
Chapter 1

Five kingdoms ruled and there was only one realm. For three hundred years, these kingdoms flourished in their own ways, had sons and daughters in their increase and made out names for themselves. Albion, the biggest of the kingdoms and largest in the realm were known for their profound influence of being Dragonlords, a kingdom renowned for its majestic landscape and mysterious wonders.only a true prince of Albion was considered to possess dragon blood and was only the one who could ride Ghidorah, the Great Dragon who has lived for centuries and has witnessed all the secrets of the past. For centuries, the people of Albion had been living in harmony with the dragons, forming an unbreakable bond that granted them protection and wisdom. The dragons, powerful beings, was made to protect the kingdom and its inhabitants from any threat that dared to approach the kingdom's borders.

In the heart of Albion stood the magnificent Dragon Citadel, a grand palace that housed the ruling monarch and served as the hub for all dragon-related matters. It was here that the reigning monarch, Lord Gawain I, a troubled and wise ruler, awaited the arrival of the fabled prince who would be his son. The prophecy spoke of a young individual born under the constellation of the Dragon, with a heart filled with courage, compassion, and an unwavering determination to safeguard the balance between the humans and dragons.

As fate would have it, a young orphan named Alara who happened to be a seer of no origin was discovered in a small village on the outskirts of Albion by the king's knights, feared to be a spy from neighboring kingdoms, dragged to the throne of the king where in turn she was to await judgment. The girl Alara, with sparkling green eyes and a mane of fiery red hair saw a glimpse of the future and mentioned that what the king was in search of wasn't going to come to him, she spoke that she saw a female genitalia who bore the mark of the dragon constellation on her wrist to be guided by a wise mage. After hearing such vile and profane truth, the king became angry and ordered Alara be sent to the dungeons deep under the citadel, although a young girl, was a very powerful mage from the kingdom of Tri-goh, the land of mages. 

The journey to earn the trust of the dragons was not an easy one. Alas, the day of delivery of the queen came and the kingdom stood in wait for the cry of a new born baby boy but as the mage girl had stated, it was confirmed that the heir to the Albion throne and dragon lord was born of a female genitalia. The king stood furious staring at the baby girl as she was crying and he ordered that the news do not get out of the palace and this would change the course of history as in the past, many great princes of prophecy known to have possessed dragon blood rode the back of the great dragon. Alara, who in the dungeon under the citadel perceived the new dragon lord and spoke out loudly covered under ash and sand saying"it is time". The guards were furious as to what Alara was doing, drawing circles and signs around the dungeon trying to peek into the prophecy of old that there would be the rising and the return of the undead and their king who was born of ice and magic would lay claim to the sword of ice forged by the first ruler of the realm, king Leonidas I who had the dragons under control and the pledges of the remaining kingdom under him. The sword of ice was very powerful and could lay waste to the whole realm in a single swing, considering this, king Leonidas had Ghidorah, the oldest of the dragons forge a scabbard of fire to keep its power under control. Seeing that dragons were beings of magic, it only made sense that fire formed from a dragon's breath could rival the strength of the cold sword. 1000 years passed since the reign of King Leonidas I and the realm united under one king became divided as each kingdom wanted the sword to themselves. The undead were known to settled at the nether far from the borders of the realm. The sword has seen the rise and fall of kings, houses, and even kingdoms but none could lay hands on the sword nor manipulate its power. 300 years later, a prophecy was made that there would be a person of true dragon blood who could wield the scabbard and then unsheathed the blade of ice, but it wasn't told of what kingdom the individual would come from, seeing that Albion is the kingdom of dragons, it was only trite that the heir comes from there but such heir must be of male born. As Alara spoke these words, the guards made mockery of her and threw a barrel of water at her saying she must be drunken and they left her to her misery. After a year, news got round the realm that there was a girl of highborn in the kingdom of Albion said to be the heir of the kingdom, shocked at the drastic change of heir, the kingdom lamented that they would have to appease the gods of their land as it should have been a boy to be born not a girl. Fear gripped the kings heart and lord Gawain ordered the death of the princess. Her mother, queen Vivian loved her daughter so much and begged that her life be spared, telling the king to overlook the prophecy and this was his only female child. He refused and ordered the child be put to death on the morrow. The queen feared for her daughter's life and retired to her chambers at night to plan the escape of her child. Then did she remember Alara, the mage who had spoken of the appearance of the kingdom's heir and she ordered her release and begged her to help take the child far away from the eye of the the king who had wished death upon her. Alara agreed and received the queen's blessing. That very night, she departed to her homeland, the kingdom of Tri-goh which housed mages over the centuries. 

Tri-goh was a kingdom of great magic but was only second to the kingdom of Albion as the kingdom couldn't use the power of the dragons. Albion was a kingdom of knights and Tri-goh was a kingdom of mages. This enchanting land was renowned far and wide as the home of powerful mages, whose mastery over the arcane arts was unparalleled. Tri-Goh was a realm of beauty and wonder, with lush forests, majestic mountains, and serene lakes that seemed to hold secrets of their own.

The kingdom was governed by a wise and just ruler known as the Archmage. The Archmage was not just a political leader but also the most powerful mage in all of Tri-Goh. Their knowledge of ancient spells and ability to harness the energies of the cosmos earned them both respect and fear from their subjects.

The inhabitants of Tri-Goh were a diverse mix of mages from various backgrounds and magical traditions. Some were elementalists, able to command the forces of fire, water, earth, and air with astonishing precision. Others were illusionists, capable of weaving dreams and creating illusions that could deceive even the sharpest minds. There were also necromancers, healers, enchanters, and telekinetics, each practicing their art with dedication and passion.

Within the kingdom, a prestigious academy named the Celestial Citadel stood tall. It was the center of magical education, where young aspiring mages from all corners of Tri-Goh sought to hone their skills under the tutelage of seasoned masters. Students underwent rigorous training, delving into ancient tomes, and participating in awe-inspiring magical duels to prove their worth.

Tri-Goh was not without its challenges. The power of magic was both a blessing and a curse, as the misuse of such potent energies could lead to devastating consequences. The Archmage and the council of elder mages were responsible for maintaining a delicate balance between the pursuit of magical knowledge and the preservation of harmony in the kingdom.

Amidst the wonder and intrigue, a dark force lurked on the outskirts of Tri-Goh – the Shadow Coven. This nefarious group of renegade mages sought to exploit the kingdom's magical prowess for their sinister ambitions as they were said to be banner men of the undead. The Shadow Coven's malevolent plots and clashes with the Archmage and their loyal mages brought about a series of epic conflicts that threatened to engulf Tri-Goh in darkness.

Despite the challenges, the kingdom's resilience and unity prevailed. Tri-Goh's mages stood together, embracing their individual strengths and unique magical abilities, to protect their beloved homeland. As they faced trials and tribulations, friendships were forged, and bonds strengthened, creating an unbreakable spirit that bound the people of Tri-Goh.

In the ever-changing landscape of this enchanting realm, where the possibilities of magic were limitless, the tale of Tri-Goh continued to unfold. It remained a land of powerful mages, where the extraordinary and the ordinary coexisted in a dance of wonder and amazement. And so, the legend of Tri-Goh lived on, etched in the hearts of those who dared to dream beyond the confines of reality. 

Alara, who was born of a Tri-goh father and an Albion mother, during her childhood faced numerous trials demonstrating her courage, compassion, and understanding of the delicate bond between the humans and dragons. As she was born of two bloods, slowly but steadily over the years, she began to unravel the secrets of the dragons' language and connections with their hearts. She had vowed to look after the princess who was only a day old, as she didn't want to offset the prophecy seeing that the princess was to unite the five kingdoms into one peaceful realm again. She looked after the princess as if she was her own younger sister and named her Lysanna Drakeheart. 

Alara embraced her newfound responsibility with love and dedication. Despite the challenges of raising a baby, she was determined to give Lysanna the best possible upbringing. Alara's bond with Lysanna deepened with each passing day, and she promised to protect and guide her through the journey of fulfilling the prophecy.

Seven years passed and as Lysanna grew, so did her connection to the dragons. Every night, Alara would tell her the stories of old and how dragons came to be. She would spend hours gazing up at the skies in hopes that she would one day see a real dragon, for where they were was far beyond reach of the dragons as it was trite law that each kingdom was never to set foot into each other's land. The law was also applicable to the aerial space and it was forbidden for dragons to soar the skies of the kingdom of Tri-goh, now tri-goh is a very huge land covering up to the whole of the east and they were also called the people of the east. Lysanna, a promising seven year old girl with her eyes shining with wonder even as to questioning the existence of such mythical creatures . Even as a young child, she wasn't aware that she possessed an innate ability to communicate with them through a telepathic bond, a gift she inherited from her dragon blood.

Alara ensured that Lysanna received the finest education in the magical arts, both to develop her innate talents and to equip her to fulfill the prophecy. Under Alara's guidance, Lysanna learned about the history of Tri-goh , the significance of her dragon lineage, and the responsibilities that lay ahead. Although excited, Lysanna couldn't understand the weight of these informations as she was only a child as she interpreted them to be nothing more than a folklore.

Their days were filled with laughter, training, and exploring the enchanting landscapes of Tri-goh. Together, they visited the Celestial Citadel, where Lysanna marveled at the ancient tomes and sought knowledge from the wise mages who recognized her potential. Zed, one of the elders in the citadel took a liking to her as he was an old friend of Snow II, grandfather of Gawain I, who had helped him escape the undead many years back even with the division of the realm. He was a trusted man that Alara knew too from her mother, as he got to know of Lysanna through Alara, he urged her to keep it a secret and never to tell a soul of this. Now the celestial citadel was imbued with men of selfish desires who plotted to take over the realm and wield the sword of ice to themselves, Zed the honest, a member of the 13 elder mages refuted but his idea was soon swept aside by the council. He had sought the counsel of the Archmage but it looked like he too was power driven living Zed to be the only honest person in their midst. Zed resided in the capital Eldoria, where his family was and asked Alara to bring Lysanna to stay there with him for her protection, Alara, at first refused but considering that she herself still had much to learn and was to embark on a dangerous journey to the North, her only choice of protection of her sister was to be with Zed. She had told Zed of the vow she swore the the queen and Zed replied with the statement "I also swore of my faithfulness to the house of my good friend Snow, who had saved my life from the grasp of the undead during the war of Cedric the Valiant of the kingdom of Gometh, in search for the cold sword". 

The kingdom of Gometh was known to be a powerful kingdom of beings of wonders, they were often called shapeshifters as they could take the form and ability of any creature living and of old except the magnificent outline of a dragon. Only those born of noble blood were granted this gift as the remaining part of the kingdom were swarming with regular commoners. The kingdom of Gometh is a land of diverse creatures, each capable of changing forms at will. This ability grants them great versatility and adaptability, making them formidable allies and challenging adversaries. Shapeshifters can navigate through different environments with ease, assume the strengths of various creatures, and gather information discreetly, making them valuable assets in times of peace and war.

The society within the kingdom is built upon the principles of empathy, understanding, and respect for all living beings. Shapeshifters value harmony with nature and have a deep connection to the animal world which was more like the modern garden of Eden. They view animals as equals and treat them with kindness, considering them as their brothers and sisters in the intricate web of life.

At the heart of the kingdom lies the Table. wise and noble shapeshifters who have honed their abilities through centuries of experience. They serve as the guiding force, ensuring that their people use their powers responsibly and ethically. Shapeshifters are taught from a young age to control their transformations, avoiding any misuse of their abilities.

In this magical kingdom, shapeshifters are known for their storytelling traditions. Tales of great adventures, heroic quests, and the deep bond between shapeshifters and animals are shared around campfires, creating a sense of unity and pride among the people.

Despite their remarkable abilities, shapeshifters face unique challenges. Some struggle with mastering their transformations, while others wrestle with questions of identity and self-discovery. The kingdom's society fosters an atmosphere of mutual support, where individuals help each other embrace their true selves and find their purpose. 

Lysanna was in the fields playing with dragons action figures as a groups of knights bearing the sigil of the land of tri-goh passed by, they had just come back from the gates watch and to give report of the situation around the gates to the archmage, only for one of them who was drunk sighted and approached her asking who she was and who her house was. Lysanna, young and afraid tried to run but was caught, after she failed to give an answer, he proceeded to undress himself in view to sleep with her. She screamed so loudly as she wrestled with the pedophilic drunken knight, her hands firmly gripping his wrist and with tears in her eyes she spoke a word "ignis" this was not of her will but her subconscious, immediately the knight went up in flames, this called the attention of the other knights who drew their swords towards her ready to strike, calling her an outcast not because she could wield flames but not just any flames but flames of old and also the tattoo of the dragon constellation on her wrist. Lysanna was about to be struck down as Zed rushed out to halt the knights . Alara who was banished from the kingdom due to her circumstancial birth, couldn't come out of Zed's house but she had every bit of concern in her and if she was to be caught, she would be sentenced to death by the 13 elder mages. Zed stared at the fallen knight who had been burnt to crisp on the floor and ordered Lysanna be released at once. Unsatisfied, the knights left and headed for the citadel to give their report. 

Zed fearful that news of this would reach the archmage bothered him as he watched them leave heading towards the citadel's gate.