
Chapter 14

Queen Talisa's envoy arrived in Tri Goh, a figure of poise and grace in a kingdom teetering on the edge. She navigated the stormy waters of grief and power struggles, aiming to restore order to the realm. 

Just at that time, soldiers and mages of Tri-goh faced the dragon's fury - Vhamor's uncontrolled rage that threatened to consume all in its path. Through determination and unity, they managed to subdue the once-majestic creature, taming its fire and quelling its fury.

Tri Goh, scarred and battered, began the arduous journey of healing and rebuilding. The archmage turned down her request for peace and insisted on equal pay. "Your son forgot the rules of the realm separating the five kingdoms and he broke it causing despair to my walls, his life wasn't taken by my men but I shall have Albion's blood", this he lettered down and sent it to the envoy from the queen.

As the sun set on the kingdom, a sense of renewal hung in the air. Aldric and Mordred, companions bound by loyalty and shared trials, discovered the power of redemption through their unwavering bond. Their shared journey through darkness led them to a path of light, and their actions echoed through the kingdom's history, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit.

And so, in the face of tragedy and chaos, the people of Tri Goh learned that even in the darkest of times, hope could be rekindled, and from the ashes, a new dawn would rise.

As the sun set over the kingdom of Tri Goh, the well respected Archmage, a figure of wisdom and power, stood consumed by fury and rage. The attack by king Edmund and the chaos that followed had ignited a fire within him, one that burned with a desire for vengeance. With a heart heavy with anger, he swore an oath to bring down not only those who had wronged his kingdom but also the entire kingdom of Albion.

Gathering his most powerful mages, the Archmage embarked on a perilous journey. Their steps echoed with determination as they advanced towards the borders of Albion. Each mage's power crackled in the air, a testament to their mastery over the arcane arts. In their wake, a cloud of darkness seemed to gather, foretelling the ominous storm that threatened to engulf both realms.

Meanwhile, within the kingdom of Albion, news of the Archmage's fury spread like wildfire. Ser Ector, a loyal knight who had been sent by the late King Edmund to find Aldric, returned with a heavy heart. As the news of the impending threat reached his ears, he knew that the kingdom's survival depended on their ability to unite and stand strong.

Summoning the finest knights under his command, Ser Ector led them to the city walls. The knights donned their armor, their banners fluttering in the wind as a symbol of Albion's unyielding determination. With the kingdom's fate hanging in the balance, their duty was clear - to protect the realm and its people from the impending storm.

As the Archmage and his mages drew closer to Albion's borders, tension filled the air. The city walls stood as a last line of defense, a barrier that would determine the fate of countless lives. The clash between powerful magic and unwavering determination of knights and dragons was imminent, and the outcome would reshape the destiny of both Tri Goh and Albion.

Upon reaching the city, the Archmage paused, his eyes fixed on the formidable walls that stretched before him. He knew that within those walls, a force of knights stood ready to defend their realm. The moment of reckoning had arrived, and the echoes of war drums filled the air as the two forces prepared to collide.

Ser Ector's knights stood resolute atop the walls, their swords gleaming in the sunlight, dragons hovering the skies. Their faces were a mix of determination and fear, the weight of their duty heavy on their shoulders. They knew that the fate of their homeland rested on their shoulders, and they would not falter in the face of the approaching storm.

As the mages of Tri Goh unleashed their magic upon the city walls, a clash of power and valor ensued. Lightning crackled, fire roared, and the air shimmered with arcane energy. Knights fought valiantly, their swords flashing in the midst of battle, while the mages of Tri Goh conjured spells that sought to breach the defenses.

In the midst of the chaos, Ser Ector's leadership shone brightly. His voice rose above the fray, rallying his knights to stand firm and protect their kingdom. As the battle raged on, it became a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, the unwavering determination to defend what was held dear.

The clash between magic and might continued until the Archmage, his strength waning, made a crucial decision. Recognizing the futility of their assault, he ordered a retreat. The mages of Tri Goh withdrew, leaving behind a battlefield strewn with the remnants of their failed conquest.

The city walls stood strong, bearing the scars of battle but holding steadfast against the storm. The kingdom of Albion had weathered the Archmage's wrath, emerging as a symbol of unity and courage. Ser Ector's leadership had proven pivotal, and the knights who stood by his side were hailed as heroes.

As the dust settled and the echoes of battle faded, a newfound sense of unity enveloped Albion. The kingdom had faced its darkest hour and emerged stronger, its people forged in the crucible of adversity. The Archmage's fury had been met with valor, and the bonds that held Albion together had proven unbreakable.

The archmage then vowed never to relent until he has had his fill of Albion's blood. He promised to return and cause the kingdom desolate. Just before he left, he looked straight dead into the queen's eye and gave a wicked smile. "Fall back men and mages, the soil will bring us back stronger" .

And so, amidst the ruins of the clash, the kingdom of Albion stood tall, ready to rebuild and heal. The Archmage's initial oath for vengeance had been thwarted, and a new chapter of defiance and triumph was etched into the annals of history.