
Sword Of Moonlight

I never thought I can be a hero shielding countless life's. I fight for justice and peace which was very tiring. But heroism is an endurance for another moment more and I'll be the hero protecting my kind.

Ivoryaseems · Fantasy
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3 Chs


" We all know why we're here, and for those who don't which means you're not invited, we're here for the bestowal of crown to the 16th king of the Moonrise kingdom, king Agni Artemis Achilles Oregon Ares of Moonrise". The priest said shushing the temple with how loud the crowd speaks, everyone wanting to give their opinion.

" Why does the king have a lot of names", someone shouted from the crowd.

" Because you ain't royalty, there's no need to explain", the priest said glaring at the crowd for he don't know who would ask such a question.

" Why isn't the king here yet, he can't be late to his coronation", another said, 

The priest bangs his hands on the table seeming done with the crowd, he looks towards the oracles whom sit silently without uttering a word while trying to hide their smiles. The temple went quite with how loud he hit the table. 

Meanwhile the king to be ✨✨✨

" Oh come on Barbara, I can't wear that, the cap looks like the priest mouth", Agni said turning his mouth to imitate the priest.

" Stop being a child Ares, the cap is not that bad", 

" Sure it is, I'll look like the cook with that",

Barbara gasp holding her chest " are you trying to insult me young man, am the cook in this palace",

" Oh my sweet Bar, and you're the best cook I've ever known", he said giving her a side hug.

" Really my child", 

" Yes mi lady", Agni said bowing.

" What going on here", a sharp voice pierce through the room and they both fall silent.

Barbara quickly bow" greetings your highness", 

She huff passing beside her reaching where her son is looking at the mirror, Agni turned to his mum looking at Barbara apologically. 

" Mum, I seriously need a valet, all Barbara knows to do is cook, we should leave her to her post please", he said blinking His eyes multiple times acting cute.

His mum shakes her head at his childish behaviour, she stares at Barbara before going to his closet mouthing a "whatever".

Barbara walks towards the door and mouth a "thank you" to the prince before she left. She placed a hand on her chest releasing a breath she never knew she was holding when the queen walks in.

" You're old enough to dress by yourself, I see no reason why you let the old lady dress you", the queen said rummaging through his closet, Agni stay quiet without uttering a word, it hurts him when his mum talks about his nanny that way, she cared for him more than the way she does for him, she knows what he iikes and what he don't, she reads him like an open book while his mum was always busy with her queenly duty, he gets a bit of her attention before his dad passed away, and when the king died, everything changes for the bad not the better thou, she stops seeing until necessary, she don't know if he sleeps well or not, she mostly forgot she had a son.

" Where are the cloaks for Goodness sake", the queen said placing her hand to her forehead frustratedly.

" Only the old lady knows", 

"What her name again",

" Mum come on, she's been taking care of your son since he was five, am now 20 mum, at least show some kindness even if you ain't greatfull, yet you don't bother to know her name". Agni answered looking annoyingly at his mum.

His mum walks to the desk close to his master bed, she picks up the phone and press a button ignoring all his ranting.

" This is the kitchen, What do you need my prince", a voice answered from the other end of the phone.

" Send the nanny to the prince room now", she said placing the phone down before the other end answered.

" Mum please, stop talking to them that way", 

" You mean the palace maids, then you should be the one to stop talking to me that way, you're way too rude, what has that old lady been teaching you all this while", she asked rolling her eyes.

"Whatever mum, all I know is she's good and kind hearted",

he said seeming done with his her attitude.

A sudden knock at the door startle the prince, his mum shakes her head before answering " come in".

A guards open up bowing when he sights the queen "your highness",

" What's it Nyx", 

"Am sorry my queen, but the coronation have started, they're just waiting for the king to be at the temple.

"Just ten more minute, he'll be there in a jiffy",

 The guards bow and exit the room, another knock startle the prince again, his mum looks at him raising her eyebrows

" You get scared so easily, how can you be a great king like the rest of the king's if a mere sound affects you this much",

Another knock to the door make the prince answered, Barbara walks in bowing to the queen her eyes cast downward.

" He should be ready in ten, and blue cloak symbolises Royalty", the queen said walking to the door,

" And do something about that hair, the cap should fit perfectly", she said closing the door a little loudly.

" I almost had a stroke when she walks in, how do you cope with that Ares", she said going to his closet where his cloaks are hanged neatly in rows,

" I just muster up courage Bar, she affect me just as much", he said taking the comb form the mirror stand,

 " Does what she said means you have to wear a blue cloak, but there's alot of blues in here, there's royal blue, sea blue, ocean blue, turquoise blue, deep blue, blue black blue and...."

" Bar", Agni called inching closer to the closet, " I don't know all those blue you mentioned, just use...', he was cut shut by Barbara " and blue". 

Agni hit his forehead shaking his head, he knows exactly who his caretaker is, she won't keep shut till she's done.

" Let just use the blueee blueee, that what the queen said anyway", he said stressing the blue part

" And she gave you ten minutes remember", he said smiling cockily. 

Barbara gasped rushing back to the mirror with a blue cloak, she looks pale like someone who's deprived of air, Agni chuckled lowly covering his mouth not wanting her to hear.

" That bad of you Ares, it not fair, ten minutes won't be enough to dress a handsome man like you", she said smiling softly palming his face gently. Agni hugs her tightly blinking back tears, she's the only type of care he ever knew of, she cares for him like his real mum when his biological mother don't care, he wish he wasn't born into royalty, he'd have live a care free live and do what he wants and love.

" Come on, we don't have all day", she said tapping his back, he released her slowly hiding his face so she could not see his tears.

" I know you too well Achilles", a name she called him whenever his emotional, she said he looks exactly like his grandfather when he was young, he was always emotional, he once cried because a baby was crying so loud while her mum in the toilet, like who cry for that petty reason, well his grandfather of cause. 

He smiled softly sitting at the dressing mirror chair facing the mirror.

" Now shoo those tears, don't Smush your make-up, I've a hard time making the liner looks perfect", she said smiling softly.

" We can't leave the cap out right", he said handing her the comb,

" No we can't, and if we did, your mum's gon' kill me with heart attack". She said both of them bursting out laughing.