
Sword Of Moonlight

I never thought I can be a hero shielding countless life's. I fight for justice and peace which was very tiring. But heroism is an endurance for another moment more and I'll be the hero protecting my kind.

Ivoryaseems · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Coronation ||

" Do I have to go through all this Bar, when am officially king I'll make sure to amputates the cap and the cloak". He said to Barbara who was smiling softly before living the room.

He walks through a long corridor whicht was adorned with crystals between the marbled floor, the walls flushed in white paintings, Agni's footstep was the only sound echoing through the corrior, all the guards bow as he walks pass them. His long white hair hitting his back with every step he takes. He walks elegantly showing off his slim figure. His deep brown pupils shown brightly making everyone who stare into those eyes shivers, his pale white skin smooth under the royal white robe he wore which is adorned with crystals and an embroidery of the palace sigil at the top right of the robe. 

" Greetings your highness", A guard bow when Agni reached the end of the corridor. A white limousine was packed at the very front of the building with two Roll Royce for his escort, A guard standing beside the cars runs to open the door for him, Agni slips in swiftly and gently afraid his cap might fall off, if not for the queen, what the point of wearing all these. The driver step into the drivers seat and start the engine. 

Agni closed his eyes resting his head a little, he let out an inaudible sigh, he was so lost in the thought of what would change when he becomes the king, a lot will surely change, will the people adore him the way they adored the past king and grieved for him when he passed. What if he fail them and lose their trust and love. He even went to the extent of changing the Royal Sigil just to gain more of their trust and respect. 

The chattering in his surrounding brought him backto reality. He opened his eyes slowly taking in the sight of his surrounding. They're already at the palace temple, he was a bit surprised with how fast the drive was, though it just at the extreme end of the palace, did he perhaps zone off, he shrugged his shoulders while alightning from the car. 

The cheers scared him a little with how loud the crowd is, he placed a hand to his chest moving back slightly when a group of ladies ran to him unexpectedly. The guards stops them pushing everyone back. About five escort leads him into the temple, every where was quiet apart from the footsteps of his escort. 

" Greetings your Highness", the priest bow slowly when Agni reached the altar, everyone present in the temple follow suit except for the queen, she sits comfortably with her head held high, a proud smile plastered on her face. The king's and princes of other kingdoms having an alliance to their are also present. The high priest and other high figures in the kingdom sits at the right side of the altar. 

Murmuring can be head when Agni knelt in front of the altar facing the crowd his eyes closed. The highest priest raised his hand signalling silence. The temple was quite once more and the priest starts the enthronement ritual. 

The priest opened a large book and starts reciting some incantations, drawing some magical runes on a scroll. A bowl of melted crystal was sitted on top of the altar along with two pair of sigil seal. A long sword was also placed beside the bowl, it hilt was also made of hard crystal polished blue. 

Everyone one was quite and so focused at the ritual going on in the temple. A large screen was placed outside the temple for the kingdom commoners to witness the coronation. Those cheering for their new king outside the temple are mostly old and some young ladies who have the dream of becoming his queen, but they're inaudibly quite except for some small murmuring when the ritual started.

When the highest priest was done with his recitation, he place down the scroll close to the bowl. Agni place his hand on top of the altar, the priest takes the long sword and make a small cut on Agni's palm and placed his hand on top of the melted crystal, few drops of his blood dropped into the bowl. The white crystal substance inside the bowl turned deep red. Another priest brings a hot bowl with a shiny black melted substance. 

The black substance was poured into the bowl with the melted crystal, the deep red substance turned completely black which shown brightly.

The priest dipped the first sigil into the bowl, he untie Agni's robe which fell down his shoulders showing off his sculptured body, his shoulders were broad, Agni let out a smirk when the ladies started shouting, while some fainted by just looking at his godly defined body. He was left in his trouser which he wore under the robe. 

The Sigil seal that was dipped into the bowl was used to make a branding mark at the top of his left shoulder, to Agni's surprise, the pain he was awaiting for never comes, he thought it would hurt much due to the black substance being poured, but it was completely cooled. 

" Momma, what that symbol for the new king," a young boy ask his mom pointing towards the screen. 

" That the symbol of life Joey, our new king is entrusting us life,". The boy looked at his mother with a confused gaze, 

" What does that means momma." 

" The king choose a different sigil this time around, not the usual kingdom sigil," the boy nods his head in understanding.


" This new sigil has the four elements of life, which is water, air, fire and earth, these symbols are all single sign but then compressed into a single sigil symbol. Do you get the symbol now," she asks him when she's done explaining. Joey nods his head returning his attention to the large screen. 

The priest takes the long sword branding the same sigil at the scabbard, he did the same to the scroll encrypted with the magical runes he drew earlier. No one uttered a word inside the temple, but watched the ritual intently. 

The priest place the sword on Agni's shoulder, " To the life entrusting unto you by the kingdom, I hereby declare the 5th blood tied king of the Moonrise kingdom and the 16th king in the ruling history of the Moonrise kingdom. All hail to King Agni Artemis Achilles Oregon Ares."

Cheers can be head from every part of the kingdom, many people celebrating the new era of a new king which symbolises life, children dancing on the highways, women chattering and discussing about the new hope, men drinking while bumping bottles, joy can be seen on every citizen of Moonrise kingdom when the large screen went off signalling the end of the ritual.

Agni's robe was put back on, the high priests where first to congratulate the new king, everyone bowed paying their respect, Agni also bowed to the invited king's from other kingdom, while the princes and princesses of those kingdoms hugged him placing a gentle kiss on both sides of his cheek. 

When everyone left the temble after congratulating the king, the queen moves elegantly towards Agni, she hugged him gentle placing a soft kiss to his forehead, " Don't disappoint me my king," She said smiling. 

Agni watch her with wide eyes, is this really his mother, he had forgotten the last time he saw her smile let alone laugh.

" I won't my Queen," he answered her wrapping his hand around her, he felt like crying, he has forgotten the last time he hugged his mum this affectionately. 

" Noo son, call me Rhea, just Rhea,". But mom , " Now shush, we need to get you a queen, but am no more your queen." Agni's face was flushed pink hearing his mom talking so gentle with love, it like his experiencing motherly love for the first time, he has never felt this way unless around Barbara his nanny who had even saw him nude. 

" Ehen, ehen," the highest priest conducting the ritual cough lightly interrupting the two. 

" My Queen, everyone is gone now can we commence the second branding," the priest said looking at the guards at the door of the temple. 

The queen raised her hand to the guards, they bowed and stepped outside closing the door behind them but still stay guard outside the door.

Somewhere within the palace ✨✨✨

" Met anyone on your way," a young man asked while sitting comfortably in a luxurious couch.

" No my king, no one saw us sneaking in." The man let out a hearty laugh before looking at the four people in front of him, two were young around their mid thirties while the other two are more than forty whose bodies have started trembling. 

" So you went to the coronation of a new king who happens to be someone else not me," the man said taking a sip of his tequila without a care in the world. 

The four men immediately went to there knees, by then, sweat has accumulated at their foreheads, with trembling lips, the man in a pure white robe opened his mouth to speak. 

" You don't have to high priest, you were the one who brought the tattooed coal, even went to the extend of adding silver dust, is the symbol shiny enough or do you need more." 

" I'm sorry my king, it'll look suspicious if I didn't do as expected, but you don't have to worry my king, the new highest priest don't know much about the ritual, he did just one branding, which means Ares isn't completely king." The priest said expecting a bit calmer reaction form the young man. 

" Interesting." The young man bust out laughing gulping down the whole liquid. The four men breath out a shaky breath, is this a good sign or should they expect more crazy stuff from the psychopath.