
Chapter 15

The news of King Edmund's untimely demise spread like wildfire across the five kingdoms of the realm, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the land. In the heart of the kingdom of Ashwind, Lysanna stood by the window, her gaze lost in the horizon as mournful winds swept through her raven-black hair. She couldn't decipher the meaning of what she just felt not knowing her half-brother, the king, was gone.

Beside her stood Alara, her adoptive elder sister, a beacon of strength in these troubled times. Alara's eyes held a mix of sadness and determination, reflecting the bond that had grown between them since their childhood days.

"What is this feeling of uneasiness," Lysanna murmured, her voice wavering with emotion. "It is as if something tragic happened somewhere, Alara."

"You don't have to worry about anything, Lys," Alara reassured, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "What we need is to survive."

Ikky, their loyal friend and confidant, entered the room, his furrowed brow a testament to his concern. "Lys, Alara, news has come. A messenger brings tidings from beyond the kingdom borders."

The three gathered around the messenger, a seer, who revealed that Lysanna bore the dragon mark—a symbol of ancient power. This seer also spoke about her half brother who she never knew and lying that the mark held secrets that were deeply intertwined with King Edmund's fate.

Unbeknownst to Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky, Lord Alista, head of the shadow coven, who disguised as the seer watched from the shadows. A sinister smile tugged at his lips as he learned of the dragon mark's appearance. To him, it was the key to unlocking unparalleled power. With a calculated plan, he set his sights on an unholy mission.

Lord Alista traveled to the heart of darkness, where he met Zephyr, the king of the undead, whom he is a bannerman to. Alistar's voice dripped with honeyed words as he spoke of the dragon mark and the untapped potential it represented.

"Bring me the bearer of this mark," Zephyr hissed, he knew of the importance of the dragon mark. "that piece would hasten my claim on the sword of ice", his eyes gleaming with an otherworldly light. "And you shall be granted dominion over the living and the dead."

Just then did Geoffrey re appear to the trio, sad and repentant and because he had somehow brought himself to love Lysanna, he warned them of who Lord Alista really is and begged them to get away as far as they could, "you're not safe here, trust me", this is blurted out with firm resolve. Alara didn't want to believe him. She tried attacking him due to the incident last time, "stop" Ikky yelled. "He is telling the truth", turns out shapeshifters could sniff lies as well. He urged that they leave while they still had the chance.

As the alliance formed in the shadows, Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky set off on a journey through the kingdom of Ashwind. Unbeknownst to them, they were being hunted by the very man who should have been their ally.

The trio's journey so far had led them through forgotten forests, ancient ruins, and whispered legends. Along the way, they encountered cryptic characters who spoke in riddles and revealed fragments of the realm's hidden history.

As they delved deeper, they began to piece together the puzzle of King Edmund's death. A conspiracy was unfolding—a conspiracy that connected the dragon mark, the kingdom's turmoil, and a prophecy that had been long forgotten.

Lord Alista's treacherous intentions began to surface. His plans to capture Lysanna and harness the dragon mark's power for undead king grew more evident with each passing day.

Upon learning of his true nature, Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky found themselves facing an enemy who wore the mask of a friend. Their confrontation with Lord Alista would seem to escalated into a battle that would determine the realm's fate.

The night was draped in a thick cloak of darkness as Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky fled the treacherous grasp of the Kingdom of Ashwind, without any information as to their exit leaving Elinor, Zed's wife behind. Their hearts raced, pounding like war drums against their chests, echoing the urgency of their escape. The chilling howls of distant wolves seemed to harmonize with the rhythm of their steps as they ventured deeper into the dense forest that bordered the kingdom.

Lord Alista's betrayal had unveiled a sinister truth that shook Lysanna to her core. Her dragon mark, once a symbol of her lineage and power, now marked her as a target of the Undead King's desire. The realization that she carried a secret that could tip the balance of their world into chaos was both daunting and empowering.

As they traveled further into the night, the bond between the trio strengthened. Alara's steadfast determination was a balm to Lysanna's frazzled nerves, while Ikky's sharp instincts served as a constant reminder that danger lurked around every corner. Their alliance was forged in adversity, and each step forward solidified their resolve to bring down Lord Alista and escape the grasp of the Undead King.

Days turned into weeks as they navigated through uncharted territories, always vigilant, never letting their guard down. But even in their escape, the ghostly presence of Lord Alista lingered like a persistent shadow. He was a cunning adversary, relentless in his pursuit, and Alara knew that their confrontation was inevitable.

Meanwhile, within the Kingdom of Albion, a void had been left in the wake of King Edmund the brutal demise. The land seemed to hold its breath as uncertainty hung heavy in the air. Queen Regent Talisa, Edmund's mother, took the reins of the kingdom, a mix of grief and determination etched onto her features. Her ascension to the throne marked a new era, one where the iron fist of her late son would give way to a more tempered rule.

Ser Ector, the steadfast commander of the royal army, found himself in an unexpected role as Queen Regent Talisa personal guard. His loyalty to the crown had always been unwavering, and now his duty to protect the queen extended beyond the battlefield. The weight of his new responsibilities was a burden he bore with honor, though it often pulled him in conflicting directions.

Back in the woods, Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky's journey led them to a clearing bathed in the glow of the moon. It was there that they would finally confront Lord Alista, his chilling laughter echoing through the night as he stepped from the shadows. The air crackled with tension as their fates intertwined once more, destiny drawing them into a climactic showdown that would determine the course of their world.

With each swing of a sword, every whispered incantation, the battle raged on, a dance of steel and magic that painted the night with sparks of fury. Lysanna's dragon mark pulsed with an otherworldly energy, its power surging through her veins as she fought to protect all that she held dear. Alara's finesse with the bow and Ikky's agile maneuvers added to their formidable force, a trio united by their shared purpose.

As dawn broke on the horizon, the clash of steel finally subsided. Lord Alista lay half defeated, his once-arrogant gaze now filled with shock and disbelief. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if awaiting the verdict of their battle. With a gasping breath, Lord Alista's treacherous chapter came to a short halt, as he vanished into the shadows retreating, and the weight of his secrets vanished into the ether.

In the aftermath of their partial victory, Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky emerged from the woods as heroes, their triumph whispered through the winds and carried on the lips of storytellers. Their journey had been one of sacrifice, bravery, and resilience, and they had emerged as symbols of hope in a world tainted by darkness.

And so, within the Kingdom of Albion, as the sun cast its warm embrace upon the land, Queen Regent Talisa's rule began to heal the wounds inflicted by her son's ruthless reign. Ser Ector, now not only a guardian of the realm but also a confidant to the queen, stood as a testament to the power of loyalty and duty.

The threads of destiny are often woven in unexpected ways, connecting lives and stories in a tapestry that spans time and space. And as Lysanna, Alara, and Ikky gazed upon the horizon, their hearts brimming with the promise of new adventures, they knew that their journey was far from over—a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the enduring power of friendship.

As Lord Alista's retreating form disappeared into the shadows, a heavy silence settled over the trio. Ikky's suggestion hung in the air, offering a glimmer of respite amidst the chaos. With weary but determined hearts, they followed Ikky's lead and ventured to the secluded refuge he had proposed, a place hidden away from prying eyes and the dark forces that had pursued them.

Their newfound sanctuary was nestled within the heart of a dense forest, its towering trees offering a protective canopy against the world beyond. The echoes of the trio's footsteps were swallowed by the lush undergrowth as they settled into their new haven. Here, amidst nature's embrace, they could mend their wounds and gather their strength, all while planning the next steps of their journey.