying to his eyes.

Soon the camp was set and Oswin had dinner with everyone else. There was no moon in the sky today and hence it was much darker than usual. But it didn't affect the people at the rest stop as they gradually went asleep.


A few miles away from them, the atmosphere was completely different. There were two Knights here. No, it would be more accurate to say two Grand knights were here. Above the level four energy field was Knights and once they crossed to the level seven energy field they would be Grand knight.

These two people were both at the peak of level nine. If they broke through then they would be among the strongest existences in the Holy Aslan Empire. A Level ten energy field was the requirement to become a Holy knight. That's also how the Holy Aslan empire came into being. The Emperor of Aslan was at this level.

There were only five known existences of this level in the Empire, other than the emperor, the headmasters of the top four academies were also at the same level. Either a Holy Knight or a Holy Mage.

They are able to get in touch with the laws of the world and can use them to empower their battle powers. But it is very hard to understand the law in the first place. But there are some natural treasures that make it easier.

One of them is a woman in her thirties. She has gray eyes, a dark complexion, and curly golden-blond hair in a short braid. She is of average height, and somewhat thin. She is wearing a suit of light armor in saffron and turquoise color. Even though she is missing an eye and she is still very beautiful and has left behind a trail of broken hearts. She has already drawn her saber and is looking at the other person with a glaring eye.

Standing on the other side, is a man with a very relaxed attitude, as he everything is in his control. He has dark brown eyes, an olive complexion, and wavy black hair neatly braided. He is very tall and fairly muscular, and his attire resembles a stylish ninja outfit in cool colors.

In between them, there is a broken tomb and in it, there is a shiny blue stone tablet with some gold verses. You can't make out what it says as it is written in an ancient language, but it can't be denied that it is something precious.

"What is the meaning of this, Boris" Helena was really pissed at her stalker, just when she was about to pick up that tablet she had been attacked by him.

She had found a clue in an ancient book and after around ten years of hard work, she found out that there was an amazing treasure here that would allow her to comprehend a portion of a law. It was not clear what that law was. But anything related to the law was very attractive to transcendents, especially those at the peak of level nine.

"hehe, if I am not wrong that tablet can improve one's chances of comprehending a law. Since I have come across it how can I just let it get away"

Boris was actually hired to kill Helena, by a rival faction but since she was going towards this backward place Boris got curious and followed. In fact, he had been following her for half a year already and that only made him even more curious. But now that he found this tablet, it seems to be well worth the wait.

"I never knew the black widow was operating in such a backward place, but regardless I found the tomb and opened it, so it's mine back off!" Helena was pissed, even though she found his appearance Boris' appearance here odd, she didn't think much of it as they belonged to different departments in the Holy Ekrim Empire. Holy Ekrim was much stronger than Holy Aslan and was located much farther south.

"Treasures of the world have no owners, if you want it you will have to take it by force, my lady" Boris was not going to let her take it, anyways he was paid to kill her, and he never cared who he killed as long as the price was right. And those guys had paid very well.

"It seems there is no need to talk then, I will make you regret it" Helena couldn't be bothered to talk to him, Black widows are very slippery but if they tried to fight her head-on, they definitely were not her match.

She circulated her technique and slashed her saber right away, a pale green energy blade went flying right at Boris. Boris was not slow either. Before the energy blade could reach him, he had stepped into the shadows and disappeared the next second behind Helena a dagger appeared and stabbed right at her heart.

It seems Boris had made the move even before Helena, sadly her light armor suddenly emitted a pale green energy shield which burst outward causing damage to the surroundings. Helena wanted to force Boris out of the shadows.

The battle was a sight to see with the sword cleaving through the night sky and the dagger dancing in the shadows. But their battle was very damaging to the surroundings and it was like a natural disaster. The sound waves and excess energy even spread out to the place where the merchant caravan was resting. They were immediately alerted to it.

Victor knew at once that it was a fight between two powerhouses and it was not something a level two like him could dip his fingers in. So he ordered everyone to pack up and leave first. But they were not the only ones that got affected.

In the nearby NewMoon woods, many creatures were also frightened by the battle and started to flee. NewMoon forest had a variety of transcendent beasts, but the majority of them were wolves. Wolf packs were more organized even while fleeing. And they brought out another disaster in surrounding areas.

Some of them even invaded Pato. Baron Emil was woken up in the middle of the night, due to this. Baron Emil clearly felt that the heavens were targeting him. He had suffered a series of misfortunes ever since that accursed noble from the Wyndall family came to his fief

He had lost an opportunity to upgrade his weapon, then the young noble of the Wyndall family had been injured in an accident. And now in the middle of the night, his fief was attacked by some wild animals. He quickly gathered his guards and left his home to clear up the beasts.

The commoners cannot be relied on to defend themselves, as most of the beasts in NewMoon were wolves and they would definitely have a few transcendent ones in each pack. Only his guards and he could fight them off, he dearly prayed there was no level two beast among them, Or he would definitely be don't for.

The Capell caravan which was a few miles away was also under attack, they had it worse because the carriage animals were panicking and they had now walls around them like the Pato town. Guards had to keep slaying the wolves that had headed into their group.

With Victor and Rowena's help, they were barely able to keep going forward.

"Harper, I will open up a path towards the east, we will be heading towards the NewMoon forest, lead the carriages towards the east, we should not delay" Victor ordered Harper

"Won't it be more dangerous, My dear" Rowena was worried about her husband's plan, she could see that her daughter was already on the verge of tears inside the carriage.

"Most of these beasts are weak and hence ran away, so the forest should be much safer than the rest right now. As they say, it's safer to be in the eye of the storm, as long as we don't venture deep into the forest we should be safe." Victor assured Rowena before charging towards the eastern side.

Oswin was fighting along the guards near one of the carriages in the back, it was a risky area for him as the front and back were where most of the beasts had attacked, Not to mention, with Lady Rowena being a fire mage there was a lot of fireballs flying in the middle, which effectively made it a much safer area.

Sadly Oswin was sleeping in a carriage towards the end and it had been badly damaged by a level-one wolf's charge. So he could only pick up a spare sword and join the guards in the back, They helped him as they could as they fought off the beasts. At that time they heard Harper's voice asking them to charge towards the east with other carriages.

Have some idea about my story? Comment on it and let me know.

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Thanks :)

Tyz0ncreators' thoughts